Top juan Quotes Collection

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Image of Juan Mata
Everything I do is about improvement.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
Maybe the yoga I do helps me to play as much as I do. It certainly gets you in the right frame of mind, stretches and relaxes you.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
But I just try to do my best. I don't know if my game can influence the game of the team and how we play, but I just try to help with my football, for my team-mates and the club.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
You can stick with one manager and have no wins, no trophies, or you can have so many different managers and win a lot. It comes down to the players, to the desire, and the way the club likes to behave.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
I'm trying to know every part of London, to improve my English and enjoy the football. On my days off, I go to different parts of the city.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
If you want to be anonymous, you can go to Soho or Camden, and it's not a problem. There are a lot of Spanish people. If you go to Piccadilly or Oxford Circus, you hear lots of Spanish voices, but I'm not recognised much.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
For me, it would be the perfect summer to play in the Euros and then the Olympics. My desire is to play in both.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
As a child, we would all go to a tiny village near Burgos, and we'd have typical Spanish parties in the summer. There would be a band and grandparents dancing all night dressed up as American Indians and things like that.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
I see children now, and many things surprise me: they ask me about my boots and why I don't dye my hair. I wonder, 'Why don't you talk to me about how to cross the ball, control it, the position of the body when I strike the ball?'
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
Football is losing its essence: people talk about celebrations instead of goals.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
I am not so old, but when I started out, we had none of this. We did not have the need to show the things we do and the good life we lead. That is dangerous. Social networks can be very positive because it's a great vehicle to communicate, but perhaps things need to be done in a different way.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
A coach depends on whether I take a corner well or finish a chance in front of goal, and really, what influence does he have over this when it happens?
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
I like creative players and players who do different things.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
I've scored as many goals for Manchester United in the Premier League as for Chelsea, but in something like 30 games less.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
Van Gaal is how you see him in the press conferences; he's like that with us, too. He's honest and straightforward. He believes in his style of training and way of preparing for games.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
I'm a professional. I have to do my best.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
It will be nice to play against Australia. It's a great country, and football is getting bigger and bigger.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
I'm a person who doesn't think bad about other people or feel happy when other people don't get results.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
I don't like to think about others losing or not performing well. No, no - I'm not that kind of person.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
I always said I was very grateful for Chelsea. I spent an amazing time of my career there, we won a lot of trophies, and I think I became a better player. I have great friends in the club, and I always wish the best for them.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
Obviously, Spain is my home, and I have everything here - family, friends - but I'm very happy in England, with the way of life we have and with English football.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
I never lose faith. I believe in myself. I know what I can do.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
As I always say, one of the best things of football is that the game is testing you all the time.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
A win doesn't last too long, and it happens the same way with a defeat. You have the chance to make it up soon afterwards.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
For a kid that just played for Oviedo, to then going to play for a team like Real Madrid, it felt fantastic. But being taken out of my family home and moving away alone, into the residence Madrid have for young players, it was a bit difficult. But as time passed, I got used to it.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
I had the luck of being in Madrid. They sign some of the best players in the world, and that really leaves fewer opportunities for young players.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
I admire Arsenal and the philosophy that the young players have. Liverpool, with their Spanish players, they also have an incredible squad. And Manchester United and Chelsea are teams that are very big, like Real Madrid and Barcelona, with money and incredible players.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
Obviously, replacing Sir Alex Ferguson was never going to be easy - not for him or for anyone. Although I was with him for only a few months, I'll always be grateful, as he played a key role in my move to United. He was the one who called me, who welcomed me, and the one who gave me the confidence to come here.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
That's what I work for every day: training and playing to the maximum, trying to do the best I can.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
Who is shorter, me or David Silva? I don't know. Probably him.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
I am thrilled to be joining United. I have enjoyed some very happy years at Chelsea, but the time has come for a new challenge.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
Chelsea is a top club, and I have many friends there, but you cannot turn down the chance to join Manchester United.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
When you are in a club like Manchester United, you have a lot of pressure around you.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
I feel privileged to play for Manchester United. It is something, when I'm old, I will always be proud of.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
I cannot control what people think. But I can control myself and my aim, and my head is focused on trying to win trophies.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
I consider myself as this kind of attacking midfielder, trying to find the gaps between the opposition midfielders and defenders and produce what the team needs between the lines.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
The most important and the better feeling in football, for me, is scoring a goal.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
Obviously, when you've made a great assist... is a great feeling, but obviously, the best feeling is to score yourself.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan
Image of Juan Mata
If you face the goalkeeper, you have to wait for him to go and then put the ball in the other side. It's easy to say it but not so easy to do it when you are in the 88th minute of a game. So you must practise.
- Juan Mata
Collection: Juan