Top jon Quotes Collection

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Image of Jon Taffer
The infusion of technology and social marketing to bar spaces is a big opportunity.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
You ever see a bar with 200 beautiful women go broke? But I've seen a lot of bars with great DJs go broke.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
I'm the type of employer who will hire based on personality, based on potential. If you put the resume before the personality, you're going to fail.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
The wrong personality with the greatest resume in a business will not grow that business.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
The right personality with a weak resume can be filled in. That's the employee who will become great.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
I don't want to hire people who have less of a commitment than I do.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
Make no mistake: confrontation is unavoidable in business.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
I could take a cemetery and make all the tombstones beer companies. There's a lot of craft beers that came and went. A lot of them.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
If I'm your boss, and I truly want you to be successful... I'm inherently going to teach you. I'm inherently going to correct your mistakes. I'm inherently going to spend time with you. I'm inherently going to lead you.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
Leadership cannot be taught. Either you're a leader by the time you're 12 years old, or you never will be.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
Leadership is a trait; it's not a skill.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
When I'm angry on TV, I'm actually not. I'm manipulating you as an owner.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
Too many bar owners built a bar for themselves... when they should have built what their market and demographic demands!
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
Each 'Bar Rescue' is shot in real time. So the complete rescue is 5 days from my arrival to my departure. I do not see or meet anyone in advance.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
If a candidate puts together a small business platform, I'll go out on the road for him. You know, I'll support him.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
The whole point of a bar is, I look in your eyes, you look in my eyes, we've never met each other before, we talk, we get to know each other, have a drink together, and the great end of that story is we get married someday.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
Most people who get into the business are social animals by nature, but do they have the financial abilities to manage a business? A great bar owner has both.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
One of my first bartending gigs was on Santa Monica Boulevard at Doug Weston's Troubadour, a very famous live music venue.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
When you're finished, bars are not inherently profitable. You got to work at them to make them profitable.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
People connect to a good bar very personally.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
If you have to signal a bartender to get a drink, then they're not looking at you, which is their problem. They're not doing their job. So don't feel rude when you signal a bartender. They're the ones who caused you to signal them. Go for it.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
Never eat anything out of a bowl in a bar... If it isn't in a package, don't eat it.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
Great negotiations happen when people are relaxed, so a relaxing environment is important. A high-energy environment tenses people up. It closes them up. You're not as likely to get that concession.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
I opened my first bar that I owned in 1989. The first one I ever owned was in downtown St. Louis.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
I do a lot of corporate consulting work. I've been doing it a long time.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
I went to college for political science and got a bartending job.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
I believe that a cook in a kitchen isn't producing an entree: he's producing a reaction. The product is the reaction; the entree is just the vehicle.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
The 'hottest bar in town,' to me, means high energy.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
If your main reason for opening a bar is to have somewhere for you and your friends to hang out, then build a bar in your basement, and stay out of the industry.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
People don't go to bars they think are uncool.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
If I were to pick the life of someone whom I professionally mimic in many ways, it would be Howard Hughes, surprisingly.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
Society is causing us to talk less and interact more digitally. So, I'd be remiss if I didn't believe that businesses will have to follow that same path.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
Nine out of ten people who are failing blame their failure on somebody else. And that is the common denominator of failure.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
The fact of the matter is that the most important responsibility a bar owner has is public safety and the safety of the people in it.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
You have to connect with your market and your employees. First, understand that what your market says is fact and what you say is opinion. Then, take the time to create a good connection with your employees. Without those two key connections, your business will be stuck in mediocrity forever.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
I guess I've just always had an entrepreneurial spirit.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
You give me someone with the right personality, and I'll give you a bar manager in three weeks. You give me someone who has been a lousy bar manager for 30 years, and in three weeks, you'll still have a lousy bar manager.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Taffer
Any business, no matter what it is, lives or dies by the customer reaction it creates.
- Jon Taffer
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Jones
I got in the limelight at a young age. At age 19, people were already comparing me to Anderson Silva.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Jones
It was really tough being in jail. It doesn't get much lower. You're in a filthy room. The food is terrible, and you're surrounded by people who have done all types of crazy crimes. You have nothing that belongs to you, not even your own underwear. It's just terrible.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Jones
I would love to fight Brock Lesnar. He's a massive dude.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Jones
Whenever I talk about Christ out loud, or I tweet a verse or say something in reference about Christ, a lot of people lash out and aren't very excited to hear about my love for Christ.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Jones
I would study the best, the most flashy, the guys that had that flair, the guys that had that wow. I'd study those fighters, and I made up my mind that I'd be all of those at once.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Jones
My opinion, football is the most dangerous sport there is. After that, I'll give it to probably boxing.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Jones
I am an athlete in every sense of the word. Athlete, martial artist.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Jones
In a fight, you got to know that there's a strong chance you're going to get hurt. But at the same time, you know, most of the injuries you sustain in fighting are not career-ending injuries.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Jones
I often get people that come up to me with the UFC 151 poster with me and Dan on it and ask me to sign it.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Jones
I put pressure on myself and feel pressure from my fans to not only win but to look great doing it.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Jones
A lot of coaches in MMA focus on MMA wrestling. My coach, his high school team is ranked 10th in the nation. Izzy Martinez is very connected to the wrestling community.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Jon
Image of Jon Jones
Being labeled as someone who would cheat hurts more than anything else I've ever been through in my career.
- Jon Jones
Collection: Jon