Top Jesus Quotes Collection - Page 84

Discover a curated collection of Jesus quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 84 provides more Jesus quotes.

Image of T. B. Joshua
The evidence of Jesus Christ is lives changed.
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Jesus
Image of Megyn Kelly
I mean, Jesus was a white man too. He was a historical figure — that's a verifiable fact.
- Megyn Kelly
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Rzeznik
It's liberating to live at home during the week, but on the weekend it's like, Jesus Christ, how much History Channel can one human being watch?
- John Rzeznik
Collection: Jesus
Image of Francois Fenelon
O Lord! take my heart, for I cannot give it; and when Thou hast it, O! keep it, for I cannot keep it for Thee; and save me in spite of myself, for Jesus Christ's sake.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Jesus
Image of Francois Fenelon
On this earth all is temptation. Crosses tempt us by irritating our pride, and prosperity by flattering it. Our life is a continual combat, but one in which Jesus Christ fights for us. We must pass on unmoved, while temptations rage around us, as the traveler, overtaken by a storm, simply wraps his cloak more closely about him, and pushes on more vigorously toward his destined home.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Jesus
Image of Will Durant
The Institutional Church (ecclesia) has killed only two kinds of people: Those who do not believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ, and those who do.
- Will Durant
Collection: Jesus
Image of Albert Einstein
What humanity owes to personalities like Buddha, Moses, and Jesus ranks for me higher than all the achievements of the enquiring and constructive mind.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Aquinas
Jesus Lord, kind Pelican, Cleanse my filth with Thy blood, One drop of which can save The whole world from all its sin
- Thomas Aquinas
Collection: Jesus
Image of Albert Einstein
It is quite possible that we can do greater things than Jesus, for what is written in the Bible about him is poetically embellished.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Jesus
Image of Bob Dylan
Jesus, that ear. He should donate it to The Smithsonian. Brian Wilson, he made all his records with four tracks, but you couldn't make his records if you had a hundred tracks today.
- Bob Dylan
Collection: Jesus
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Jesus and Shakespeare are fragments of the soul, and by love I conquer and incorporate them in my own conscious domain. His virtue,--is not that mine? His wit,--if it cannot be made mine, it is not wit.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Jerry Falwell
Jesus was the First American.
- Jerry Falwell
Collection: Jesus
Image of Jim Elliot
I have prayed for new men, fiery, reckless men, possessed of uncontrollably youthful passion-these lit by the Spirit of God. I have prayed for new words, explosive, direct, simple words. I have prayed for new miracles. Explaining old miracles will not do. If God is to be known as the God who does wonders in heaven and earth, then God must produce for this generation. Lord, fill preachers and preaching with Thy power. How long dare we go on without tears, without moral passions, hatred and love? Not long, I pray, Lord Jesus, not long.
- Jim Elliot
Collection: Jesus
Image of Tony Dungy
Remember that mentor leadership is all about serving. Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).
- Tony Dungy
Collection: Jesus
Image of Terry Eagleton
To claim that science and religion pose different questions to the world is not to suggest that if the bones of Jesus were discovered in Palestine, the pope should get himself down to the dole queue as fast as possible. It is rather to claim that while faith, rather like love, must involve factual knowledge, it is not reducible to it.
- Terry Eagleton
Collection: Jesus
Image of T. B. Joshua
We only have victory over satan when we walk in the Spirit in Christ Jesus.
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Jesus
Image of T. B. Joshua
I was baptized into Christ. I died when He died. Sin’s power over me has been broken, in Jesus’ name!
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Jesus
Image of T. B. Joshua
Jesus wants to express Himself and carry out His mission of love to others through you.
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Jesus
Image of T. B. Joshua
When your situation has gone beyond the power of nature, it has become a curse. Who can remove a curse but Jesus Christ?
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Jesus
Image of T. B. Joshua
Your career you will only hear the drum of setback but it is time to shine! Whatever situation you have been facing - this is the time you have been praying for to shine, to move, to overcome, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Jesus
Image of T. B. Joshua
There is never a sickness Jesus cannot heal and never a disease Jesus cannot cure. To God's power, nothing is impossible!
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Jesus
Image of T. B. Joshua
The age of miracles has not past. The Miracle Worker is still ALIVE. His name is Jesus Christ!
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Jesus
Image of T. B. Joshua
One thing is clear - demons know they must submit to the superior authority in the name of Jesus Christ!
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Jesus
Image of T. B. Joshua
Do not think that your crying and complaints can force Jesus to become sentimental and then give Himself out so cheaply.
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Jesus
Image of Jerry Falwell
While I have no problem with the church adapting to the culture, we must ensure that we remain painstakingly true to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that we remain obedient servants to His truths.
- Jerry Falwell
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mike Ditka
Jesus's first temptation was to be relevant: to turn stones into bread. Oh, how often I wished I could do that!
- Mike Ditka
Collection: Jesus
Image of Alfred Rosenberg
Hanns Heinz Ewers tells a short story of a boy who was so unnatural of disposition as to take a special delight in people sick with elephantiasis. Our "European intellectuality" finds itself in an identical condition today which, through Jewish pens, worships the Kokoschka, Chagalls and Pechsteins as the leaders of the Art of the future. Features of degeneracy are already apparent, as, for instance, with Schwalbach, who dares representing Jesus as flat footed and bow legged.
- Alfred Rosenberg
Collection: Jesus
Image of Alfred Rosenberg
The Amorites founded Jerusalem, they formed the Nordic weft in later Galilee, that is, in the "pagan region" whence some day Jesus was to come.
- Alfred Rosenberg
Collection: Jesus
Image of Bob Dylan
Jesus tapped me on the shoulder and said, Bob, why are you resisting me? I said, I'm not resisting you! He said, You gonna follow me? I said, I've never thought about that before! He said, When you're not following me, you're resisting me.
- Bob Dylan
Collection: Jesus
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
The unique impression of Jesus upon mankind - whose name is not so much written as ploughed into the history of the world - is proof of the subtle virtue of this infusion. Jesus belonged to the race of prophets. He saw with open eyes the mystery of the soul. One man was true to what is in you and me. He, as I think, is the only soul in history who has appreciated the worth of man.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Louis Farrakhan
If we do what Allah (God) has asked us to do - to unite on the basis of truth, to reform our lives, to civilize ourselves and others, and to form a nation for His glory - and we are attacked by the government and maligned and evil spoken of, that is exactly why Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount said, "Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for My namesake."
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Jesus
Image of Frederick Lenz
I would say that Jesus Christ and his followers were a cult, Buddha and his followers were a cult and Mohammed and his followers were a cult. Every religion starts out as a cult and if it becomes 'box office', it is accepted.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Jesus
Image of Tony Evans
Because Jesus Christ is a man, He feels what we feel. Because He is God, He can do something about it.
- Tony Evans
Collection: Jesus
Image of Tony Evans
A kingdom man is a man who visibly demonstrates the comprehensive rule of God underneath the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every area of his life.
- Tony Evans
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Aquinas
The celebration of Holy Mass is as valuable as the death of Jesus on the cross.
- Thomas Aquinas
Collection: Jesus
Image of Albert Einstein
You accept the historical Jesus?
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Jesus
Image of Jerry Falwell
I believe in the premillenial, pre-tribulational coming of Christ for all of his church, and to summarize that, your first poll, do you believe Jesus coming the second time will be in the future, I would vote yes with the 59 percent and with Billy Graham and most evangelicals.
- Jerry Falwell
Collection: Jesus
Image of Terry Eagleton
The New Testament is a brutal destroyer of human illusions. If you follow Jesus and don't end up dead, it appears you have some explaining to do. The stark signifier of the human condition is one who spoke up for love and justice and was done to death for his pains. The traumatic truth of human history is a mutilated body.
- Terry Eagleton
Collection: Jesus
Image of Jonathan Edwards
Jesus Christ is both the only price and sacrifice by which eternal redemption is obtained for believers.
- Jonathan Edwards
Collection: Jesus
Image of Jonathan Edwards
We are dependent on the power of God to convert us and give faith in Jesus Christ and the new nature.
- Jonathan Edwards
Collection: Jesus
Image of Jonathan Edwards
Wicked people will on the day of judgment see all there is to see of Jesus Christ, except His beauty and loveliness
- Jonathan Edwards
Collection: Jesus
Image of T. B. Joshua
Jesus never consults your past to determine your present.
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Jesus
Image of T. B. Joshua
Lord Jesus, bring comfort to all those who mourn and peace of heart to those under pressure and tension, in Jesus Christ's name
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Jesus
Image of Robert Jeffress
One of the consistent themes you'll find throughout the Bible is that God will always provide the necessary information about Jesus Christ to someone who sincerely desires to receive that revelation.
- Robert Jeffress
Collection: Jesus
Image of Robert Jeffress
The cross of Jesus Christ represents the intersection of God's love and God's holiness.
- Robert Jeffress
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mike Bickle
Any who love Jesus will love others much more.
- Mike Bickle
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mike Bickle
We offer our prayers in weakness but they ascend in power because of the blood of Jesus.
- Mike Bickle
Collection: Jesus