Top Jesus Quotes Collection - Page 58

Discover a curated collection of Jesus quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 58 provides more Jesus quotes.

Image of Eugene H. Peterson
Repentance is a realization that what God wants from you and what you want from God are not going to be achieved by doing the same old things, thinking the same old thoughts. Repentance is a decision to follow Jesus Christ and become his pilgrim in the path of peace. Repentance is the most practical of all words and the most practical of all acts. It is a feet-on-the-ground-kind-of-word. It puts a person in touch with the reality that God creates.
- Eugene H. Peterson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Charles R. Swindoll
Jesus has prepared the way and has made following our destiny possible, whereas we are helpless by ourselves. We can find and fulfill our purpose by responding to the clear, simple call of Jesus Christ: "Follow Me." He is the doorway to fulfilling our destiny, where our divine design and God-ordained purpose live in perfect harmony.
- Charles R. Swindoll
Collection: Jesus
Image of Charles Spurgeon
When I cease to preach salvation by faith in Jesus put me into a lunatic asylum, for you may be sure that my mind is gone.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Jesus
Image of Charles Spurgeon
The saints are sinners still. Our best tears need to be wept over, the strongest faith is mixed with unbelief, our most flaming love is cold compared with what Jesus deserves, and our intensest zeal still lacks the full fervor which the bleeding wounds and pierced heart of the crucified might claim at our hands. Our best things need a sin offering, or they would condemn us.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dallas Willard
The assumption of Jesus' program for his people on earth was that they would live their lives as his students and co-laborers.
- Dallas Willard
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dallas Willard
Churches are not the kingdom of God, but are primary and inevitable expressions, outposts, and instrumentalities of presence of the kingdom among us. They are 'societies' of Jesus.
- Dallas Willard
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dallas Willard
When Jesus directs us to pray, "Thy kingdom come," he does not mean we should pray for it to come into existence.
- Dallas Willard
Collection: Jesus
Image of Sarah Silverman
I didn't feel so different until maybe, like, around third grade. Kids started blaming me for my people killing Jesus.
- Sarah Silverman
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Paine
The New Testament rests itself for credulity and testimony on what are called prophecies in the Old Testament, of the person called Jesus Christ; and if there are no such things as prophecies of any such person in the Old Testament, the New Testament.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Jesus
Image of Nora Roberts
He trailed off as he saw the books. Piles and stacks of them beside the sofa, another stack on the coffee table, a sea of them on her dining table. Jesus Christ, Dane, you need treatment.
- Nora Roberts
Collection: Jesus
Image of R. C. Sproul
The rapture will not be secret but open and manifest. Its purpose will not be to whisk the elect away from the earth for a while until Christ returns for a 'second' Second Coming. The purpose of the rapture is to allow the saints to meet Jesus in the air as He returns and be included in His entourage during His triumphal descent from Heaven. His coming in this manner will be attended by the general resurrection, the final judgment, and the end of the world.
- R. C. Sproul
Collection: Jesus
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
Muhammad was a prince; he rallied his compatriots around him. In a few years, the Muslims conquered half of the world. They plucked more souls from false gods, knocked down more idols, razed more pagan temples in fifteen years than the followers of Moses and Jesus did in fifteen centuries. Muhammad was a great man. He would indeed have been a god, if the revolution that he had performed had not been prepared by the circumstances.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: Jesus
Image of Rick Warren
Every day I get a choice. I can choose to go God's way or I can choose to go my own way or Satan's way or if I walk out of this door I don't know that I blame myself if my choice. .. because the bottom line is I want what I want what I want. ... People ask me what the greatest sin is. I feel the greatest sin is to want to be God: Pride, I want my own way. What it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ - give as much of yourself as you understand to as much of Jesus as you understand at that moment.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Jesus
Image of Amanda Palmer
I had a real come-to-Jesus a couple of years ago when I started to see the direct line between feminism and everything else - feminism and climate change, feminism and poverty, feminism and hunger - and it was almost like I was born again and started walking down the street and was like, "Oh, my God, there are women everywhere! They're just everywhere you look. There's women all over the place!"
- Amanda Palmer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mother Teresa
Let us preach you, Dear Jesus, without preaching.... not by words but by our example.
- Mother Teresa
Collection: Jesus
Image of Blaise Pascal
Jesus was in a garden, not of delight as the first Adam, in which he destroyed himself and the whole human race, but in one of agony, in which he saved himself and the whole human race.
- Blaise Pascal
Collection: Jesus
Image of Peter Kreeft
To those of you who would classify yourselves as conservatives I would say, meditate long and hard on Jesus' saying "Whatever you do to the least of these you have done to me".
- Peter Kreeft
Collection: Jesus
Image of Peter Kreeft
Anyone, without exception, can know God if they really want to simply by praying, by honestly telling Him that they want to know Him. He always responds to honest seekers. Jesus promised, 'All who seek, find.
- Peter Kreeft
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dieter F. Uchtdorf
The Atonement of Jesus Christ is real; it brings immortality to all and opens the door to eternal life. The gospel of Jesus Christ is again on the earth. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true and living.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Collection: Jesus
Image of Anthony Bourdain
I look at Guy Fieri and I just think, 'Jesus, I'm glad that's not me.'
- Anthony Bourdain
Collection: Jesus
Image of Francis Chan
Jesus said go and make disciples, but so often we just sit and make excuses
- Francis Chan
Collection: Jesus
Image of Randy Alcorn
Jesus Himself was criticized. He wasn't a glutton and drunkard, but He was accused of being those things. Why? Because He went to parties where people ate and drank, and some people probably were at those parties who were drunkards and gluttons. But you don't have to be sinning just because you're in in an environment of happiness.
- Randy Alcorn
Collection: Jesus
Image of Toni Morrison
Gimme hate, Lord,” he whimpered. “I’ll take hate any day. But don’t give me love. I can’t take no more love, Lord. I can’t carry it...It’s too heavy. Jesus, you know, you know all about it. Ain’t it heavy? Jesus? Ain’t love heavy?
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Jesus
Image of Swami Satchidananda
[C]ontinence is a very important part of yoga. If a handful of people come forward with strong wills, nothing is impossible. One Buddha changed half the globe; one Jesus, three quarters of the world. We all have that capacity. (140)
- Swami Satchidananda
Collection: Jesus
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
I am a monarch of God's creation, and you reptiles of the earth dare not oppose me. I render an account of my government to none save God and Jesus Christ.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: Jesus
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
I know men; and I tell you that Jesus Christ is not a man. Superficial minds see a resemblance between Christ and the founders of empires, and the gods of other religions. That resemblance does not exist. There is between Christianity and whatever other religions the distance of infinity.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Ortberg
The goal of prayer is to live all of my life and speak all of my words in the joyful awareness of the presence of God. Prayer becomes real when we grasp the reality and goodness of God's constant presence with 'the real me.' Jesus lived his everyday life in conscious awareness of his Father.
- John Ortberg
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Ortberg
Will you keep going when you don't know why? When you can't get any answers that would make the pain go away, will you still say, 'My Lord,' even though his ways are not clear to you? Will you keep going-with all the grace and grit and faith you can muster-and live in hope that one day God will set everything right. Will you trust that God is good? ... Ultimately, the choice everyone faces is the choice between hope and despair. Jesus says, 'Choose hope.'
- John Ortberg
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Ortberg
There is a immense difference between training to do something and trying to do something....Sp iritual transformation is not a matter of trying harder, but of training wisely.... Following Jesus simply means learning from him how to arrange my life around activities that enable me to live in the fruit of the Spirit
- John Ortberg
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Ortberg
The good news as Jesus preached it is not just about the minimal entrance requirements for getting into heaven when you die. It is about the glorious redemption of human life-your life.
- John Ortberg
Collection: Jesus
Image of Anne Rice
I assume as a child Jesus had to learn how to do carpentry, learn Torah, learn all the things a human child had to learn. If He was human in all ways except that He did not sin, this must have been the case.
- Anne Rice
Collection: Jesus
Image of Anne Rice
I cannot mislead people into believing that I support organized religion. In Jesus' name, I cannot be complicit with many of the things organized religion does.
- Anne Rice
Collection: Jesus
Image of Warren W. Wiersbe
Jesus asked the Father for his disciples' security, sanctity and unity. Jesus still intercedes for us so fervently because we live in a world that is deceived, dangerous, defiled and divided.
- Warren W. Wiersbe
Collection: Jesus
Image of Warren W. Wiersbe
Jonah saw God's will as punishment. Jesus saw God's will as nourishment.
- Warren W. Wiersbe
Collection: Jesus
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Artificiality is one curse that will drop away the moment we kneel at Jesus' feet and surrender ourselves to His meekness. Then we will not care what people think of us so long as God is pleased. Then what we are will be everything; what we appear will take its place far down the scale of interest for us. Apart from sin we have nothing of which to be ashamed. Only an evil desire to shine makes us want to appear other than we are.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Wherever we turn in the church of God, there is Jesus. He is the beginning, middle and end of everything to us.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Stormie Omartian
Jesus made it possible for us to have the peace that passes all understanding-the kind that carries us, stabilizes us, grounds us, and keeps us from slipping.
- Stormie Omartian
Collection: Jesus
Image of Stormie Omartian
Know that once we have received Jesus, we can't continue to live our old sinful lifestyle. Now that we have His Holy Spirit living in us, guiding us, and transforming us, we have no excuse.
- Stormie Omartian
Collection: Jesus
Image of Stormie Omartian
Allow yourself to be possessed by God by receiving Jesus, and you will never be possessed by anything else.
- Stormie Omartian
Collection: Jesus
Image of Scott Walker
I'm certainly an imperfect man. And it's only by the blood of Jesus Christ that I've been redeemed from my sins. So I know that God doesn't call me to do a specific thing, God hasn't given me a list, a Ten Commandments of things to act on the first day. What God calls us to do is follow his will. And ultimately that's what I'm going to try to do.
- Scott Walker
Collection: Jesus
Image of Charles Spurgeon
God is so boundlessly pleased with Jesus that in him he is altogether well pleased with us.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Jesus
Image of N. T. Wright
Hope is what you get when you suddenly realize that a different worldview is possible, a worldview in which the rich, the powerful, and the unscrupulous do not after all have the last word. The same worldview shift that is demanded by the resurrection of Jesus is the shift that will enable us to transform the world.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Jesus
Image of N. T. Wright
Again and again the Sermon on the Mount calls and challenges us to a life of radical discipleship. Note: when Jesus says 'Blessed are the . . . . merciful, peacmakers', and so on, he doesn't just mean that they themselves are blessed. He means that the blessing of God's kingdom works precisely through those people into the wider world. That is how God's kingdom comes. That's one thing to hear afresh.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Jesus
Image of N. T. Wright
the life of Jesus recapitulates key elements in the earlier story of Israel. For a moment, as Jesus stands on the mountain giving the famous sermon, he is Moses. For a moment, answering his critics about his actions on the sabbath, he is David. For a moment, as he calls and names the twelve disciples, he is perhaps Jacob, bringing the twelve patriarchs into the world. For a moment, healing the sick and raising the dead, he is Elijah or Elisha. And so on. In the transfiguration he actually meets Moses and Elijah.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Jesus
Image of N. T. Wright
Justice and beauty are central to God's new world and should be central to our work. Together they frame the good news of Jesus.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Jesus
Image of N. T. Wright
We can glimpse it in the book of Acts: the method of the kingdom will match the message of the kingdom. The kingdom…goes out into the world vulnerable, suffering, praising, praying, misunderstood, misjudged, vindicated, celebrating: always – as Paul puts it in one of his letters – bearing in the body the dying of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be displayed.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Jesus
Image of N. T. Wright
Jesus himself, as the gospel story goes on to its dramatic conclusion, lives out the same message of the Sermon on the Mount: he is the light of the world, he is the salt of the earth, he loves his enemies and gives his life for them, he is lifted up on a hill so that the world can see.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Jesus
Image of N. T. Wright
Jesus' death was seen by Jesus himself ... as the ultimate means by which God's kingdom was established. The crucifixion was the shocking answer to the prayer that God's kingdom would come on earth as in heaven.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Jesus