Top jeremy Quotes Collection

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Image of Jeremy Scott
McDonald's, Barbie - they're all icons, recognizable from London to Timbuktu.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I really don't see little girls growing up and thinking, 'Oh, I'm going to morph myself so I look like Barbie.'
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I started at Moschino Oct. 31 or Nov. 1, 2013, and now I go back and forth between Milan and Los Angeles, where I live.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I moved to Paris around 1995 or 1996; my first collection on the runway was in 1997.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I went to Paris to learn and absorb some of the amazing ambience I was enamored with growing up in Kansas City. I didn't go there to start my own collection. But I never could get an internship, so finally, I was left with just doing my own show.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I've always felt like an outsider, and I'll probably continue to always feel like an outsider. Hopefully that's a good thing. I feel like I approach things differently than other designers.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I'm a very normal person with a very even keel.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
There have been a lot of challenges, but I'm still standing on my own, and it's quite an achievement knowing that I own my own business and created my own success through hard work and vision.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I've taken a look back at my body of work and tried to deduce an essence, capturing aspects that reoccur. Reflecting on your own product can be difficult yet enthralling.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
The main thing I hope people see is how passionate I am about my work, and I know people talk about it, but I do work really hard on my stuff, and it means a lot to me.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I grew up on a farm and didn't have connections, and I had a dream that I believed in, and I felt passionate about it, so if I can instill hope into somebody too with the film, that's what I most want.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
When Jackie Kennedy wanted to wear her favourite European designers, she was told no. She had to start working with brands like Adolfo, who had to create Chanel knock-offs because that's what she wanted to wear.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
If Michelle Obama had stepped out in an outrageously priced jacket by an Italian designer, heads would have rolled. People would have said it was deplorable.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
Melania rarely wears American labels, with the exception of Ralph Lauren, who created a duplication of a Jackie Kennedy look, which was basically a costume anyway.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
My country is in the toilet. And when my country is in the toilet, the world is in the toilet.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
We have to fight for everything we believe in.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I think when people think of something as basic, they think that it's boring.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
Even as exuberant as my style is and as over the top as I may be, I can appreciate a classic when it's really well done.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I think about my friends all the time when I'm designing. That's always an arbiter. Would Katy wear this? Would Rihanna wear this? Would Sia wear it? Would Miley wear it?
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I love the low-rider cars and that whole culture.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I feel like we have to fight for art.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
Suddenly, Dallas has become a big part of my life, and now I feel like I'm part of the fabric of the community here.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I don't make clothes for the critics.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
By the nature of fashion, you're only as good as your last collection, so I'm constantly striving to be better, so I don't look at it as if I've made it.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I feel very blessed to have the support I have and to have the fans that I have. I'm still striving to make it every day.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I always grew up watching things transform, and a lot of that was what we would call trash.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I feel very blessed to have such wonderful cheerleaders and champions of my work.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I don't really dissect too much when ideas come - they just kind of pop into my head; I just take them and run.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Scott
I love all these things where proportions have been changed and altered.
- Jeremy Scott
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
I'm able to burst and just throw heat for 15-25 minutes without having to worry about getting tired which is a mental block in the past that's affected me in fights.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
I took everything I've learned at 155, wins and losses, and I've moved to 145.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
I've worked very hard in the office, I'm always training. I'm always getting better.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
Rony Jason reminds of me when I first started fighting, very aggressive and strong, with good jiu-jitsu.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
I've grown as a fighter and a human being. I'm getting better every day.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
Barao's a true champion.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
I feel like I'm very humble and always watch what I say.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
As far as being an entertainer, that's just my style of fighting is aggressive and very fast paced. I always bring it.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
As far as being an entertainer, I'm not. I'm just a fighter. Ilike to fight, I like to go for it and go for broke every time.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
You've got to have a chip on your shoulder in this sport.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
I would love to keep climbing at the top of my career and really max out my body and see how far I can really push things.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
Only fighting once a year, that's not good on the bank account.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
I'm just like any normal human being. I just want an opportunity to go to work, earn my paycheck.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
I've fought nothing but the best.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
My big bro, Anthony Johnson, he got cut from the UFC, he turned his career around, and that's what I'm looking to do.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
I love to constantly be fighting.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
I don't like sitting and waiting for opponents six months down the road. I'd rather fight once every three months.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
Just because you promoted a fight doesn't mean you're going to get money.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
I'm a Gemini, man, so we like new things, and coming around here and meeting new faces and the PFL family, it's been incredible.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
I'm like The Joker, bro - I have no plan.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy
Image of Jeremy Stephens
The way I do things is very violent, very destructive and in-your-face.
- Jeremy Stephens
Collection: Jeremy