Top jane Quotes Collection

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Image of Jane Fallon
I love the tailoring of '50s- and '60s-inspired dresses.
- Jane Fallon
Collection: Jane
Image of Jane Fallon
What I find weird is that the term 'chick lit' is used to encompass literally anything a woman writes about relationships. It's the assumption that because you're female, you must write in a certain way. I don't understand why that is - it is a bit demeaning.
- Jane Fallon
Collection: Jane
Image of Jane Fallon
I have a strong say in how my books are marketed, and the covers - I am very firm that I don't want pink and fluffy, or stick figures sitting drinking cocktails. That's simply not appealing to me.
- Jane Fallon
Collection: Jane
Image of Jane Fallon
It's a difficult world, and you shouldn't have kids unless you really want them.
- Jane Fallon
Collection: Jane
Image of Jane Fallon
I like being on my own. I'm very happy in my own company.
- Jane Fallon
Collection: Jane
Image of Jane Fallon
What I like about writing novels is that I'm in my own world for nine months.
- Jane Fallon
Collection: Jane
Image of Jane Fallon
If I die, I know the news item would be, 'Partner of Ricky Gervais and novelist dies.' That would come first. But I've come to terms with it. As long as they do still add the 'and novelist,' that will be fine.
- Jane Fallon
Collection: Jane
Image of Jane Fallon
I just feel that if you're going to have kids, you need to believe that, emotionally, you can give them a really good life.
- Jane Fallon
Collection: Jane
Image of Jane Fallon
I'm stupidly shy. It's the thing I dislike most about myself.
- Jane Fallon
Collection: Jane
Image of Jane Fallon
Having grown up quite shy and quiet, it's important that I mark out who I am in the world through my work.
- Jane Fallon
Collection: Jane
Image of Jane Fallon
I'm not a gossip. The worst thing anyone can say to me is, 'Ooh, I've got some gossip.' I'm like, 'Oh, shut up.'
- Jane Fallon
Collection: Jane
Image of Jane Fallon
Any situation where I feel like people are looking at me and I've got to speak is the kind of thing I have nightmares about.
- Jane Fallon
Collection: Jane
Image of Jane Fallon
'Teachers' is in no way a realistic soap; we're not trying to do that, which is why we never do 'issues.'
- Jane Fallon
Collection: Jane
Image of Jane Fallon
I love being at home.
- Jane Fallon
Collection: Jane
Image of Jane Fallon
Whenever I'm out, I have a bit of a yearning to be in my house, to be able to shut the door on the world.
- Jane Fallon
Collection: Jane
Image of Jane Fallon
Since I was an adult, I've always lived in the centre of London - King's Cross, Bloomsbury - and never thought I'd leave.
- Jane Fallon
Collection: Jane
Image of Jane Goodall
I was brought up to understand Darwin's theory of evolution. I spent hours and hours in the Natural History Museum in London looking at the descriptions of how different kinds of animals had evolved, looking at the sequence of fossil bones looking gradually more and more and more and more like the modern fossil.
- Jane Goodall
Collection: Jane