Top ilhan Quotes Collection

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Image of Ilhan Omar
I want to go to Washington to make sure we really have an opportunity to expand health care for folks so that is accessible to them.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
I have been very fortunate to have a partner who really stepped up and have wonderful children who do a lot of things that make it easy for Mommy to do this work.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
When I was coming to this country, I heard about its promises.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
We can walk and chew gum at the same time. Yes, the American people want us to legislate, they want us to insist on furthering their set of values, but they also want us to resist and exercise our oversight powers.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
When I first arrived in the country, I really didn't speak much of the language. I knew two words coming here, and they were 'Hello' and 'Shut up.'
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
I had a lot of challenges starting school, and my dad says I would come home every day crying and feeling bad about the problems I was having with some of the kids. And he would tell me to work hard on learning the language.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
Here in Minnesota, we don't only welcome immigrants; we send them to Washington.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
I think we forget that, for a really long time, this country has been a place that has welcomed many refugees who have made it home and have tremendously contributed to this country.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
I believe in the ideals of America, in liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
In just my own neighborhood, you can't go one block without seeing a sign that says, you know, 'Everyone's welcome here,' 'Refugees are welcome here.' I love my Muslim neighbors, and so there is truly this spirit of generosity and compassion and openness that still exists.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
We know that when people are civically engaged, when they understand what their rights are, when they understand that in a democracy you can challenge governments, you can challenge policymakers, and you can... actually shape and form future policy, I think it changes the perception that a lot of young people have about where power is.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
For me, as an immigrant who didn't speak the language, when I would have struggles as a kid, my dad would say, 'Once you are able to communicate with people, they're able to connect with you beyond your otherness.' That is really the message I've carried throughout my life.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
I know what it feels like to be a young family looking for opportunity in the United States.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
I try not to think of my life in terms of separation.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
My kids are part of the rest of my community and my wider family.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
ICE has only become increasingly militarized, brutal, and unaccountable.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
Our immigration policy should be based in compassion and a desire to help the other.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
I come from people who dreamed of a free democratic system. I believe so strongly in the process and equal access.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
I'm not easily scared; from the age of 8, I learned what it means to have everything you know taken away and what it means to persevere. I approach politics the same way.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
We are accountable to each other; having an equitable Minnesota benefits everyone, not just the disenfranchised.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
I think being an immigrant makes me overly optimistic.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
I will never apologize for standing up against oppression and injustice in Israel or anywhere else.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
Israel is an ally of the United States, and I think as much as you would look to your neighbor to your friends to live out the same values as you are, we want to make sure that our allies are living out the same values that we push for here.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
When I talk about places like Saudi Arabia or Israel or even now with Venezuela, I'm not criticizing the people. I'm not criticizing their faith. I'm not criticizing their way of life.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan
Image of Ilhan Omar
I am proof that, as Americans, we can embrace our differences.
- Ilhan Omar
Collection: Ilhan