Top I Hate You Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of I Hate You quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Bram Stoker
I am longing to be with you, and by the sea, where we can talk together freely and build our castles in the air.
- Bram Stoker
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Tennessee Williams
If I got rid of my demons, I’d lose my angels.
- Tennessee Williams
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Ann Brashares
You couldn't erase the past. You couldn't even change it. But sometimes life offered you the opportunity to put it right.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Robert Bringhurst
By all means break the rules, and break them beautifully, deliberately and well.
- Robert Bringhurst
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Rick Warren
God changes caterpillars into butterflies, sand into pearls and coal into diamonds using time and pressure. He's working on you, too.
- Rick Warren
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Giacomo Casanova
Be the flame, not the moth.
- Giacomo Casanova
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Ann B. Davis
Tell the negative committee that meets inside your head to sit down and shut up.
- Ann B. Davis
Collection: I Hate You
Image of William Ellery Channing
May your life preach more loudly than your lips.
- William Ellery Channing
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Josephine Hart
Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive.
- Josephine Hart
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Alfred Brendel
The word 'listen' contains the same letters as the word 'silent.'
- Alfred Brendel
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Jonathan Safran Foer
It's the tragedy of loving, you can't love anything more than something you miss.
- Jonathan Safran Foer
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Jeffrey Eugenides
You never get over it, but you get to where it doesn't bother you so much.
- Jeffrey Eugenides
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Miranda Kerr
We all have bad days, but one thing is true; no cloud is so dark that the sun can't shine through.
- Miranda Kerr
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Jack Kerouac
I saw that my life was a vast glowing empty page and I could do anything I wanted.
- Jack Kerouac
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Heath Ledger
Don't let anyone ever make you feel you don't deserve what you want.
- Heath Ledger
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Shane Koyczan
I've been told that people in the army do more by 7:00 am than I do in an entire day But if I wake at 6:59 am and turn to you to trace the outline of your lips with mine I will have done enough and killed no one in the process.
- Shane Koyczan
Collection: I Hate You
Image of John Mayer
Whenever they say it can’t be done, remind them that they make a jellybean that tastes exactly like popcorn.
- John Mayer
Collection: I Hate You
Image of J. D. Salinger
I can’t explain what I mean. And even if I could, I’m not sure I’d feel like it.
- J. D. Salinger
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Henry David Thoreau
All good things are wild and free.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Rumi
Shine like the whole universe is yours.
- Rumi
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Sylvia Plath
I like people too much or not at all.
- Sylvia Plath
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Pythagoras
Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.
- Pythagoras
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
There are no uninteresting things, only uninterested people.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Jonathan Safran Foer
She wants to know if I love her, that's all anyone wants from anyone else, not love itself but the knowledge that love is there, like new batteries in the flashlight in the emergency kit in the hall closet.
- Jonathan Safran Foer
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Maya Angelou
To those who have given up on love: I say, "Trust life a little bit.
- Maya Angelou
Collection: I Hate You
Image of John Green
If only we could see the endless string of consequences that result from our smallest actions. But we can't know better until knowing better is useless.
- John Green
Collection: I Hate You
Image of John Green
That's who you really like. The people you can think out loud in front of.
- John Green
Collection: I Hate You
Image of John Green
It is very sad to me that some people are so intent on leaving their mark on the world that they don’t care if that mark is a scar.
- John Green
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Daniel Handler
Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Ernest Hemingway
You are so brave and quiet I forget you are suffering.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: I Hate You
Image of Henry James
Her imagination was by habit ridiculously active; when the door was not open it jumped out the window.
- Henry James
Collection: I Hate You
Image of John Lennon
How can I go forward when I don't know which way I'm facing?
- John Lennon
Collection: I Hate You