Top home Quotes Collection - Page 33

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 33 provides more home quotes.

Image of Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot
Views of women, on one side, as inwardly directed toward home and family and notions of men, on the other, as outwardly striving toward fame and fortune have resounded throughout literature and in the texts of history, biology, and psychology until they seem uncontestable. Such dichotomous views defy the complexities of individuals and stifle the potential for people to reveal different dimensions of themselves in various settings.
- Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot
Collection: Home
Image of Bucky Sinister
Oddly-shaped is a term I've been using because it doesn't sound better or worse than anyone elses. All those other terms like "f**'ed up childhood" or "broken home," none of them sound good. Were our childhoods better or worse? I don't know. It's different.
- Bucky Sinister
Collection: Home
Image of John Connolly
a technician who uses the term “glitch” is like a Doctor who tells you you’re suffering from a “thingy,” except the doctor won’t tell you to go home and try turning yourself on and off again.
- John Connolly
Collection: Home
Image of Nia Long
Marriage is not a priority for me. I'm not saying I'll never do it. It's just not where we are as a family . . . I'll be at home with my man, having a perfectly loving time, and I'll see all these comments on some site about how wrong I am for not being married. I don't feel less loved or less loving because I'm not married.
- Nia Long
Collection: Home
Image of Audra McDonald
I was a little girl with a pot belly and Afro puffs, hyperactive and overdramatic, and I found the theater and I found my home.
- Audra McDonald
Collection: Home
Image of Eddie Guerrero
Uh, homes, we are what we are. Black, white, Brown, yellow. Point is don't be ashamed of who you are, man. You wanna call it sterotyping. Hey, This is me, Órale vato, this is who I am. Take me or leave me. You don't like me? Turn around and look the other way. Its that simple.
- Eddie Guerrero
Collection: Home
Image of Nathan Englander
Turn off your cell phone. Honestly, if you want to get work done, you’ve got to learn to unplug. No texting, no email, no Facebook, no Instagram. Whatever it is you’re doing, it needs to stop while you write... A lot of the time (and this is fully goofy to admit), I’ll write with earplugs in - even if it’s dead silent at home.
- Nathan Englander
Collection: Home
Image of Phyllis A. Whitney
There's only one good reason to be a writer-we can't help it! We'd all like to be rich, famous and successful, but if those are our goals, we're off on a wrong foot...I just wanted to earn enough money so I could work at home on my writing.
- Phyllis A. Whitney
Collection: Home
Image of Tom Hayden
I was raised in an Irish-American home in Detroit where assimilation was the uppermost priority. The price of assimilation and respectability was amnesia. Although my great-grandparents were victims of the Great Hunger of the 1840's, even though I was named Thomas Emmet Hayden IV after the radical Irish nationalist exile Thomas Emmet, my inheritance was to be disinherited. My parents knew nothing of this past, or nothing worth passing on.
- Tom Hayden
Collection: Home
Image of Todd G. Buchholz
You need somebody to support the retirees. You need to pay into the pension plans. You need people to work at the hospitals, at the nursing homes.
- Todd G. Buchholz
Collection: Home
Image of Todd G. Buchholz
We're prosperous enough that we can afford to have one in six able-bodied men of working age sitting at home playing video games.
- Todd G. Buchholz
Collection: Home
Image of Wendy Davis
I think that the thing that holds so many of us back is our fear that we might fail, and I think we lose an incredible amount of talent and energy and enthusiasm that way. So I think, since I'm kind of a shining example of losing, that it's important for me to show that it's OK to lose, that I'm still so happy that I entered the fight, that I fought for something that mattered to me and that I gave voice to it and I made it part of the conversation. I want young women to know that it is OK to fail - it's not OK to stay home. It's not OK to not try.
- Wendy Davis
Collection: Home
Image of Constance Hale
Language can still be an adventure if we remember that words can make a kind of melody. In novels, news stories, memoirs and even to-the-point memos, music is as important as meaning. In fact, music can drive home the meaning of words.
- Constance Hale
Collection: Home
Image of Nancy Byrd Turner
Under our thatch, friend, place shall abide for you, touch but the latch, friend, the door will swing wide for you!
- Nancy Byrd Turner
Collection: Home
Image of Martha Whitmore Hickman
In a world of such beauty as birds in flight, surely I can come to feel at home again, even after my loss.
- Martha Whitmore Hickman
Collection: Home
Image of Pablo Francisco
I'm not into those shows like "hey everybody, gather round the TV, let's watch The Simpsons!" I'm not one of those guys: "I gotta get home, man, Family Guy's on! I gotta race to my TV before I miss the episode of Family Guy!" I'm not one of those guys.
- Pablo Francisco
Collection: Home
Image of Sally Fingerett
Home is where the heart is. No matter how your heart lives. Inside your heart where love is.That's where you've got to make yourself at home
- Sally Fingerett
Collection: Home
Image of Sally Fingerett
Home is where the heart is, no matter how the heart lives.
- Sally Fingerett
Collection: Home
Image of Deborah Reber
There's this incredible pressure, especially on teens, to be perfect, look right, have the right clothes, date the right people, get into the right school, have the right home life, and so on.
- Deborah Reber
Collection: Home
Image of Celia Imrie
If I ever married, I know I would dread the daily sound of the key in the door and the casual expectancy of 'Hello! I'm home!
- Celia Imrie
Collection: Home
Image of Zach Condon
I'm sure that's every adolescent's complaint about their home town. When a city is unstimulating, you get pretty isolated.
- Zach Condon
Collection: Home
Image of Peter Andrews
Have you ever actually listened to golfers talking to each other? "Looked good starting out..." "Better direction than last time..." "Who's away?..." It sounds like visitors' day at a home for the criminally insane.
- Peter Andrews
Collection: Home
Image of Tim Yeo
People have got to get used to making low carbon choices. If they have a direct incentive to do so they will think about it. Many times a day you have a choice between a low carbon option and a high carbon option, whether it is at home or at work.
- Tim Yeo
Collection: Home
Image of Paul Burrell
The vast majority of local people will neither know all of the initiatives nor have any perception that the individual elements are beginning to contribute to making their home town more environmentally sustainable. It is even less likely that visitors will gain any picture of what is being achieved. It is to solve this problem that the Green Map System has been developed.
- Paul Burrell
Collection: Home
Image of Melissa Satta
At home we watch DVDs and love our many animals.
- Melissa Satta
Collection: Home
Image of Jean Helion
Sometimes when looking through my pile of drawings, I find an image that... awakens in me a passionate desire to inhabit it, as though I were to feel more at home in it than in myself.
- Jean Helion
Collection: Home
Image of Ram Dass
We're all just walking each other home.
- Ram Dass
Collection: Home
Image of Jaime Murray
Home will always be London. Theres something unique about the British. Its about cheekiness.
- Jaime Murray
Collection: Home
Image of Neil Diamond
Home's the most excellent place of all.
- Neil Diamond
Collection: Home
Image of Debbie Reynolds
I've always put my own money into my own shows because today, if you want to stay in the business, you have to produce your own product because there is not enough production and enough people that create today so if you wanna work you produce it or you stay home.
- Debbie Reynolds
Collection: Home
Image of Stefano Pilati
You can do what you want, at home. But when you go out, keep it together.
- Stefano Pilati
Collection: Home
Image of Roberto Mancini
Not conceding a goal at home is always important in a Cup tie. But despite that there is no doubt that this tie is still wide open.
- Roberto Mancini
Collection: Home
Image of John Turturro
I've always liked clothes. I usually work very closely with the costume designer when I work on films, picking the fabrics and the clothes. And colors convey feelings. I like swatches and things like that. It makes me feel at home.
- John Turturro
Collection: Home
Image of Celia Rivenbark
Jehovah's Witness are welcomed into my home...You gotta respect anybody who gets all dressed up in Sunday clothes and goes door-to-door on days so hot their high heels sink a half-inch into the pavement.The trick is to do all the talking yourself. Pretty soon, they'll look at their watches and say, 'Speaking of end times, wouldja look at what time it is now!
- Celia Rivenbark
Collection: Home
Image of Arj Barker
Anybody see 'Cop Land'? I went to go see it, but I got stoned in the parking lot. And then on the way in, I read the marquee, and I got paranoid and went home.
- Arj Barker
Collection: Home
Image of Horace Kephart
The man with the knapsack is never lost. No matter whither he may stray, his food and shelter are right with him, and home is wherever he may choose to stop.
- Horace Kephart
Collection: Home
Image of Alice Steinbach
I suspected, however, that I wasn't homesick for anything I would find at home when I returned. The longing was for what I wouldn't find: the past and all the people and places there were lost to me.
- Alice Steinbach
Collection: Home
Image of Sally Carrighar
During the last century a seven-year-old boy, Harry Service, was lost from his family's home in Manitoba and lived for two weeks with a badger in its underground den. When he was found he said that the badger had brought him food several times.
- Sally Carrighar
Collection: Home
Image of Li Bai
The living is a passing traveler; The dead, a man come home.
- Li Bai
Collection: Home
Image of Lawana Blackwell
If there was strife and contention in the home, very little else in life could compensate for it.
- Lawana Blackwell
Collection: Home
Image of E-40
When I'm on tour, I'll just fly the family out, I'll put 'em on the bus with me. They don't have to be there the whole time, but if I'm gone a certain amount of time, you know I'm definitely gonna fly them out. And then a lotta times when I'm home, I do spot dates and stuff on the weekends, because I always want spend quality time with the family. Family at the end of the day is everything, and I value that.
- E-40
Collection: Home
Image of James Scott Bell
Think of it as the Doorway of No Return. The feeling must be that your lead character, once she passes through, cannot go home again until the major problem of the plot is solved.
- James Scott Bell
Collection: Home
Image of Douglas Booth
I like to travel, but honestly I really like to just be at home in London and spend time with my friends.
- Douglas Booth
Collection: Home
Image of Kate Mara
I'm either at the movie theater, or I'm at home cooking - well, not really cooking because I don't cook, I usually have friends over who can cook, and they do the cooking. I'm sort of a homebody, even though I love going out to dinner and I love going to the movies. Those are my favorite things to do on a night off.
- Kate Mara
Collection: Home
Image of Deirdre Imus
And that is true in 85 percent of kids; it's kids who live in old, dilapidated, mostly urban housing. But that still leaves 15 percent of the cases that occur in middle- or upper-class families, usually associated with home renovations. People are sanding paint, removing banisters, cleaning up windowsills, and they don't realize that they're spewing lead dust around in the house. And then the kids get it.
- Deirdre Imus
Collection: Home
Image of Chiwetel Ejiofor
All roads lead home in the end. You've got to keep that in mind always - in your work and in your life.
- Chiwetel Ejiofor
Collection: Home
Image of Melissa George
If I wasn't acting, I think I would like to do interior design. Yeah, because you know, with the Balinese background, and being there and buying furniture, stuff like that. I love to do-up our home, so I would be an interior decorator, for sure.
- Melissa George
Collection: Home
Image of Mark Krikorian
Well, because we're talking here about people who've been ordered deported and the administration has done nothing about actually making sure that they go home. This is theater, I think, for two audiences - one probably for the American public to some degree, to make it seem as though the administration is taking this renewed surge of Central Americans seriously.
- Mark Krikorian
Collection: Home