Top Hearing Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Hearing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Lisa See
Seeing something once is better than hearing about it a hundred times. Doing something once is better than seeing it a hundred times.
- Lisa See
Collection: Hearing
Image of Richard Branson
Listen more than you talk. Nobody learned anything by hearing themselves speak.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Hearing
Image of Heather Brewer
Funny how mishearing things-or not hearing them at all-can really screw things up
- Heather Brewer
Collection: Hearing
Image of David Wilkerson
Faith comes by hearing all the Word, not just preferred sections.
- David Wilkerson
Collection: Hearing
Image of Brian P. Cleary
Not only is love blind, it’s a little hard of hearing.
- Brian P. Cleary
Collection: Hearing
Image of Richard Holloway
The institutions that claim to represent God, when they are not ignored altogether, are treated like other human institutions that have to earn their right to a hearing by the value of what they say, and not by virtue of who is saying it. Today, authority has to earn respect by the intrinsic value of what it says, not by the force of its imposition.
- Richard Holloway
Collection: Hearing
Image of Kenneth E. Hagin
If what you hear preached doesn't cause faith to come and build faith in your spirit, then it either isn't the Word of God or else you're not hearing it
- Kenneth E. Hagin
Collection: Hearing
Image of Richard Rodney Bennett
When I came across something I liked, I wanted to find out as much as I could about it. This was as true of hearing Hoagy Carmichael for the first time as it was later when I first heard Boulez.
- Richard Rodney Bennett
Collection: Hearing
Image of Deborah Butterfield
What is it that you most fear hearing about your work?
- Deborah Butterfield
Collection: Hearing
Image of George Meade
I have been tried and condemned without a hearing, and I suppose I shall have to go to the execution.
- George Meade
Collection: Hearing
Image of Charles Rosen
When recordings replaced concerts as the dominant mode of hearing music, our conception of the nature of performance and of music itself was altered.
- Charles Rosen
Collection: Hearing
Image of Steve Farrar
It’s the quiet life of obedience that will earn a hearing
- Steve Farrar
Collection: Hearing
Image of Sachin H. Jain
Health care is at the beginning of a dialogue with the world... as health care providers, we have to ask ourselves this question: What stories are we not hearing?
- Sachin H. Jain
Collection: Hearing
Image of Rubem Alves
Hope is hearing the music of the future. Faith is to dance to it.
- Rubem Alves
Collection: Hearing
Image of Carl Lentz
You know you're hearing from God when you don't walk away with facts but you walk away with faith.
- Carl Lentz
Collection: Hearing
Image of James Hunter
For me, hearing the term 'apply yourself' was like a crucifix to Bella Lugosi's Dracula. 'Ahhh, it burns!'
- James Hunter
Collection: Hearing
Image of Nadine Gordimer
Keenness of hearing revives when one is alone.
- Nadine Gordimer
Collection: Hearing
Image of Aristotle
A fool contributes nothing worth hearing and takes offense at everything.
- Aristotle
Collection: Hearing
Image of Harriet Rubin
Women have so much power that even hearing the word power frightens them.
- Harriet Rubin
Collection: Hearing
Image of Doseone
You can always find the sample that covers what you're hearing, but allows me to really concentrate on words.
- Doseone
Collection: Hearing
Image of George Sand
Be prudent, and if you hear, * * * some insult or some threat, * * * have the appearance of not hearing it.
- George Sand
Collection: Hearing
Image of John Stuart Mill
To refuse a hearing to an opinion, because they are sure that it is false, is to assume that their certainty is the same thing as absolute certainty. All silencing of discussion is an assumption of infallibility.
- John Stuart Mill
Collection: Hearing
Image of Flannery O'Connor
To the hard of hearing you shout, and for the almost blind you draw large and startling figures.
- Flannery O'Connor
Collection: Hearing
Image of Henry David Thoreau
You must speak loud to those who are hard of hearing.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Hearing
Image of Caroline Myss
When you approach intuitive methods with respect, you become open to hearing from your interior channels.
- Caroline Myss
Collection: Hearing
Image of Haile Selassie
The love shown in Christ by our God to mankind should constrain all of us who are followers and disciples of Christ to do all in our power to see to it that the Message of Salvation is carried to those of our fellows for whom Christ Our Saviour was sacrificed but who have not had the benefit of hearing the good news.
- Haile Selassie
Collection: Hearing
Image of Dorothy L. Sayers
If anybody ever marries you, it will be for the pleasure of hearing you talk piffle
- Dorothy L. Sayers
Collection: Hearing
Image of Conan O'Brien
After hearing that he has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, Putin said, 'Tell me who the other nominees are - and I will eliminate them.'
- Conan O'Brien
Collection: Hearing
Image of Sojourner Truth
Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old Sojourner ain't got nothing more to say.
- Sojourner Truth
Collection: Hearing
Image of J. C. Ryle
There must not only be good preaching, but good hearing.
- J. C. Ryle
Collection: Hearing
Image of Winona Ryder
I watched this documentary on Madonna. I remember I grew up hearing she wanted to rule the world. Actually, she worked really hard - really, really hard.
- Winona Ryder
Collection: Hearing
Image of Frederick Buechner
The trouble with really seeing and really hearing is that then we really have to do something about what we have seen and heard.
- Frederick Buechner
Collection: Hearing
Image of Geoffrey Chaucer
One eare it heard, at the other out it went.
- Geoffrey Chaucer
Collection: Hearing
Image of Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, marquise de Sevigne
We are so fond of hearing ourselves spoken of, that, be it good or ill, it is still pleasing.
- Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, marquise de Sevigne
Collection: Hearing
Image of Leonardo DiCaprio
It does feel like the middle ground has fallen out. I'm only saying that from personal experience, saying, "I'd like to make that movie" and hearing, "Oh, they're not making those types of movies anymore."
- Leonardo DiCaprio
Collection: Hearing
Image of Larry Holmes
Earnie hit me harder than any other fighter, including Mike Tyson. He hit me and I was face down on the canvas hearing saxophonist Jimmy Tillis.
- Larry Holmes
Collection: Hearing
Image of Jon Gordon
Hearing Sonny Rollins live... that was really amazing. There were so many things that really blew me away at that time [of schooling].
- Jon Gordon
Collection: Hearing
Image of Thomas A. Edison
I am so deaf I am debarred from hearing all the time articulation and have to depend on the judgment of others.
- Thomas A. Edison
Collection: Hearing
Image of Lupe Fiasco
I don't like to hear myself sing. So to get comfortable hearing myself sing, I sang in another accent.
- Lupe Fiasco
Collection: Hearing
Image of George Herbert
Who is so deafe, as he that will not hear?
- George Herbert
Collection: Hearing
Image of Rutherford B. Hayes
What Congress and the popular sentiment approve is rarely defeated by reason of constitutional objections. I trust the measure will turn out well. It is a great relief to me. Defeat in this way, after a full and public hearing before this [Electoral] Commission, is not mortifying in any degree, and success will be in all respects more satisfactory.
- Rutherford B. Hayes
Collection: Hearing
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
What are you? (Danger) Well, had you listened before you stabbed me, you would have heard the ‘I’m Acheron’s Squire’ part. Apparently that somehow escaped your hearing and you mistook me for a pin cushion. (Alexion)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Hearing
Image of Helen Keller
If I could have only one of my senses then I would choose hearing, Then I wouldn't feel so all alone.
- Helen Keller
Collection: Hearing
Image of John Keats
Hear ye not the hum Of mighty workings?
- John Keats
Collection: Hearing
Image of Lenny Kravitz
What motivates it is life. Life is everything. Life influences my music and brings it forth. Life is always changing, so I'm always hearing new music.
- Lenny Kravitz
Collection: Hearing
Image of Marlee Matlin
I learned to speak first, and then to sign. I have never really known what it was like to hear, so I cant compare hearing aids to normal hearing.
- Marlee Matlin
Collection: Hearing