Top Hammers Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Hammers quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Arthur Bloch
Don't force it... get a bigger hammer.
- Arthur Bloch
Collection: Hammers
Image of Erwin Rommel
I would rather be the hammer than the anvil
- Erwin Rommel
Collection: Hammers
Image of Karen White
The word that came to me now was "defiant." Because a person had to be defiant to be able to stand amid the wreckage of her life and instead of shaking a fist, pick up a hammer.
- Karen White
Collection: Hammers
Image of John Philip Sousa
You can't drive a Spike with a Tack Hammer
- John Philip Sousa
Collection: Hammers
Image of Berton Braley
Back of the beating hammer By which the steel is wrought, Back of the workshop's clamor The seeker may find the thought.
- Berton Braley
Collection: Hammers
Image of Tito Ortiz
I will punish the hammer and turn him into a mallet.
- Tito Ortiz
Collection: Hammers
Image of Michael Gira
The music takes you. It has to be alive. It's like you hammer something, and the way it happens to bleed leads you into new directions.
- Michael Gira
Collection: Hammers
Image of Steig Larsson
There were not so many physical threats that could not be countered with a decent hammer.
- Steig Larsson
Collection: Hammers
Image of Neal Stephenson
... when I saw any of those kinds of beauty I knew I was alive, and not just in the sense that when I hit my thumb with a hammer I knew I was alive, but rather in the sense that I was partaking of something--something was passing through me that it was in my nature to be a part of.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Hammers
Image of Rachel Caine
Sure. Knock yourself out. No, really. Hammer to the head, works every time.” Claire
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Hammers
Image of William Shakespeare
I have been studying how I may compare This prison where I live unto the world; And, for because the world is populous, And here is not a creature but myself, I cannot do it. Yet I'll hammer it out.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Hammers
Image of Charles Spurgeon
The anvil is not afraid of the hammer.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Hammers
Image of Kabir
Admire the diamond that can bear the hits of a hammer. Many deceptive preachers, when critically examined, turn out to be false.
- Kabir
Collection: Hammers
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You must be either the servant or the master, the hammer or the anvil.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Hammers
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
What can a sculptor do without the chisel and the hammer? And what can an impostor politician do without the ignorants and the uneducated?
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: Hammers
Image of George Herbert
When you are an Anvill, hold you still; when you are a hammer, strike your fill.
- George Herbert
Collection: Hammers
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
Strike the ignorants with the hammer of knowledge, wherever and whenever you see them!
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: Hammers
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Cap and trade is a sledge hammer to freedom.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Hammers
Image of Benoit Mandelbrot
If you have a hammer, use it everywhere you can, but I do not claim that everything is fractal.
- Benoit Mandelbrot
Collection: Hammers