Top giving up Quotes Collection - Page 6

Discover a curated collection of giving up quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 6 provides more giving up quotes.

Image of Masato
If you give up, it's over. But if you don't give up, the day will come when you'll be glad you didn't give up.
- Masato
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Hal Boyle
Those who give up cigarette smoking aren't the heroes. The real heroes are the rest of us - who have to listen to them.
- Hal Boyle
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Takeda Nobushige
In the Wu Tzu it says: 'He who would save his life shall lose it, and he who would give up his life shall save it.'
- Takeda Nobushige
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Keisha Castle-Hughes
I thought 'I can't be an actor, I can't'. Then this film came up and it was like someone saying to me, 'You can, don't give up'.
- Keisha Castle-Hughes
Collection: Giving Up
Image of A. J. Muste
Paradoxically, life is worth living for those who have something for which they will gladly give up life.
- A. J. Muste
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Nicholas Lore
The way to "find" the perfect career is to give up the notion that you will ever find it, stumble across it, or that it will somehow magically find you, and to get to work designing it.
- Nicholas Lore
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Leonora Carrington
I often feel I am being burned at the stake just because I have always refused to give up that wonderful strange power I have inside me that becomes manifested when I am in harmonious communication with some other inspired being.
- Leonora Carrington
Collection: Giving Up
Image of William Cohen
We have to yet really seriously debate the constitutional issues and whether or not we're willing to give up more freedom in order to have more security.
- William Cohen
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Billy Mills
God has given me the ability. The rest is up to me. Believe. Believe. Believe.
- Billy Mills
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Troy Little
Personally, I wouldn't wait around for someone to tell you you're good enough before you make your own comics. Just make them, always try to improve and care about what you're doing. Be relentless and never give up.
- Troy Little
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Deborah Meier
It's the curiosity that drives me. It's making a difference in the world that prevents me from ever giving up.
- Deborah Meier
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Deborah Meier
I take enormous pleasure every time I see something that I've done that cannot be wiped out. In some way ... I guess it's a protest against mortality. But it's been so much fun! It's the curiosity that drives me. It's making a difference in the world that prevents me from ever giving up.
- Deborah Meier
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Faraaz Kazi
One of the symptoms of having a broken-heart is the fact that even ghosts will give up on the hope of scaring you as you have already lived through your worst fear.
- Faraaz Kazi
Collection: Giving Up
Image of John Browne, Baron Browne of Madingley
Giving up the illusion that you can predict the future is a very liberating moment. All you can do is give yourself the capacity to respond... the creation of that capacity is the purpose of strategy.
- John Browne, Baron Browne of Madingley
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Ashley Young
If you can't find it in your own heart to be compassionate look in someone else's before giving up on love altogether.
- Ashley Young
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Frank Mir
I wish I could make the statement that 'the odds were against me but you never quit', It was not true. I wanted to give up.
- Frank Mir
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Joseph Simmons
Never give up just because it gets hard
- Joseph Simmons
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Michael Shurtleff
The first step to a better audition is to give up character and use yourself.
- Michael Shurtleff
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Alister MacKenzie
One of the reasons why I, 'a medical man' decided to give up medicine was a firm conviction of the extraordinary influence on health of pleasurable excitement, especially when combined with fresh air and exercise. How frequently have I, with great difficulty, persuaded patients who were never off my doorsteps to take up golf, and how rarely, if ever, I have seen them in my consulting room again.
- Alister MacKenzie
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Paul H. Dunn
You remember the Duke of Wellington was talking of the Battle of Waterloo when he said that it was not that the British soldiers were braver than the French soldiers. It was just that they were brave five minutes longer. And in our struggles sometimes that's all it takes-to be brave five minutes longer, to try just a little harder, to not give up on ourselves when everything seems to beg for our defeat.
- Paul H. Dunn
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Diana Peterfreund
There was that word again.Mature. Was this what maturity was? Giving up on the things we wanted because we knew we'd never get them?
- Diana Peterfreund
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Patricia Churchland
If you give up because you announce the phenomenon cannot be explained, you are missing out.
- Patricia Churchland
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Marie-Louise von Franz
The ego must be able to listen attentively and to give itself, without any further design or purpose, to that inner urge toward growth. People living in cultures more securely rooted than our own have less trouble in understanding that it is necessary to give up the utilitarian attitude of conscious planning in order to make way for the inner growth of the personality.
- Marie-Louise von Franz
Collection: Giving Up
Image of J. Willard Gibbs
We avoid the gravest difficulties when, giving up the attempt to frame hypotheses concerning the constitution of matter, we pursue statistical inquiries as a branch of rational mechanics.
- J. Willard Gibbs
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Paul Bourget
Look at Goethe, at Lamartine and at many others! To depict feelings on this high plane, you must give up the process of minute and insignificant observation which is the bane of the artists of to-day.
- Paul Bourget
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Amanda Bearse
You can't type what a lesbian is. We're anything and everything. The one thing in common is that we make love to other women. So give up trying to limit us.
- Amanda Bearse
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Eva LaRue
We have made some great strides in terms of treating various types of cancer with early detection. The success rate of recovery for many people today is better than it was a decade or two ago so we can't give up. Yes, we would all love a quick "cure all" but that is not reality. Until then, we all are in this together and we have to keep working towards more progress!
- Eva LaRue
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Chris Hedges
There are no impediments now to corporations. None. And what they want is for us to give up. They want us to become passive. They want us to become tacitly complicit in our own destruction.
- Chris Hedges
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Judy Chicago
Don't give up. It's really important to trust your impulses as an artist no matter what anybody else says.
- Judy Chicago
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Tom Platz
When you promise yourself something, make a commitment, you can't give up. Because, when you're in the gym, you have to fulfill the promise you made to yourself. The people who can self motivate - in any field - are usually the ones who win. Regardless of talent.
- Tom Platz
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Big L
The Big L was cold crazy, A top-notch crook snatchin' pocket books from old ladies I told him, "Give up the dough, before you get smoked! Oh you broke? ( *shots* ) Now you're dead broke" My name is L and I'm from a part of town where clowns, Get beat down and all you hear is gunshot sounds 'Cause at nighttime niggas try to tax, they're sneakier than alley cats, that's why I carry gats
- Big L
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Joey Bishop
A salesman called on my wife the other day and tried to sell her a freezer. You'll save a fortune on your food bills, he promised. I can't tell you how much you'll save. It'll be tremendous. Said my wife: I'm sure you're right, but we're already saving a fortune with our new car by not taking the bus. We're saving a fortune with our new washing machine by not sending out the laundry. We're saving a fortune with our new dishwasher by giving up the maid. The plain truth is that right now we just can't afford to save any more!
- Joey Bishop
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Paul Celan
There's nothing in the world for which a poet will give up writing, not even he is a Jew and the language of his poems is German.
- Paul Celan
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Susan Ford
Never give up! There's always hope because there's always help
- Susan Ford
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Chanakya
One who is in search of knowledge should give up the search of pleasure and the one who is in search of pleasure should give up the search of knowledge.
- Chanakya
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Sam Nunn
We need a dialogue with the Iranians, and it is going to take both carrots and sticks. We employed very tough economic sanctions, and they are having an effect. But we also have to give the Iranians an idea of what the economic and cooperative possibilities would be if they did give up their quest for a nuclear weapon.
- Sam Nunn
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Greg Chappell
He must be the most singlehanded devotee cricket has ever seen. Cricket has taken up so much of his life that at times you would wonder what is he going to do once he gives up the game.
- Greg Chappell
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Gregory Benford
In a tough situation, don't avoid acting just because it's easier or comfortable. Don't lapse into a passive state. People who give up, die.
- Gregory Benford
Collection: Giving Up
Image of George Meany
Labor never quits. We never give up the fight - no matter how tough the odds, no matter how long it takes.
- George Meany
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Jason Biggs
I'd like to do more dramatic roles but I would never give up comedy to do it. I've seen a lot of actors that do a complete 180 degrees and say: "I'm done with comedy, I want to be taken seriously." I take my comedy very seriously and I want to be taken seriously because of my comedy. I think it's more fun for me. I enjoy laughing and attempting to make people laugh. So I'd like to do more drama but I'd never do the 180 thing.
- Jason Biggs
Collection: Giving Up
Image of John Goodman
Giving up a lot of yourself isn't really that hard when you realize that you get more than you give up.
- John Goodman
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Ralph Wiley
A real player is somebody who never gives up, who keeps thinking all the way through, who's scared, (darn) right, but plays through being scared.
- Ralph Wiley
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Wilford Woodruff
If we are going to do away with polygamy, it would only be one feather in the bird, one ordinance in the Church and Kingdom. Do away with that, then we must do away with the prophets and apostles, with revelation and the gifts and graces of the Gospel, and finally give up our religion altogether.
- Wilford Woodruff
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Dolores Huerta
When you choose to give up your time and resources to participate in community work, that's what makes a leader.
- Dolores Huerta
Collection: Giving Up
Image of George Knudson
Give up control to gain control.
- George Knudson
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Donna de Varona
Failure isn't failing at the project at hand. Failure is giving up on yourself.
- Donna de Varona
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Robert Bateman
I got serious about painting at 12, when most people give up.
- Robert Bateman
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Solomon Burke
Im still amazed people remembered and didnt give up on me.
- Solomon Burke
Collection: Giving Up