Top Ghouls Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Ghouls quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Andrei Codrescu
The worst part about zombies raging unchecked is the slow paralysis that they induce in people who aren't quite zombies yet. The rest of us un-zombies turn our heads, hoping the ghouls will just go away.
- Andrei Codrescu
Collection: Ghouls
Image of Theda Bara
The reason good women like me and flock to my pictures is that there is a little bit of vampire instinct in every woman.
- Theda Bara
Collection: Ghouls
Image of Patty Duke
I knew from a very young age that there was something very wrong with me
- Patty Duke
Collection: Ghouls
Image of J. K. Rowling
Mr. Weasley was unavailable for comment, although his wife told reporters to clear off or she'd set the family ghoul on them.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Ghouls
Image of Max Brooks
The dead walk among us. Zombies, ghouls-no matter what their label-these somnambulists are the greatest threat to humanity, other than humanity itself.
- Max Brooks
Collection: Ghouls
Image of Jeaniene Frost
Bones didn’t share any of my qualms about suddenly holding an arm that wasn’t attached to a body anymore. He just grabbed the ghoul by his other arm and began thumping him over the head with the loose limb. I’d heard Bones threaten to beat someone with their own limb before, but I’d always assumed that was a figure of speech. Apparently not.
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Ghouls
Image of Kevin Hearne
Whoa. He had ghouls on speed dial. My lawyer kicks so much ass.
- Kevin Hearne
Collection: Ghouls
Image of Diane Ackerman
Our sense of safety depends on predictability, so anything living outside the usual rules we suspect to be an outlaw, a ghoul.
- Diane Ackerman
Collection: Ghouls
Image of Washington Irving
Sometimes he spent hours together in the great libraries of Paris, those catacombs of departed authors, rummaging among their hoards of dusty and obsolete works in quest of food for his unhealthy appetite. He was, in a manner, a literary ghoul, feeding in the charnel-house of decayed literature.
- Washington Irving
Collection: Ghouls
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Daimons, vampires, ghouls, whatever you want to call them. They suck your blood and your soul and leave you with nothing. Kind of like lawyers. (Selena)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Ghouls
Image of Anne Lamott
When you make friends with fear, it can’t rule you.
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Ghouls