Friendship Quotes: Celebrating the Bonds That Tie - Page 23

Celebrate the bonds of friendship with our handpicked quotes. Cherish and appreciate your friends through timeless words. Page 23 provides more friendship quotes.

Image of Bill Withers
Lean on me, when you're not strong and I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on.
- Bill Withers
Collection: Friendship
Image of Bill Withers
If there is a load you have to bear that you can't carry, I'm right up the road. I'll share your load if you just call me.
- Bill Withers
Collection: Friendship
Image of Marian Anderson
Every one has a gift for something, even if it is the gift of being a good friend.
- Marian Anderson
Collection: Friendship
Image of Isaiah Crowell
The light of friendship is like light of phosphorus, seen plainest when all around is dark.
- Isaiah Crowell
Collection: Friendship
Image of Nicholas Grimald
Of all the heavenly gifts that mortal men commend, What trusty treasure in the world can counterfail a friend?
- Nicholas Grimald
Collection: Friendship
Image of Nicholas Grimald
Of all the heavenly gifts that mortal men command What trusty treasure in the world can countervail a friend? What sweeter solace shall befall than one to find Upon whose breast thou may'st repose the secrets of thy mind
- Nicholas Grimald
Collection: Friendship
Image of John Edensor Littlewood
I read in the proof sheets of Hardy on Ramanujan: "As someone said, each of the positive integers was one of his personal friends." My reaction was, "I wonder who said that; I wish I had." In the next proof-sheets I read (what now stands), "It was Littlewood who said..."
- John Edensor Littlewood
Collection: Friendship
Image of Gillian Anderson
People come in and out of our lives to teach us. And we teach other people. It's part of the process. They come in and they go out. Some stay for longer than others.
- Gillian Anderson
Collection: Friendship
Image of Rosalind Wiseman
You can't make someone be your best friend.
- Rosalind Wiseman
Collection: Friendship
Image of Sara Bonnett Stein
It's the flock, the grove, that matters. Our responsibility is to species, not to specimens; to communities, not to individuals.
- Sara Bonnett Stein
Collection: Friendship
Image of Chuck Brodsky
'Cause we are each other's angels And we meet when it is time We keep each other going And we show each other signs
- Chuck Brodsky
Collection: Friendship
Image of Alice Cooper
If you could use your brain like you use your ass.
- Alice Cooper
Collection: Friendship
Image of Edwin McCain
I'll be your crying shoulder.
- Edwin McCain
Collection: Friendship
Image of Georg Ebers
Friendship is genuine when two friends can enjoy each others company without speaking a word to one another.
- Georg Ebers
Collection: Friendship
Image of Rebecca Wells
Friends are supposed to act like harbor boats-let you know if you're off course. But it ain't always possible.
- Rebecca Wells
Collection: Friendship
Image of Laura Ortiz
To be honest with you, I don't have the words to make you feel better, but I do have the arms to give you a hug, ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about, and I have a heart; a heart that's aching to see you smile again.
- Laura Ortiz
Collection: Friendship
Image of Charlie Krueger
Friends aren't jumper cables. You don't throw them into the trunk and pull them out for emergencies.
- Charlie Krueger
Collection: Friendship
Image of Fredrika Bremer
When the first time of love is over, there comes a something better still. Then comes that other love; that faithful friendship which never changes, and which will accompany you with its calm light through the whole of life. It is only needful to place yourself so that if it may come, and then it comes of itself. And then everything turns and changes itself to the best.
- Fredrika Bremer
Collection: Friendship
Image of Martin E. Marty
There is no reason to make the search for friendship sound like an animal instinct. Friendship does not always come as a result of a search; it can come when we least look for it, just as it denies itself when we pursue it too earnestly and with pathetic eagerness.
- Martin E. Marty
Collection: Friendship
Image of Morton Blackwell
You cannot make friends of your enemies by making enemies of your friends.
- Morton Blackwell
Collection: Friendship
Image of Morton Blackwell
In politics, you have your word and your friends; go back on either and you're dead.
- Morton Blackwell
Collection: Friendship
Image of Elizabeth Fishel
Sisters define their rivalry in terms of competition for the gold cup of parental love. It is never perceived as a cup which runneth over, rather a finite vessel from which the more one sister drinks, the less is left over for the others.
- Elizabeth Fishel
Collection: Friendship
Image of Jimmy Dean
I won't go hunting with you, Jake, but I'll go chasing women.
- Jimmy Dean
Collection: Friendship
Image of Philippos Syrigos
Good friends are those who care without hesitation, who remember without limitation and who love even without communication
- Philippos Syrigos
Collection: Friendship
Image of Brian Baumgartner
I had a Shiatsu dog for 12 years - we were different in size but he was certainly man's best friend, he was my little guy.
- Brian Baumgartner
Collection: Friendship
Image of Nahum Tate
Friendship's the privilege of private men; for wretched greatness knows no blessing so substantial.
- Nahum Tate
Collection: Friendship
Image of DMX
If your heart was as big as your mouth you'd be real.
Collection: Friendship
Image of DMX
Be careful of the ones that always wanna get you high, cause when the time comes, that one'll let you die.
Collection: Friendship
Image of DMX
In my heart I mean well. But if you help me to grow, then what I have in my heart will begin to show.
Collection: Friendship
Image of George Lindsey
I was too dumb to know Opie was going to grow up to be a great Director, if so, boy, I would certainly have become his best friend.
- George Lindsey
Collection: Friendship
Image of Sammy Davis, Jr.
Savor the moments that are warm and special and giggly.
- Sammy Davis, Jr.
Collection: Friendship
Image of Sean Covey
It's hard, but sometimes it is better to have no friends for a time than to have the wrong friends. The wrong group can lead you down all kinds of paths you really don't want to be on. And retracing your steps can be a long and hard journey
- Sean Covey
Collection: Friendship
Image of Sean Covey
Make as many friends as you can, but don't build your life on them alone. It's an unstable foundation.
- Sean Covey
Collection: Friendship
Image of Francine Mathews
Friends, in my experience, are like ladies' fashions. They come and go with the seasons, and are rarely of such stout stuff as bears repeated wearing.
- Francine Mathews
Collection: Friendship
Image of Julie Sutton
Your friendship is better than chocolate! Well, anyway, it's right up there.
- Julie Sutton
Collection: Friendship
Image of Marlin K. Jensen
I think in all of us there is a profound longing for friendship, a deep yearning for the satisfaction and security that close and lasting friendships can give.
- Marlin K. Jensen
Collection: Friendship
Image of Margaret Guenther
We all need friends with whom we can speak of our deepest concerns, and who do not fear to speak the truth in love to us.
- Margaret Guenther
Collection: Friendship
Image of John Churton Collins
To accept a favor from a friend is to confer one.
- John Churton Collins
Collection: Friendship
Image of Sarah Ellis
To act the part of a true friend requires more conscientious feeling than to fill with credit and complacency any other station or capacity in social life.
- Sarah Ellis
Collection: Friendship
Image of Kassia
You meet a friend - your face brightens. You have struck gold.
- Kassia
Collection: Friendship
Image of David Powers
President Kennedy was the greatest man I ever met, and the best friend I ever had.
- David Powers
Collection: Friendship
Image of Thiruvalluvar
Friendship with the wise gets better with time, as a good book gets better with age.
- Thiruvalluvar
Collection: Friendship
Image of Phil Callaway
There is no better friendship booster than the ability to listen. The ability to show genuine interest in others is an admirable quality of a true friend.
- Phil Callaway
Collection: Friendship
Image of Steve Tesich
No birth certificate is issued when friendship is born. There is nothing tangible. There is just a feeling that your life is different and that your capacity to love and care has miraculously been enlarged without any effort on your part. It's like having a tiny apartment and somebody moves in with you. But instead of becoming cramped and crowded, the space expands, and you discover rooms you never knew you had until your friend moved in with you.
- Steve Tesich
Collection: Friendship
Image of Theocritus
Verily, great grace may go with a little gift; and precious are all things that come from friends.
- Theocritus
Collection: Friendship
Image of David LaMotte
You mean the world to me and I'll never stop loving you 'Cause what you have given me I can never repay And if we meet again somehow, I will love you then as now 'Cause you mean the world to me
- David LaMotte
Collection: Friendship
Image of Lauren Conrad
A true friend is someone who never gets tired listening to your pointless drama over and over again.
- Lauren Conrad
Collection: Friendship