Top Finding The One Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Finding The One quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Thomas Moore
Finding the right work is like discovering your own soul in the world.
- Thomas Moore
Collection: Finding The One
Image of Kathleen McGowan
For love that is not requited in equal measure is not love at all; it is not sacred. And holding on to the ideal of such love can keep us from finding the one that is true.
- Kathleen McGowan
Collection: Finding The One
Image of William Wycherley
Next to the pleasure of finding a new mistress is that of being rid of an old one.
- William Wycherley
Collection: Finding The One
Image of Joe Grant
Lighting is vital. Without that they've got nothing. And, of course, color and texture. When they showed me a little piece of Finding Nemo, I said this has got to be the biggest hit.
- Joe Grant
Collection: Finding The One
Image of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Now, I feel that if somebody looks through all the numbers through all those years, they will find one for Julius Rosenberg, and it is worth finding if it is such an important issue.
- Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Collection: Finding The One
Image of W. H. Auden
Young people, who are still uncertain of their identity, often try on a succession of masks in the hope of finding the one which suits them - the one, in fact, which is not a mask.
- W. H. Auden
Collection: Finding The One