Top felix Quotes Collection

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Image of Felix Dennis
The rich are not a contented tribe. The demands from others to share their wealth become so tiresome, so insistent, they often decide they must insulate themselves. Insulation eventually breeds a mild form of paranoia.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
There is never a time in a company's history when cost control can be relegated to the back burner, but for a startup company, keeping costs low is a vital necessity.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
Very, very few entrepreneurs who accept a 51 percent partner in a new venture will get rich if they are also expected to run it. Control is mandatory.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
The vast majority of free verse is ghastly. Utterly ghastly. No one reads it. No one listens to it.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
I hear poets complaining: 'We face what our forebears did not face. We face TV. We face radio. We face this and that.'
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
America is not the center of the universe.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
Obviously, waste disposal is an enormous and fantastic industry.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
In the end, the railroads made America and nanotech will make the 21st century, and that is the end of the story. The beginning of the story and the end of the story.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
America, ladies and gentlemen, has done more for me financially than Britain ever has, or ever could have done.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
When you're writing, you're in a totally different zone... I can start a difficult poem and look up at the clock and see to my astonishment that three hours have passed.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
I've been busy for years, buying land, often under pseudonyms, and planting trees on it. All the money is going into it when I die - and in the end I'd like to think that it will be 20 to 30,000 acres.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
When I see something that's wrong, I just speak and act first and I'll take the consequences later.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
Poetry is one of the oldest of all art forms, and one of its powers for shamans and tribal leaders was the mnemonic.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
The planet doesn't require saving, and actually hasn't asked Greenpeace to save it.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
The climate has been changing since there was a climate.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
You can collect all the plastic bottle caps you want as long as you give me the money so we can get off this death trap, find somewhere else and have tremendous fun screwing that up as well.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
Everything I publish is for my readers.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
You cannot properly bring up children when you are 69 or 70 and they are 12 and at the height of their madness. You can physically do it, but I don't think it's morally justified.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
People really do not have time to read all the newspapers in the world and all the sites that we now commonly use on the web. There is no possibility of keeping up.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
I've always noted with some awe the reading habits of the Australian public. Australians read more newspapers and magazines per head of population than almost any other country in the world.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
The problem with rich lists is... it is impossible to know what someone is worth until they have died and you have sold it.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
I should have liked to get married, but over many decades I have lived essentially alone. I go to sleep when I'm tired, get up when I wake up, have my food prepared when I'm hungry. I can't bear the thought that I'd have to coincide, make an effort.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
I'm so suspicious of our own understanding of the past. I just think that your mind plays absolute tricks on you and fools you every minute of every day. And so when you're talking about the past, you're talking about something that never happened. At least it didn't happen the way you think it happened.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix
Image of Felix Dennis
Posthumous reputations have little to do with real lives.
- Felix Dennis
Collection: Felix