Top fear Quotes Collection - Page 16

Discover a curated collection of fear quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 16 provides more fear quotes.

Image of Josephine Winslow Johnson
in mad people fear goes on constantly, night and day, wearing one ditch in the mind that all thoughts must travel in.
- Josephine Winslow Johnson
Collection: Fear
Image of Carol Shields
He dares not concern himself with the future for fear of disturbing the present.
- Carol Shields
Collection: Fear
Image of Andrew Vachss
If a train is coming at you, closing your eyes won't save you ... but if you look right at it, you at least have a chance to jump.
- Andrew Vachss
Collection: Fear
Image of Ivan Klíma
Fear is the touch of death, death reminding us of its existence.
- Ivan Klíma
Collection: Fear
Image of Ralph Keyes
Fear is felt by writers at every level. Anxiety accompanies the first word they put on paper and the last.
- Ralph Keyes
Collection: Fear
Image of Dalton Trumbo
Nothing is bigger than life. There's nothing noble in death. What's noble about never seeing the sunshine again? What's noble about having your legs and arms blown off? What's noble about being an idiot? What's noble about being blind and deaf and dumb? What's noble about being dead?
- Dalton Trumbo
Collection: Fear
Image of Tacitus
Fear is not in the habit of speaking truth.
- Tacitus
Collection: Fear
Image of Philip Zimbardo
The Devil's strategy for our times is to trivialize human existence and isolate us from one another while creating the delusion that the reasons are time pressures, work demands or economic anxieties.
- Philip Zimbardo
Collection: Fear
Image of Jane Addams
Only in time of fear is government thrown back to its primitive and sole function of self-defense and the many interests of which it is the guardian become subordinate to that.
- Jane Addams
Collection: Fear
Image of Lee Goldberg
Guilt and fear are a kind of rot. It spreads unless it's cleaned. And there's only one way to do that.
- Lee Goldberg
Collection: Fear
Image of Pam Houston
The more important question, of course, was what the new Lucy would do, and even though I was pretty sure the old Lucy wouldn't be around much anymore, I was a little bit afraid the new Lucy hadn't yet shown up.
- Pam Houston
Collection: Fear
Image of Nathaniel Branden
If you overcome your fear to ask someone for a date, a raise, or help with a project, that is an act of self-assertiveness. You are moving out into life rather than contracting and withdrawing.
- Nathaniel Branden
Collection: Fear
Image of Derrick Bell
Courage is a decision you make to act in a way that works through your own fear for the greater good as opposed to pure self-interest. Courage means putting at risk your immediate self-interest for what you believe is right.
- Derrick Bell
Collection: Fear
Image of Ed Wood
You know, it's an interesting think when you consider... The Earth people, who can think, are so frightened by those who cannot: the dead.
- Ed Wood
Collection: Fear
Image of Kohta Hirano
The Bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my Wings to make me tame.
- Kohta Hirano
Collection: Fear
Image of Rosie Thomas
I am not afraid of death, which after all can't be far away. What does frighten me, though, is the halfway stage.
- Rosie Thomas
Collection: Fear
Image of Rosie Thomas
After a lifetime's independence– yes, selfish independence as my daughter would rightly claim – I am terrified of being reduced to childhood once more, to helplessness, to seas of confusion from which the cruel lucid intervals poke up like rock shoals.
- Rosie Thomas
Collection: Fear
Image of Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Having eyes, but not seeing beauty; having ears, but not hearing music; having minds, but not perceiving truth; having hearts that are never moved and therefore never set on fire. These are the things to fear, said the headmaster.
- Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Collection: Fear
Image of David Seabury
Fear of self is the greatest of all terrors, the deepest of all dread, the commonest of all mistakes. From it grows failure. Because of it, life is a mockery. Out of it comes despair.
- David Seabury
Collection: Fear
Image of Bertrand Russell
Worry is a form of fear, and all forms of fear produce fatigue. A man who has learned not to feel fear will find the fatigue of daily life enormously diminished.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Fear
Image of Plotinus
Fear must be entirely banished. The purified soul will fear nothing.
- Plotinus
Collection: Fear
Image of Greg Graffin
We should enjoy and make the most of life, not because we are in constant fear of what might happen to us in a mythical afterlife, but because we have only one opportunity to live.
- Greg Graffin
Collection: Fear
Image of Edna O'Brien
what makes us so afraid is the thing we half see, or half hear, as in a wood at dusk, when a tree stump becomes an animal and a sound becomes a siren. And most of that fear is the fear of not knowing, of not actually seeing correctly.
- Edna O'Brien
Collection: Fear
Image of Connie Brockway
You can figure out what the villain fears by his choice of weapons.
- Connie Brockway
Collection: Fear
Image of Portia de Rossi
Life can take so many twists and turns. You can’t ever count yourself out. Even if you’re really afraid at some point, you can’t think that there’s no room for you to grow and do something good with your life.
- Portia de Rossi
Collection: Fear
Image of Theodore Roethke
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. I feel my fate in what I cannot fear. I learn by going where I have to go.
- Theodore Roethke
Collection: Fear
Image of Pittacus Lore
Best way to deal with fear is to confront it.
- Pittacus Lore
Collection: Fear
Image of Mike Carey
Michael: There's nothing here to fear. Lucifer: Well, there's always the truth.
- Mike Carey
Collection: Fear
Image of Marjane Satrapi
When we're afraid, we lose all sense of analysis and reflection. Our fear paralyzes us. Besides, fear has always been the driving force behind all dictators' repression.
- Marjane Satrapi
Collection: Fear
Image of Natan Sharansky
When a man is afraid and accedes to fear, he will always find arguments to justify his own surrender.
- Natan Sharansky
Collection: Fear
Image of Christopher Paolini
Without fear there cannot be courage.
- Christopher Paolini
Collection: Fear
Image of Brom
Men who fear demons see demons everywhere.
- Brom
Collection: Fear
Image of Louis de Bernieres
Remember that fear causes to happen the very things it fears. That's why fear should be unknown to us.
- Louis de Bernieres
Collection: Fear
Image of Robert Plant
As we wind on down the road, our shadows taller than our souls.
- Robert Plant
Collection: Fear
Image of Max Brooks
I think that most people would rather face the light of a real enemy than the darkness of their imagined fears.
- Max Brooks
Collection: Fear
Image of Han Nolan
And I was afraid because I knew I had outgrown my past before I could see a path to my future.
- Han Nolan
Collection: Fear
Image of David Zindell
"What is a human being, then?" "A seed." "A... seed?" "An acorn that is unafraid to destroy itself in growing into a tree."
- David Zindell
Collection: Fear
Image of Candice Swanepoel
A lack of knowledge creates fear. Seeking knowledge creates courage.
- Candice Swanepoel
Collection: Fear
Image of Renata Adler
Fear . . . is forward. No one is afraid of yesterday.
- Renata Adler
Collection: Fear
Image of Ludwig Borne
The most dangerous person is the fearful; he is the most to be feared.
- Ludwig Borne
Collection: Fear
Image of Thomas Paine
You cannot undermine police authority and then complain about rising crime.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Fear
Image of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Fear is the most easily taught of all lessons, and the fight against terror, real or imagined, is perhaps the history of man's mind.
- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Collection: Fear
Image of Judy Blume
How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives.
- Judy Blume
Collection: Fear
Image of James Bovard
Part of the reason that the government's fear mongering is succeeding is because so many people are so ignorant, that it is easier for government to frighten people in submission.
- James Bovard
Collection: Fear
Image of Ford Madox Ford
We are all so afraid, we are all so alone, we all so need from the outside the assurance of our own worthiness to exist.
- Ford Madox Ford
Collection: Fear
Image of John Kennedy Toole
The day before me is fraught with God knows what horrors.
- John Kennedy Toole
Collection: Fear
Image of Elizabeth von Arnim
For I'm afraid of loneliness; shiveringly, terribly afraid. I don't mean the ordinary physical loneliness, for here I am, deliberately travelled away from London to get to it, to its spaciousness and healing. I mean that awful loneliness of spirit that is the ultimate tragedy of life. When you've got to that, really reached it, without hope, without escape, you die. You just can't bear it, and you die.
- Elizabeth von Arnim
Collection: Fear
Image of Elliott Smith
Playing things too safe is the most popular way to fail.
- Elliott Smith
Collection: Fear