Top Eton Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Eton quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of E. M. Delafield
Most Englishmen are convinced that God is an Englishman, probably educated at Eton.
- E. M. Delafield
Collection: Eton
Image of Auberon Waugh
An unemployed electrician,whom I had been taunting with my reminder of how much richer I was, leaned forward and said:'What are your qualifications? I know exactly what your qualifications are.You bent over in the shower to pick up some soap at Eton and Harrow, like all the rest of them.
- Auberon Waugh
Collection: Eton
Image of Ellen Wilkinson
Free milk will be provided in Hoxton and Shoredith, in Eton and Harrow. What more social equality can you have than that?
- Ellen Wilkinson
Collection: Eton
Image of Jonathan Aitken
As far as the physical miseries go, I am sure I will cope. I lived at Eton in the 1950s and I know all about life in uncomfortable quarters.
- Jonathan Aitken
Collection: Eton