Top elana Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of elana quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Elana Meyers
If you've seen 'Cool Runnings,' it looks pretty easy. You're just riding in a sled, right? Not exactly. Bobsled actually involves a series of complex movements that aren't like those in any other sport. You put your body into a really awkward position to push a 400-pound sled downhill on ice.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
In bobsled, you work as a team - a driver and a brakeman. Both athletes push, but the brakeman's biggest responsibility is to push as fast as she can and get in and ride down in a good aerodynamic position. The driver helps to push but gets in first and then steers the sled down the track. We aren't just along for the ride, despite how it looks!
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
Traditionally, the treatment for a concussion has been to stare at a wall and wait for your brain to heal itself. Don't watch TV, don't read a book, don't look at your phone, and definitely don't train. It's a torturous protocol for an athlete.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
It's hard to describe what it's like to live with a concussion. You want to enjoy things like you used to, but you can't. You wake up in the morning and wonder how you're going to feel that day: What will my reactions be like? Will I have a headache? Will I have to triple check to see if I unplugged the flat iron?
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
All growing up, the outside world wants to tell you what you can and cannot do as a female - what sports are acceptable, what sports are appropriate, what is appropriate to study, what is appropriate to say. But luckily, I have a strong family, and my mom is the most amazing mom in the world. She never let me worry about biases.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
I was always encouraged to participate in whatever sports I wanted to be in.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
I know how much my mom has impacted my journey and how much I wouldn't be where I am without my mom. As much as she says she's proud of me, I'm even more so proud of her because of what she's done and how she's been able to raise me and my sisters.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
The biggest thing for me is keeping my hair moisturized. My go-tos are the Pantene Gold Series Hydrating Butter Cream and Intense Hydrating Oil.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
I'm freakishly good at squatting.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
I trash talk all the time.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
For me, it's always been about continually challenging myself and continually figuring out how to go down the hill faster.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
A guy like Usain Bolt would be sick behind a bobsled.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
I love my teammates. I love my coaches.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
I feel like sport can transcend a lot of different things.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
Sport can transcend bias.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
I train with track athletes, which is weird for bobsledders. I love training with track athletes because they help me work on my speed, and they give me something to cheer for during the Summer Olympics.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right. Just shows you how powerful beliefs are and how you have the ability to change your situation and affect what happens to you. The mind is a powerful thing.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
I've got some genetic gifts.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
I'm a representative of something that's greater than myself. I'm not just representing myself or my country: I'm representing Christ and what He's done through me.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
My father was an NFL running back, so I feel like I might be more susceptible, genetically, to CTE.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
Even though concussions affect women more often than men, there's not a lot of concussion research about women specifically. You can slip and fall and hit your head and have a concussion. And unless you know what to do, and unless you're able to take the right steps, you may not be able to recover.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
I love this country. I love being a citizen. I believe we are the greatest country in the world.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
There is a stigma in our sport that men are the better drivers. People think that, because the men compete in two-man and four-man, they are more versatile and that the women aren't great drivers.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
The Midland community is huge into softball. They have a lot of competitive men's teams. We played at a beautiful stadium, and our games would be packed every weekend. I'm pretty sure people have my signature on softballs and they don't even know. Because we would just sign so many autographs all of the time.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
I love driving the sled more than anything.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
The things I've had to overcome have been crazy.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
I think the hardest thing is that all of us would love to just stick to sports - but if you want us to be role models to kids, then you need to stand for more than just sports.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
The Lord calls us to love everybody.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
It's a challenge, but every single German or Canadian I want to beat, I still have to love them. That means competing the way God wants me to compete and helping my opponents if they have a need.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
My father's NFL dreams never really felt like motivation to me, but it was something to aspire to. He was such a great athlete, the least I could do is try and use my athletic talent to represent my country in a different way. He represented as a Marine. Maybe I could do something to represent as an athlete.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
Having my dad play for the Falcons, what it did was really to expose me to a whole bunch of other elite-level athletes, which I think gives me an advantage and allowed me to understand what goes into sports. It is more than going out onto the field and going out onto the ice and competing.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
If I'm honest, the thing I remember the most was the team mascot, Freddie the Falcon. I really remember there was a McDonald's nearby, and I remember eating a cheeseburger in the playground when the Falcon appeared. I'm not sure my dad appreciates that being my favorite memory of him playing.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
Our sport is one of the few on the winter side that is so diverse. It shows we don't have to be limited by race or gender or whatever and how far we have come as a sport.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
Being a minority athlete in this sport, it's been wrought with challenges, but I wouldn't consider myself a trail blazer.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
We're a sport that was in obscurity for so long, we started to get used to that.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
You get this feeling in bobsled, like a combination of excitement, anxiety, and pure nervousness, and you get that combination only very few times.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
People say a two-man sled is like driving a racecar, and a four-man is like driving a truck. And it feels that way.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana
Image of Elana Meyers
The first run in a four-man sled was one of the most nerve-wracking I've had in my life.
- Elana Meyers
Collection: Elana