Top ed Quotes Collection

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Image of Ed Reed
I never came out of a game unless I was truly hurt.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
When I make a tackle or make a play and I have a slight pain or something, you're going to react the way you react.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
When you've been playing the game for so long and sports for so long, it can take a toll on your body, and that's what we're putting on the line, and that's what our argument is as players when we're doing negotiations and stuff like that.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
I always play the game a certain way, regardless of what guys say.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
Not every game is going to be perfect. Not every game is going to be an interception or two or a big-bang tackle, so to say.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
Just being from Louisiana, being from the southern part of Louisiana, Metairie, close to New Orleans and growing up in St. Rose. There are a lot of things to overcome.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
My older brother, he did everything. He played baseball, he played basketball. Just being able to watch him as a youngster, wanting to be like him, wanting to play on the team with him and watching those older guys in my neighborhood play sports.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
The old G's, or the gangsters, turned me away from the street because they knew my dad, and they had a lot of respect for my dad, but because I was an athlete.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
I know the hustle that is in Louisiana. Knowing where you are from, really where you're from, helps you to help the community. That's every city, but New Orleans is just different. We have big hearts, but it's just a matter of us having the information, having the people to push you along like I had.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
It helps you as a person when you're teaching something to somebody to understand it even better.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
It's tough for kids to stay focused if they don't have something to get them off the streets... that's where the kids can get into the bad things.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
Football is a reaction sport.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
We always said it's not suit-and-tie on the football field.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
You have to be coachable.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
I don't want to be like these guys having neck surgery, then you got to go have another surgery just to continue to play this game. I love this game but I love myself more.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
You've got to be smart about tackling.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
If you play NFL football, you play football, these are the consequences. There's choices and consequences in life for everything. There's consequences if you play football.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
Sometimes I wake up and I think, where did my memory go? But at the same time, I signed up for it. Football has been like that for a long time, for ages.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
Football has always been a contact sport, and it's always going to be a violent sport, and there are going to be repercussions from that. But every player that ever played this game and will play this game, they're signing up for it.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
I know I have the abilities to be a head coach or D-coordinator. It's something I wouldn't mind doing. But it's tough being a player and going back and doing something like that, because egos get in the way.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
I can't be lackadaisical when it's time for me to make any play, whether it's a tackle, fumble recovery, anything that it might be.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
My time in Baltimore was awesome, every bit of it.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
I always will be a Raven. That's where I was kind of raised in the NFL. I did a lot of growing, and we did a lot of special things. That's something that can never be taken away, and it never will. There's a lot of love there.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
Yeah, some people don't know anything about football.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
I don't want to play till I'm 40.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
There's a reason why, outside of me dropping a few, people don't throw my way, man.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
You know mental illness is one of the biggest problems in our world.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
There will be good and bad, right and wrong. Your reaction of choice, good or bad, has consequences that affect you and those around you.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
That's what being a human is about, leaving this place better than we got it.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
There's no place like Baltimore.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
My philosophy was simple. I was trying to score when I got the football in my hand. There was no question about that.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
We had a great staff in college, so after I got to the league, I'd already seen stuff I knew. Then it was enhanced, playing the game with great guys like Ray Lewis and Terrell Suggs, Haloti Ngata, Chris McAlister.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
It's a kid's game we play. Nothing more than that.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
The football fans loved the way I played the game.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
I know a lot about football. I know a lot about this game.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
When you play sports, when you're on a team with people from different walks of life, and you have to look after each other and count on each other, race and all that stuff goes out the window when you are in the locker room.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
We tend to want to stay here in Louisiana as Louisiana people. We've just got to be mindful that there are other things out there, and we really need to open our kids' minds to get them to go to college. Get them to get away. Then come back and help the next ones behind us.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
To be playing in my first Super Bowl in New Orleans, it's special.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
The game takes a toll on your body.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Reed
The relationships I have in Baltimore will never change.
- Ed Reed
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Schultz
When people sit in front of a microphone, they feel empowered.
- Ed Schultz
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Schultz
Every time the conservatives get in trouble, they start pounding on this ridiculous idea that the liberals want to take their microphones. They want to get Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity off the air. That is a straw man argument throw out by the conservative broadcasters who are so out of material they are going to fear-monger their listeners.
- Ed Schultz
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Schultz
I'm conservative on some issues. I'm progressive on most.
- Ed Schultz
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Schultz
I want to prove every day that liberal talkers can be successful at business.
- Ed Schultz
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Schultz
I have a TV show, a radio show. I've authored two books. I own a construction company, own a commercial fishing lodge, and am a pilot.
- Ed Schultz
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Schultz
Going to an interracial high school shaped my understanding of social justice and racial inequality.
- Ed Schultz
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Schultz
I've always viewed the 'Ed Show' as being a voice for the voiceless.
- Ed Schultz
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Schultz
There aren't any poor cable hosts.
- Ed Schultz
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Schultz
I've fished since I was a teenager. It's one of the most fantastic activities, and there's so much to it. I just love every facet of it. I've never had a bad day fishing.
- Ed Schultz
Collection: Ed
Image of Ed Schultz
When union membership goes down, so do wages.
- Ed Schultz
Collection: Ed