Top Differences Quotes Collection - Page 7

Discover a curated collection of Differences quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 7 provides more Differences quotes.

Image of Bruce Dern
The difference between my generation of actors and their generation is that they were bigger than life. We are not bigger than life
- Bruce Dern
Collection: Differences
Image of Virgil Goode
There's not a dime's worth of difference between Obama and Romney.
- Virgil Goode
Collection: Differences
Image of Thaddeus Stevens
I care not whether the soldiers are of Milesian, Teutonic, African or Angelo-Saxon descent. I despise the principle that make a difference between them in the hour of battle and of death.
- Thaddeus Stevens
Collection: Differences
Image of Richard Thaler
Investors must keep in mind that there's a difference between a good company and a good stock. After all, you can buy a good car but pay too much for it.
- Richard Thaler
Collection: Differences
Image of Sasha Azevedo
What a difference one person can make!
- Sasha Azevedo
Collection: Differences
Image of Ivan Bunin
Words are one thing, deeds are quite another.
- Ivan Bunin
Collection: Differences
Image of Patrick Cockburn
Mosul stands rally at a sort of juncture of sectarian and ethnic differences.
- Patrick Cockburn
Collection: Differences
Image of Akiane Kramarik
Indifference is a quarantined difference.
- Akiane Kramarik
Collection: Differences
Image of Cate Marvin
There IS a difference between poetry and prose! Poems should be sonically charged and new to the ear.
- Cate Marvin
Collection: Differences
Image of Jim Jefferies
Before doing stand-up, I thought acting was easy - it's not easy. It's a hard life. It's easy in its own way, you just stand there and talk. But there is a difference between people who can do it well and people who can't.
- Jim Jefferies
Collection: Differences
Image of Henry Townley Heald
When lack of funds prevents hospitals from functioning efficiently and fully, private philanthropy of all kinds must help. The difference it makes in terms of human betterment, represents the kind of happiness that money really can buy.
- Henry Townley Heald
Collection: Differences
Image of Bonnie L. Oscarson
We must stop concentrating on our differences and focus on what we have in common. Then we can realize our full potential and achieve the greatest good in the world.
- Bonnie L. Oscarson
Collection: Differences
Image of Bonnie L. Oscarson
We must stop concentrating on our differences and look for what we have in common.
- Bonnie L. Oscarson
Collection: Differences
Image of Allan Nairn
Some people have made the argument, well, Donald Trump is bad, but Hillary Clinton may be worse, or there's really no difference. That's insane. That's completely insane.
- Allan Nairn
Collection: Differences
Image of Allan Nairn
The substantive difference between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is not really that great.
- Allan Nairn
Collection: Differences
Image of Richard Meier
It's important to understand differences in scale and environment.
- Richard Meier
Collection: Differences
Image of Wong Kar-wai
In a way, this is what the difference is between Hong Kong and Chinese cinema - Chinese cinema was made for their own communities. It was for propaganda. But Hong Kong made films to entertain, and they know how to communicate with international audiences.
- Wong Kar-wai
Collection: Differences
Image of Laura Hall
There is a big difference between manslaughter and first-degree murder.
- Laura Hall
Collection: Differences
Image of William H. Whyte
Nonconformity is an empty goal, and rebellion against prevailing opinion merely because it is prevailing should no more be praised than acquiescence to it. Indeed, it is often a mask for cowardice, and few are more pathetic than those who flaunt outer differences to expiate their inner surrender.
- William H. Whyte
Collection: Differences
Image of Gilles Deleuze
Images exist; things themselves are images... Images constantly act on and react to one another, produce and consume. There is no difference between images, things and movement.
- Gilles Deleuze
Collection: Differences
Image of Frank Delaney
The difference between a friend and an enemy is friendliness.
- Frank Delaney
Collection: Differences
Image of Kelly Sue DeConnick
There's a difference between feeling like I don't need to explain and deliberately confusing you. If the impression is that I'm deliberately confusing you, that is not what I am trying to do at all.
- Kelly Sue DeConnick
Collection: Differences
Image of Tom Feeney
The difference between congressmen and drunken sailors is that drunken sailors are spending their own money.
- Tom Feeney
Collection: Differences
Image of Katie Couric
[I am enthusiastic about journalism because] it's a craft that can ... galvanize an often complacent citizenry, and make a difference.
- Katie Couric
Collection: Differences
Image of Deval Patrick
Be present - and see what a difference it makes in your lives and in the world.
- Deval Patrick
Collection: Differences
Image of Samuel Fuller
There's a difference between a Nazi and a German.
- Samuel Fuller
Collection: Differences
Image of Wayne Teasdale
As our world becomes smaller, through a growing common culture, the true test of community will be our tolerance for our most profound differences and love for the most challenging among us.
- Wayne Teasdale
Collection: Differences
Image of Michael Ealy
There's nothing more rewarding than making a difference doing charity work or being able to be there for a friend.
- Michael Ealy
Collection: Differences
Image of Paul McKenna
The difference between the rich and the poor is that the rich have learned to recognize the value of their thoughts.
- Paul McKenna
Collection: Differences
Image of Zlatan Ibrahimovic
I like being the one who makes a difference. On the pitch, I always try to create a special situation.
- Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Collection: Differences
Image of Kevin Jonas
It's not about one person doing one big thing ... It's about a lot of people doing small things that really make the difference.
- Kevin Jonas
Collection: Differences
Image of Meera Syal
I had seen how in an instant, those you called friends could suddenly become tormentors, sniffing out a weakness or a difference, turning their own fear of ostracism into a weapon with which they could beat the victim away, afraid that being an outsider, and individual even, was somehow infectious.
- Meera Syal
Collection: Differences
Image of A. O. Scott
I can't decide if this movie is so spectacularly, breathtakingly dumb as to induce stupidity in anyone who watches, or so brutally brilliant that it disarms all reason. What's the difference?
- A. O. Scott
Collection: Differences
Image of Alix Ohlin
There is a difference between the facts of a person and the truth of him.
- Alix Ohlin
Collection: Differences
Image of Hans Frank
I can tell you a graphic difference. In Prague, for example, big red posters were put up on which could be read that seven Czechs had been shot today. I said to myself: If I put up a poster for every seven Poles shot, the forests of Poland would not be sufficient to manufacture the paper for such posters.
- Hans Frank
Collection: Differences
Image of Ali Sina
There was a time when everyone thought that Earth was flat. Did this unanimous consensus make any difference to the shape of Earth?
- Ali Sina
Collection: Differences
Image of Kurt Russell
I was brought up as a Republican. But when I realized that at the end of the day there wasn't much difference between a Democrat and Republican, I became a libertarian.
- Kurt Russell
Collection: Differences
Image of Mona Charen
Liberals and international diplomats (a distinction without a difference) have notorious difficulty understanding how to deal with totalitarian regimes.
- Mona Charen
Collection: Differences
Image of Edouard Boubat
Taking photographs is not something that happens only in a moment I press the button. It is a full-time occupation. For me there is difference between leisure and work.
- Edouard Boubat
Collection: Differences
Image of Ruth Messinger
The difference between hearing and listening is paying attention
- Ruth Messinger
Collection: Differences
Image of Georgie Anne Geyer
We should not and cannot change all our differences. Each of us brings from our own background things which we should share. There is good in diversity.
- Georgie Anne Geyer
Collection: Differences
Image of Maureen Child
Sometimes you have to get sad before you get happy 'cause otherwise how would you know the difference?
- Maureen Child
Collection: Differences
Image of Marc Andreessen
The difference between a vision and a hallucination is that other people can see the vision.
- Marc Andreessen
Collection: Differences
Image of Joseph Kosuth
Unlike the marks of a painting, the photo seems to organize its 'opinions' in relation to the world; even when the photographs have clearly been manipulated, the 'opinions' seem to have all the more force, with the suggested 'participation of the world' articulating that 'opinion' as a difference.
- Joseph Kosuth
Collection: Differences
Image of Daryl Hall
The difference between me and other people in my generation is instead of saying the Internet's killing the record business, I say, 'Who cares about the record business, the Internet is enhancing music.
- Daryl Hall
Collection: Differences
Image of Rajon Rondo
Always people have counted me out since I got in the league. It never made me any difference. I kept myself around positive people, got a great support system and just kept at it.
- Rajon Rondo
Collection: Differences
Image of Chuck D
Culture is this thing that we can exchange among ourselves as human beings to knock aside our differences and build upon our similarities. Cultural exchange is the ultimate exchange.
- Chuck D
Collection: Differences
Image of Susan Howe
Soundwaves. It’s the difference between one stillness and another stillness.
- Susan Howe
Collection: Differences
Image of Sonny Barger
There's the difference between hardcore motorcycle riders and people who own motorcycles. Some people ride'em and some people trailer'em.
- Sonny Barger
Collection: Differences