Top dee Quotes Collection

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Image of Dee Dee Myers
Many differences are rooted in biology and reinforced through culture, so it's important to acknowledge that. Because if you say men and women are the same and if male behaviour is the norm, and women are always expected to act like men, we will never be as good at being men as men are.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
We don't take credit for our accomplishments. I can't tell you how many times you'll say to a woman, 'Oh God, what you did was so great', and they say, 'Really? I didn't think it was that good.'
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
I am encouraged to see women are being elected in Chile, Argentina, Liberia, Ireland. More is more.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
This is a generation weaned on Watergate, and there is no presumption of innocence and no presumption of good intentions. Instead, there is a presumption that, without relentless scrutiny, the government will misbehave.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
To compare Whitewater to Watergate is a travesty.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
Washington is still very much a male-oriented culture. Being from Los Angeles, I think it is less so there - there is less attachment to tradition, perhaps, there is more flexibility, more acceptance of change generally. That is partly because of Hollywood.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
It never occurred to me that I wouldn't go to college and have a career - as well as a family - of my own. Both my parents, but especially my mother, encouraged me and led me to believe that it was possible.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
When I joined Bill Clinton's start-up presidential campaign in 1991, I was confident that women would play an ever more important role, but I never gave a minute's thought to what would happen if we won. When we did - and I became the first woman to serve as White House press secretary - it changed my life. But it didn't change the world.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
After I left the White House, I kept a foothold in the business of American politics; as a talk-show host, analyst, commentator, speechmaker, and occasional writer. I was no longer a practitioner, but I was still a partisan, a Democrat, a blue-stater through and through.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
1992 became known as the 'Year of the Woman' because so many of us were elected to public office that November, including a record six to the United States Senate.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
On the day I started college in 1979, no woman had ever been on the United States Supreme Court or served as the Speaker of the House. None had been an astronaut or the solo anchor of a network evening news broadcast. Not one had been president of an Ivy League college or run a serious campaign for president.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
Exponential growth in access to the Internet, satellite television and radio, cell phones, and P.D.A.'s means that breaking news now reaches virtually every corner of the globe.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
That someone like Obama could be elected president of the United States - with its unrivaled power and prestige - has begun to restore the country's and the world's faith in America as the land of opportunity.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
Obama has made America cool again - and more than that, he's made his own brand arguably the most powerful the world has ever known.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
'Not again!' I thought to myself this morning, as news trickled out that John McCain was set to pick Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. Not again, because too often women are promoted for the wrong reasons, and then blamed when things don't go right.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
During my years as a press secretary, I developed a powerful internal filter, which worked to strip all things 'off message' from my thoughts before they came out of my mouth. It didn't always work, of course, and I said more than a few things I regretted.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
Obama seems like he tries to talk everyone into what he believes - and that's part of why we elected him, because he's a calm, reasonable guy - but behind that, there has to be some fight. You have to be able to take a few punches and throw a few punches.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
The Obamas have changed the culture of the White House.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Dee Myers
Obama seemed poised to realign American politics after his stunning 2008 victory. But the economy remains worse than even the administration's worst-case scenarios, and the long legislative battles over health care reform, financial services reform and the national debt and deficit have taken their toll. Obama no longer looks invincible.
- Dee Dee Myers
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
There's a line that runs between everyone and their ancestors, and you cannot sever that. Maybe disassociate from those ideas but not how you are connected to them. But, you can realise how you've benefited and change how you raise your kids.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
For 'Pariah,' people were surprised Kim Wayans was there, but comedians have a dark streak; they're comedians for a reason.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
Having to stake out your identity and have people question whether or not you're being yourself was a tension that I could relate to.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
You don't get to hand footnotes to the audience or explain what you were trying to do and what it's supposed to be. Everything has to be on the screen, and it has to be clear.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
I'm always excited about stories that allow me to explore a character and create interesting stories and worlds that we haven't seen before.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
As long as you tell the best story possible, you can trust that people will be able to connect to it.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
I've always liked to write, but I never thought I could make a career out of it.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
I thought that marketing was a way to be creative in business but quickly learned all creative stuff happens at the ad agency.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
I just want to tell stories that are meaningful and have inspiration to them; people can watch it and take away something, or maybe they'll just think about themselves differently or think about the world differently. I just want to create characters that live on.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
Creatively, most of my influences come from the literary world: Alice Walker, Toni Cade Bambara. Writers are my heroes.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
Coming-of-age stories, people roll their eyes.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
You're your own person, and it's about you. I'm my own person, and it's about me. Everyone has their own life.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
I was never physically abused, but when I came out to my parents late in life, when I was 27, they definitely had an intervention.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
Our statement's on the screen. Awards won't make it better, and a lack of awards won't make it worse.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
New York offers people the anonymity to be themselves without judgment.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
When I first came to New York, I was surprised by all these out teenagers who were openly on the street being who they were. That intrigued me because I was 27 and still struggling with being myself.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
For me, books were my source of affirmation. Alice Walker, Audrey Lord - it was these authors who wrote about their experiences. It was this weird thing where I was censored in terms of what I could watch but not in terms of what I could read.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
I like 'Paris is Burning' by Jennie Livington.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
I think Charlottesville was shocking for some, but it wasn't for me or for my family, I mean, because I grew up in 1980s Nashville.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
My dad was a cop, you know, and I grew up three houses down from people who used Confederate flags as curtains.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
I definitely felt the desire to, like - I definitely knew there was an elsewhere. I definitely knew that, like, if I were going to be free, I needed to be away from, kind of, like, Nashville and kind of get out of the South and get out of the country.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
In an industry that's uncertain and when you're in a lot of situations that are anxiety-causing, to have someone there who has your back unconditionally and cares for you and the material and would give anything to make sure everything is OK, makes you feel so much better. It gives you a sense of security as an artist.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
I feel a lot of folks, like teenagers, can feel like outcasts.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
For kids who are struggling, who are of faith, just reconciling yourself to the fact that God loves you, accepts you for who you are, is a big step in the healing, especially when your biological family is unaccepting of you.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
I'm interested in characters and relationships.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
The best thing in the world is to put two characters who hate each other side by side. Or put two people who love each other far away, so they have to reach for each other with their looks.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
Shooting on film is great because it imparts discipline: What do you need to see so you're not finding it in the camera. When I'm shooting, I have the scene in mind, where I'm going to have certain lines. I learned to overlap and to shoot more than I think I need. That was the learning curve.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
I was going to study business administration at Florida A&M, at the height of Reaganomics.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
A producer has to want you. And if the producer trusts you and asks for your vision, it frees you up so much, not having to explain or fight for every decision. You're allowed to create.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
When I'm on set, I know what I want.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee
Image of Dee Rees
Knowing what you want is not a shortcoming. Let people deal with their own anxieties.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Dee