Top daniel Quotes Collection

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Image of Daniel Woodrell
I like the idea of everybody knowing each other; you know why you're doing things.
- Daniel Woodrell
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Woodrell
As a high-school drop-out, I knew I wanted to write, but I wasn't overly confident that I was going to be writing anything serious. I was happy enough with the idea that I could be a penny-a-word guy and survive.
- Daniel Woodrell
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Woodrell
I don't want to be callous about it, but we all seemed to get over the Oklahoma bombing pretty quickly, and we're never going to get over 9/11.
- Daniel Woodrell
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Woodrell
I had gone to enlist in the Navy, but they had a long waiting list and no need for high-school dropouts.
- Daniel Woodrell
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Woodrell
I remember all the writers I started with who I was embarrassed to be around - they were so much better than me. A lot of them are no longer writing. I guess they were better rounded and had other options. Due to social discomfort, I only had the one road.
- Daniel Woodrell
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
We all live under some repression; we have to, it's part of the deal.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I'm not keen on history being tampered with... to any extent.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I've been very lucky.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
Germans don't speak in a German accent, they just speak German.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I'm not picky, quite honestly.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
God knows, I haven't always been successful.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
It didn't occur to me that it was possible to breathe life into Abraham Lincoln.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I became conflicted in my late teens.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
For about a year, I just didn't know what to do. I did laboring jobs, working in the docks, construction sites.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
When I did make the decision to focus on acting, I think my mother was just relieved for me that I had finally started to focus.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
There are always practical decisions to be made about any character you're playing.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I'm woefully one-track-minded.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
Periodically over the years I've always taken periods of time away from acting.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I've got a serious-looking head.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
Very often there's this misapprehension about actors being people that need to display themselves, to reveal themselves in public.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
The one thing that I appear to have been given, bearing in mind that I am capable of being very, very scatty and extremely lazy, is the ability to concentrate on something I choose to give my time to.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I still relate to my father very much. I mean, I talk to him in a certain way, as we do talk to the dead.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
It is awesome to feel you are carrying on the family name.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I hate the domestic life.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I'd always felt very strongly in the power of vocation.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I never retreat from films, as it were, I simply indulge in other interests, that's all.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
Films exhaust me, they do, and I often want nothing more to do with them, but I'm continually surprised at the resurgence of the impulse to come back and do it all over again.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
When I do work, I feel the same sort of urgency as I ever did. If I didn't feel that, I don't think I would wish to be doing it. I wouldn't really see the point.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I'm not sure you learn anything on film sets.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I don't torture myself.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
It must be hard interviewing actors.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I had a very vivid, almost hallucinatory moment in which I was engaged in a dialogue with my father.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
A lot of guys in jail tattoo their hands.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I have a strange relationship with time. I'm not aware of it passing.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
Actors should never give interviews.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
How can you be a recluse in a house full of children, even if you had the inclination to be, which I don't?
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I can't re-examine work I did in the past with pride.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I'm not really a storyteller myself - I tend to get all tangled up when I try and tell stories.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I find it difficult to be in rooms now for long periods of time. I can usually take it for about an hour. Then I stride out.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I don't deal at all well with the relative amount of stuff I have to face already.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
My main memories of my father are of his illness.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I love what I do.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I live in a landscape, which every single day of my life is enriching.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I suppose it's a very highly developed form of denial, but some part of me completely denies that I'm a performer.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
I like to learn about things.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
As actors, we're all encouraged to feel that each job is the last job. They plant some little electrode in your head at an early stage and you think, 'Be grateful, be grateful, be grateful.'
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel
Image of Daniel Day-Lewis
The West has always been the epicentre of possibility. One of the ways we forge against mortality is to head west. It's to do with catching the sun before it slips behind the horizon.
- Daniel Day-Lewis
Collection: Daniel