Top dana Quotes Collection

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Image of Dana White
There's a little bit of me that's Republican, and there's a little bit of me that's Democratic. I believe in taking care of people that don't have, I believe in taking care of the planet, you know, all that type of stuff.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
This country has been very good to us, every time we have a fight in the UFC it's incredible here in Australia and we want to go everywhere. We want to travel everywhere and continue to do fights all over the country.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
The thing where I've always been lucky is, I knew exactly what I wanted to do.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
The absolute worst part of my job is having to cut people. I have to cut people after every show, that's just how it goes. But I don't judge you on wins and losses. What I do care about is a great fight.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
I like to have my Pinkberry. I have this one store in midtown Manhattan that will stay open for me late.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
I have the vision for where the sport is gonna go and what we're gonna do and the different types of fights.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
If you're not that big pay-per-view star, shut up and fight.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
Whether boxing is fixable or not remains to be seen. I'm going to give it a shot.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
If a rating is bad in another sport, do you see a writer say, 'This sport's over?' No.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
Since the beginning of time people have said mean things to each other in a fight, no matter what.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
Outdoor stadiums scare me to death.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
I like Mark Hunt and I've always said good things about Mark Hunt. He goes a little bit off the rails every now and again, but I've never done anything but respect Mark Hunt.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
I'd rather have too many good guys than not enough. It's a nice problem. They sort themselves out because when guys fight each other, they determine who deserves the title shot, not me.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
The fighters in the UFC are treated very well.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
I like most of the guys in the sport. They're my friends. We're not going to mistreat the fighters. I wouldn't mistreat a friend and so I won't mistreat my fighters.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
I don't dislike Matt Lindland. I didn't blackball him from the UFC, either. Matt Lindland is a good guy and I've never had a personal issue with him.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
I love this sport. I love the fights and I love most of the guys in it.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
I love to win.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
We make dream fights all the time.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
All you've ever seen in the UFC was the greatest athletes in the world. Never, ever did we do a freakshow and we won't.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
One thing I can't prove, but I firmly believe is that two men were put on this earth - one threw a punch and a third guy came over and watched. And that happened before anybody ever threw or kicked a ball.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
I love talking directly to the fans.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
When Georges St-Pierre goes away, what's going to happen to the UFC? Uh-oh, when Anderson Silva is gone, what's going to happen?' The answer is: Yes, there are other stars.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
I've had a great relationship with Fox since Day 1. Fox was the network that I wanted to be on.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
There's only so many things you can do with fights, so I'm always trying to shake it up and find something different, new, exciting and fun.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
Ronda Rousey is a huge star.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
Boxing is very one dimensional. You can hit to the head, you can hit to the body. As soon as two guys get into a clinch, you're separated.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
When there's millions of dollars at stake, everybody is going to look for an advantage.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
Different people respond differently to head trauma than others.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
You can't force fighters to fight.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
I like guys to stay at their weight classes and dominate. I don't want guys moving up and down.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
Kimbo Slice sucks. He's terrible.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
We put on fights between the best fighters; we don't put on freak shows.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
As long as we have enough fighters and fight cards to keep everybody fighting three times a year, that's where I want our roster to be.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
Ever since I've been on Twitter, my number of followers has kept going up and up.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
Everyone has jitters in their first fight.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
If somebody doesn't want to show up for a press conference I'll pull them from the card.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
I live a pretty crazy lifestyle.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
I tried to go to college, I barely got out of high school.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana White
Kimbo Slice the man, you watch the YouTube videos of this guy in backyards, and they start fighting and you think this guy's a thug. You think he's a bad guy, you have this perception of him and then you meet him, it isn't true. It's the exact opposite. He's a really good guy.
- Dana White
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana Loesch
As a kid spending weekends in the Ozarks, I remember my granny's preacher shaking his fist, his jowls waving in the wind not unlike a bloodhound's, excoriating the congregation and condemning it to hell.
- Dana Loesch
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana Loesch
The media doesn't understand conservatives at all.
- Dana Loesch
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana Loesch
Conservatives don't need to look for 'hope' in a person because people are imperfect. Conservatives put their stock in the ideology ushered forth by our Founding Fathers, the ideals that keep us free men.
- Dana Loesch
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana Loesch
Elected office was never intended to become its own industry; it was to be filled with common men who, by way of still having jobs and families back home, maintained the connection to the problems of average, everyday people and thus could better serve.
- Dana Loesch
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana Loesch
The Left puts their stock in substance and lives on identity and figureheads. It will be the end of the Right to do the same.
- Dana Loesch
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana Loesch
The brilliance of Andrew Breitbart is that he has created thousands of Andrew Breitbarts.
- Dana Loesch
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana Loesch
The most dangerous thing a member of Congress could do is to ignore the citizenry who have taken up the mantle of reporting since they weren't getting the truth from the co-opted mainstream outlets.
- Dana Loesch
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana Loesch
My particular rule of thumb is to allow disruptors to let their flags fly. If they want to stage a stunt, who cares?
- Dana Loesch
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana Loesch
If actual victims of discrimination had to wait on the NAACP to see them to justice, they would never get help.
- Dana Loesch
Collection: Dana
Image of Dana Loesch
Conservatives are either stupid or brilliant. Pick a narrative, leftist MSM. You can't have it both ways.
- Dana Loesch
Collection: Dana