Top Creator Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Creator quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Nicolaus Copernicus
The Universe, wrought for us by a supremely good and orderly Creator.
- Nicolaus Copernicus
Collection: Creator
Image of Reinhard Bonnke
God is not a duplicator, He is a Creator. You are an original!
- Reinhard Bonnke
Collection: Creator
Image of Kelis
God is the creator of all things.
- Kelis
Collection: Creator
Image of Akira Kurosawa
There is nothing that says more about its creator than the work itself.
- Akira Kurosawa
Collection: Creator
Image of Tariq Ramadan
The universe is pregnant with signs that recall the presence of the Creator.
- Tariq Ramadan
Collection: Creator
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
We can destroy only as creators
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Creator
Image of Francis Chan
We have a God who is a Creator, not a duplicator.
- Francis Chan
Collection: Creator