Top Courtesy Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Courtesy quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of William Shakespeare
Nay, I am the very pink of courtesy.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Courtesy
Image of Alfred Lord Tennyson
The greater person is one of courtesy.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
Collection: Courtesy
Image of Philip Sidney
Approved valor is made precious by natural courtesy.
- Philip Sidney
Collection: Courtesy
Image of Baltasar Gracian
Courtesy is the politic witchery of great personages.
- Baltasar Gracian
Collection: Courtesy
Image of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
The nearer you come into relation with a person, the more necessary do tact and courtesy become.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Collection: Courtesy
Image of Samuel Johnson
He was so generally civil, that nobody thanked him for it.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Courtesy
Image of Rush Limbaugh
The media is telling you who Donald Trump is and what he's saying and what he's doing, courtesy of anonymous leaks.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Courtesy