Top Class Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Class quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Class quotes.

Image of Nicholas Murray Butler
I divide the world into three Classes - The few who make things happen, the many who watch things happen, the overwhelming majority who have no notion of what happens.
- Nicholas Murray Butler
Collection: Class
Image of John Ruskin
People are eternally divided into two classes, the believer, builder, and praiser...and the unbeliever, destroyer and critic.
- John Ruskin
Collection: Class
Image of Maggie Stiefvater
I tried to picture her in a class, any class, anywhere on campus, and failed miserably. I pictured her frolicking in a forest glade around some guy she'd just sacrificed to a heathen god. That image worked way better.
- Maggie Stiefvater
Collection: Class
Image of Jacob Grimm
They were indeed great rascals, and belonged to that class of people who find things before they are lost.
- Jacob Grimm
Collection: Class
Image of David Riesman
It is no longer clear which way is up even if one wants to rise.
- David Riesman
Collection: Class
Image of Mao Zedong
We should support whatever the enemy opposes and oppose whatever the enemy supports
- Mao Zedong
Collection: Class
Image of Rhys Bowen
They don't hang dukes, darling. He'd be let off by reason of insanity. Everyone knows the upper classes are batty.
- Rhys Bowen
Collection: Class
Image of James Whistler
The world is divided into two classes - invalids and nurses.
- James Whistler
Collection: Class
Image of Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
Society is divided into two classes: the shearers and the shorn. We should always be with the former against the latter.
- Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
Collection: Class
Image of William Joyce
I don't regard Jews as a class. I regard them as a privileged misfortune.
- William Joyce
Collection: Class
Image of Arthur Young
Everyone but an idiot knows that the lower classes must be kept poor, or they will never be industrious.
- Arthur Young
Collection: Class
Image of Gerald Brenan
Poets and painters are outside the class system, or rather they constitute a special class of their own, like the circus people and the Gypsies.
- Gerald Brenan
Collection: Class
Image of Robert Reich
No economy can continue to function when the vast middle class and everybody else don't have enough purchasing power to buy what the economy is capable of producing without going deeper and deeper into debt.
- Robert Reich
Collection: Class
Image of Robert Reich
Inequality is bad for everyone, not just the middle class and the poor.
- Robert Reich
Collection: Class
Image of Alexis de Tocqueville
Any measure that establishes legal charity on a permanent basis and gives it an administrative form thereby creates an idle and lazy class, living at the expense of the industrial and working class.
- Alexis de Tocqueville
Collection: Class
Image of Alfred Russel Wallace
There is a tendency in nature to the continued progression of certain classes of varieties further and further from the original type.
- Alfred Russel Wallace
Collection: Class
Image of Fritz Sauckel
The controversies between the proletariat and the middle class had to be smoothed out and bridged over by each getting to know and understand the other.
- Fritz Sauckel
Collection: Class
Image of John Prescott
My roots, my background and the way I act is working class, but it would be hypsocritical to say I'm anything else than middle class now.
- John Prescott
Collection: Class
Image of John Prescott
I can tell you I'm pretty middle-class.
- John Prescott
Collection: Class
Image of Paul Wesley
I started working in front of the camera for the first time when I was 15 years old. I joined a soap opera. We filmed in Brooklyn and I would skip class to shoot my scenes. It was terrifying and I entirely self-conscious in front of the camera.
- Paul Wesley
Collection: Class
Image of Oliver Reed
You meet a better class of person in pubs.
- Oliver Reed
Collection: Class
Image of Carl L. Becker
No class of Americans, so far as I know, has ever objected . . . to any amount of governmental meddling if it appeared to benefit that particular class.
- Carl L. Becker
Collection: Class
Image of L. Sprague de Camp
Therefore, no matter how the world makes out in the next few centuries, a large class of readers at least will not be too surprised at anything. They will have been through it all before in fictional form, and will not be too paralyzed with astonishment to try to cope with contingencies as they arise.
- L. Sprague de Camp
Collection: Class
Image of Rosanne Cash
We are creating a culture where content creators are a new servant class, and paid as such.
- Rosanne Cash
Collection: Class
Image of Eric Allen
A non-Muslim is a second-class citizen called a Kafir. You and I are Kafirs. Much of the Koran concerns itself with the Kafir - how to control us, to subjugate us and to kill us. “Islam has the mind of a psychopathic rapist and because its founder, the “prophet” Mohammed was in fact a psychopathic rapist himself.
- Eric Allen
Collection: Class
Image of Luke Evans
If you work with amazing actors, you've got a master class happening in front of you. But [also] it's just acting at the end of the day.
- Luke Evans
Collection: Class
Image of Edward Eggleston
Funerals and weddings were commonplace, and nothing could have been so interesting to them as the coming of the end of the world ... unless it had been a first-class circus.
- Edward Eggleston
Collection: Class
Image of Janet Flanner
I am invariably and have been since adolescence inimical to the Republican mind which shows at the most inflated size the bad qualities of the bourgeoisie rather than the good qualities of the middle class which the Democrats call forth.
- Janet Flanner
Collection: Class
Image of Alain de Benoist
Whoever criticizes capitalism, while approving immigration, whose working class is its first victim, had better shut up. Whoever criticizes immigration, while remaining silent about capitalism, should do the same.
- Alain de Benoist
Collection: Class
Image of Emily James Smith Putnam
The lady is proverbial for her skill in eluding definition ... she may be described merely as the female of the favored social class.
- Emily James Smith Putnam
Collection: Class
Image of Nick Hanauer
The most pro-business thing you can do is to help middle-class people thrive.
- Nick Hanauer
Collection: Class
Image of Nick Hanauer
The overtime threshold is to the middle class as the minimum wage is to low-wage workers.
- Nick Hanauer
Collection: Class
Image of Sebastian Coe
I might have to consider coaching- I'm getting too old to be a world class runner and my mind isn't gone enough to become an official.
- Sebastian Coe
Collection: Class
Image of Julian Castro
At the same time, it's people that are employed - many folks - but they're still not earning enough to get into the middle class.
- Julian Castro
Collection: Class
Image of Art Buchwald
I look at life as being cruise director on the Titanic. I may not get there, but I'm going first class.
- Art Buchwald
Collection: Class
Image of Oscar Romero
When we speak for the poor, please note that we do not take sides with one social class. What we do is invite all social classes, rich and poor, without distinction, saying to everyone let us take seriously the cause of the poor as though it were our own.
- Oscar Romero
Collection: Class
Image of Giovanni Ruffini
Rank and riches are chains of gold, but still chains.
- Giovanni Ruffini
Collection: Class
Image of Gordon R. Dickson
Unrivalled not only in its class, but in a class by itself.
- Gordon R. Dickson
Collection: Class
Image of Francois Gautier
I was born in Paris in 1950. I had a strict upper-class Catholic education but I never really fitted in the system and revolted against it quite early.
- Francois Gautier
Collection: Class
Image of Pearl Cleage
you can't know the meaning of the lesson until class is over!
- Pearl Cleage
Collection: Class
Image of J. Willard Marriott
It's the little things that make the big things possible. Only close attention to the fine details of any operation makes the operation first class.
- J. Willard Marriott
Collection: Class
Image of Sam Abell
That's who comes to my workshops. I jokingly tell my students that the class could be called "Your photographs: Better."
- Sam Abell
Collection: Class
Image of Hans F. Sennholz
Redistribution divided society into two social classes: the beneficiaries of transfer, who are calling for ever more; and the victims, who submit unwillingly. It could hardly fail to injure social peace and harmony.
- Hans F. Sennholz
Collection: Class
Image of Nancy Mairs
From the moment of birth, at every level, human beings who are more alike than different become polarized into two absolutely exclusive classes with very different and ill-distributed symbolic powers.
- Nancy Mairs
Collection: Class
Image of Tucker Carlson
We don't have enough folks who grew up in working class rural communities.
- Tucker Carlson
Collection: Class
Image of Maria W. Stewart
Take us generally as a people, we are neither lazy nor idle; and considering how little we have to excite or stimulate us, I am almost astonished that there are so many industrious and ambitious ones to be found - although I acknowledge, with extreme sorrow, that there are some who never were and never will be serviceable to society. And have you not a similar class among yourselves?
- Maria W. Stewart
Collection: Class
Image of Henry Thomas Buckle
When the interval between the intellectual classes and the practical classes is too great, the former will possess no influence, the latter will reap no benefit.
- Henry Thomas Buckle
Collection: Class
Image of Christina Stead
Radicalism is the opium of the middle class.
- Christina Stead
Collection: Class
Image of Nick Cave
In the hysterical technocracy of modern music, sorrow is sent to the back of the class where it sits, pissing its pants in mortal terror.
- Nick Cave
Collection: Class