Top claire Quotes Collection

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Image of Claire Fox
I am standing in solidarity with decent Remain voters who respected the rules and accepted the result and are as appalled by Parliament's undemocratic antics as the most ardent Brexiteer.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
I do not condone the use of violence.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
Brexit has acted as a catalyst encouraging more people to think and vote outside of traditional party loyalties.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
Brexit has changed everything in British politics - it has blown open a cosy, zombie-like closed world of Westminster parliamentary politics. It has broken open the traditional line between left and right, which was already an exhausted tradition.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
My political views have never made me insensitive to the pain and suffering caused to the innocent victims of events such as the Warrington bomb.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
I'm not Tory but I do happen to think that the Government should be allowed to govern.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
One of the great tragedies of Brexit has been that despite the fact there was an unprecedented public vote for change, Brexit was almost hijacked, owned, and controlled by a technocratic establishment.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
I confess that when I hear Boris Johnson's slogan let's get Brexit done it sends a chill. Because it's let's get Brexit done so we can focus on the important domestic issues.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
To hear the Conservatives issue a command that all Leave voters must vote Tory, this seems insultingly complacent.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
The truth is the Tories don't own Brexit. No party owns Brexit and that includes the Brexit Party.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
I do not want to give the state and the authorities the right to ban things on the Internet - no ifs.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
I actually don't think we should ban Jihadi videos because I don't think that is what causes the issue of Islamist violence. We have to confront these things beyond banning them.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
I think that the European Union negotiators have gotten a shock. They were shocked when they realised the Brexit trade negotiations were not just going to be a continuation of those that happened under Theresa May.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
I think there's a presumption of a climate emergency which I don't think there is. I think there's a climate problem, I don't think there's an emergency.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
I'm very interested in the new industrial revolution, what we do in terms of energy, developing the north, ensuring there are jobs and that kind of vision.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
If you want to initiate a broader debate about racism, is it really healthy to create an atmosphere in which it is not only statues that are being toppled but a range of cultural artefacts, TV series, celebrities, columnists and controversial broadcasters?
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
People conclude that if the famous can be dragged through the virtual public square and unceremoniously dumped, the fate of any random tweeter or the average man or woman on the street can seem even more precarious.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
Those who politically theorise the artificial concept of 'whiteness' infer that anyone who has white skin cannot escape their unconscious bias. If you object, you are accused of failing to come to terms with your white privilege.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
Many white people sense that they are being blamed for the sins of white slave owners and imperialists merely through some lineage of ethnicity. Activists' constant stress on white privilege can lead to an unhealthy defensive posture of white victimhood.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
There were good-faith reasons to resort to extraordinary measures when confronting an unknown global pandemic. Most of us consented to the lockdown, even if reluctantly. However, that consent - freely given as an act of social solidarity - was not intended as a green light to giving up hard-won liberties, or a perpetual suspension of free society.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
I have no truck with the faintly conspiratorial argument that international governments are gleeful about a public-health emergency to enact authoritarian measures.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
If the widespread attempts to block Brexit gave us a glimpse into how fragile our commitment to democracy had become - reduced to a technocratic in-name-only veneer - reactions to Covid are a stark reminder that freedom cannot be assumed as a social norm that's deeply embedded into our institutions and our psyche.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
One lesson of the vote for Brexit was that citizens were fed up being treated as bystanders. One of the gains of Leave was the flourishing of a sense of agency and self-determination that it afforded to many.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
We already know that the experience of lockdown is a mixed bag. It is increasingly recognised that for many it can be hellish. Enforced leisure - if you are crippled with worry about debts, insecure job prospects, your family's health - is no holiday.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
The media are so key in a national emergency, especially when opposition parties in the U.K. are - let us say - largely in disarray, even leaderless.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
I am rather proud of my modest contribution to bringing democracy home.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
European civil society and NGOs that petition for favours and influence for their special interests are often themselves funded from E.U. coffers. This creates a system of patronage that encourages self-reinforcing group-think and a cloying sycophancy.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
It has to be said that one of the most impressive aspects of the parliament are the brilliant unsung translators, who ensure that whatever language you speak, you are understood.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
One thing we can be sure of is that Brexit will leave its mark on the E.U.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
I confess I had butterflies doing the first BBC 'Politics Live' of 2020. It felt like the first day back at school.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
Constantly referring to past wrongdoings can become a substitute for developing a deeper analysis of today's foreign-policy challenges, of understanding what is new and different.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
Sloganeering and name-calling have been some of the most unsavoury aspects of Leave/Remain conflicts over the past few years.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
For many Leavers, having been demonised in the vilest terms as racists, stupid and worse, it is hard to simply employ a hug-a-Remainer approach.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
You see, Leavers desperately need a psychological win. We need to feel our vote for change can actually change things.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
Left to their own devices, the Tories will squash the life out of what Brexit really represents in terms of the chance to shake up political life and overturn a complacent status quo. We cannot let that happen.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
Senior Tories have exhibited a brand of entitled arrogance that implies that they own Brexit. It seems that anyone else who claims its mantle can be pushed to one side. And that includes voters.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
The paternalism of the Conservative party is breathtaking.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
Some who campaign against hate, seem to hate the Brexit party more than they love peace.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Claire Fox
Democrats need to value free speech and we should not be intimidated into giving an inch of it away.
- Claire Fox
Collection: Claire
Image of Rachel Caine
They came out in a dim, damp basement - a generic sort of place, full of moulding boxes. 'You take me to the nicest places,' Claire said, and sneezed.
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Claire
Image of Rachel Caine
So we do nothing? --Claire We do the best nothing you've ever seen. --Michael
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Claire
Image of Diana Gabaldon
You're tearin' my guts out, Claire.
- Diana Gabaldon
Collection: Claire
Image of Diana Gabaldon
I was born for you" -Claire Fraser, Outlander
- Diana Gabaldon
Collection: Claire