Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 8

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 8 provides more christian quotes.

Image of J. I. Packer
Do I as a Christian understand myself? Do I know my own real identity? My own real destiny? I am a child of God, God is my Father; heaven is my home; every day is one day nearer. My Saviour is my brother; every Christian is my brother too. Say it over and over again to yourself first thing in the morning, last thing at night, as you wait for the bus, any time when your mind is free, and ask God that you may be enabled to live as one who knows it is all utterly and completely true. For this is the Christians secret of the Christian life, of a God-honouring life.
- J. I. Packer
Collection: Christian
Image of J. I. Packer
To an age which has unashamedly sold itself to the gods of greed, pride, sex, and self-will, the church mumbles on about God's kindness but says virtually nothing about his judgment... The fact is that the subject of divine wrath has become taboo in modern society, and Christians by and large have accepted the taboo and conditioned themselves never to raise the matter.
- J. I. Packer
Collection: Christian
Image of Hudson Taylor
There are three great truths, 1st, That there is a God; 2nd, That He has spoken to us in the Bible; 3rd, That He means what He says.
- Hudson Taylor
Collection: Christian
Image of Hudson Taylor
When we work, we work. When we pray, God works.
- Hudson Taylor
Collection: Christian
Image of Hudson Taylor
Carrying the cross does mean following in Jesus' footsteps. And in His footsteps are rejection, brokenheartedness, persecution and death. There are not two Christs - an easy going one for easy going Christians, and a suffering one for exceptional believers. There is only one Christ. Are we willing to follow His lead?
- Hudson Taylor
Collection: Christian
Image of Hudson Taylor
Many Christians estimate difficulties in the light of their own resources, and thus attempt little and often fail in the little they attempt. All God's giants have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned on His power and presence with them.
- Hudson Taylor
Collection: Christian
Image of Hudson Taylor
I used to ask God to help me. Then I asked if I might help Him to do His work through me.
- Hudson Taylor
Collection: Christian
Image of Hudson Taylor
Satan may build a hedge about us and fence us in and hinder our movements, but he cannot roof us in and prevent our looking up.
- Hudson Taylor
Collection: Christian
Image of Hudson Taylor
Let us give up our work, our thoughts, our plans, ourselves, our lives, our loved ones, our influence, our all, right into His hand, and then, when we have given all over to Him, there will be nothing left for us to trouble about, or to make trouble about.
- Hudson Taylor
Collection: Christian
Image of Hudson Taylor
When the heart submits, then Jesus reigns. When Jesus reigns, there is rest.
- Hudson Taylor
Collection: Christian
Image of Hudson Taylor
All God's giants have been weak men and women who have gotten hold of God's faithfulness.
- Hudson Taylor
Collection: Christian
Image of Flannery O'Connor
Even in the life of a Christian, faith rises and falls like the tides of an invisible sea. It's there, even when he can't see it or feel it, if he wants it to be there. You realize, I think, that it is more valuable, more mysterious, altogether more immense than anything you can learn or decide upon It will keep you free - not free to do anything you please, but free to be formed by something larger than your own intellect or the intellects around you.
- Flannery O'Connor
Collection: Christian
Image of John Owen
The foundation of true holiness and true Christian worship is the doctrine of the gospel, what we are to believe. So when Christian doctrine is neglected, forsaken, or corrupted, true holiness and worship will also be neglected, forsaken, and corrupted.
- John Owen
Collection: Christian
Image of John Owen
We can have no power from Christ unless we live in a persuasion that we have none of our own.
- John Owen
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Schumer
Candidates With Deeply Held Christian Beliefs Are Unfit and Disqualified From Serving As A Federal Judge.
- Charles Schumer
Collection: Christian
Image of Sheila Heti
I hadn't realized until this week that in [Moses'] youth he killed a man, an Egyptian, and buried him under some sandI used to worry that I wasn't enough like Jesus, but yesterday I remembered who was my king; a man who, when God addressed him and told him to lead the people out of Egypt, said, 'But I'm not a good talker! Couldn't you ask my brother instead?' So it should not be so hard to come at this life with a bit of honesty. I don't need to be great like the leader of the Christian people. I can be a bumbling, murderous coward like the King of the Jews.
- Sheila Heti
Collection: Christian
Image of Woodrow Wilson
America was born a Christian nation. America was born to exemplify that devotion to the elements of righteousness, which are derived from Holy Scripture. Ladies and gentlemen, I have a very simple thing to ask of you. I ask of every man and woman in this audience that, from this night on, they will realize that part of the destiny of America lies in their daily perusal of this great Book of revelations. (The Bible) That if they would see America free and pure they will make their own spirits free and pure by the baptism of Holy Scripture.
- Woodrow Wilson
Collection: Christian
Image of Smith Wigglesworth
The reason the world is not seeing Jesus is that Christian people are not filled with Jesus. They are satisfied with attending meetings weekly, reading the Bible occasionally, and praying sometimes. It is an awful thing for me to see people who profess to be Christians lifeless, powerless, and in a place where their lives are so parallel to unbelievers’ lives that it is difficult to tell which place they are in, whether in the flesh or in the Spirit.
- Smith Wigglesworth
Collection: Christian
Image of R. C. Sproul
We are secure, not because we hold tightly to Jesus, but because He holds tightly to us.
- R. C. Sproul
Collection: Christian
Image of R. C. Sproul
Look to the Bible and not your feelings as the basis of the Christian life.
- R. C. Sproul
Collection: Christian
Image of R. C. Sproul
Not until we take God seriously will we ever take sin seriously.
- R. C. Sproul
Collection: Christian
Image of Brother Yun
On many occasions I have been asked if I think persecution will come to the Western church. My answer might surprise you. I believe that if you find yourself enslaved inside a controlling church structure of legalism and bondage, then you are already being persecuted! So many Christians seem impossibly distracted from hearing God's voice. Instead of listening to that still, small voice that brings true peace and joy, they blindly follow the voices of mainstream religion. The worst kind of persecution for a Christian is when you are separated from the joy and presence of the Holy Spirit.
- Brother Yun
Collection: Christian
Image of Brother Yun
The world can do nothing to a Christian who has no fear of man.
- Brother Yun
Collection: Christian
Image of Brother Yun
In the West many Christians have an abundance of material possessions, yet they live in a backslidden state.
- Brother Yun
Collection: Christian
Image of Brother Yun
I feel so sorry that many Christians live in bondage even though Jesus has signed their release form with His own blood.
- Brother Yun
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorothy L. Sayers
It is not the business of the church to adapt Christ to men, but men to Christ.
- Dorothy L. Sayers
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorothy L. Sayers
The only Christian work is good work, well done
- Dorothy L. Sayers
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorothy L. Sayers
The Christian faith is the most exciting drama that ever staggered the imagination of man-and the dogma is the drama ... The plot pivots upon a single character, and the whole action is the answer to a single central problem: 'What think ye of Christ?'... He was emphatically not a dull m an in his human lifetime, and if he was God, there can be nothing dull about God either.
- Dorothy L. Sayers
Collection: Christian
Image of Hal Sparks
'Jerry Springer' is just kind of the chubby, redneck version of throwing Christians to the lions.
- Hal Sparks
Collection: Christian
Image of William Bradford
Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine our selves together.
- William Bradford
Collection: Christian
Image of Walter E. Williams
I believe in helping our fellow man in need. I believe that reaching into your own pockets to help someone in need is praiseworthy and laudable. Reaching into somebody else's pockets to help your fellow man in need is despicable. And, or those of us who are Christians, I'm very sure that when God gave Moses the commandment Thou Shalt Not Steal, he did not mean ...unless you get a majority vote in Congress.
- Walter E. Williams
Collection: Christian
Image of William Booth
Most Christians would like to send their recruits to Bible college for five years. I would like to send them to hell for five minutes. That would do more than anything else to prepare them for a lifetime of compassionate ministry.
- William Booth
Collection: Christian
Image of Kathleen Norris
The Christian religion asks us to put our trust not in ideas, and certainly not in ideologies, but in a God Who was vulnerable enough to become human and die, and Who desires to be present to us in our ordinary circumstances.
- Kathleen Norris
Collection: Christian
Image of Kathleen Norris
But it is daily tasks, daily acts of love and worship that serve to remind us that the religion is not strictly an intellectual pursuit, and these days it is easy to lose sight of that as, like our society itself, churches are becoming more politicized and polarized. Christian faith is a way of life, not an impregnable fortress made up of ideas; not a philosophy; not a grocery list of beliefs.
- Kathleen Norris
Collection: Christian
Image of Kathleen Norris
We shortchange ourselves by regarding religious faith as a matter of intellectual assent. This is a modern aberration; the traditional Christian view is far more holistic, regarding faith as a whole-body experience. Sometimes it is, as W.H. Auden described it, 'a matter of choosing what is difficult all one's days as if it were easy.
- Kathleen Norris
Collection: Christian
Image of Hannah Hurnard
As Christians we know, in theory at least, that in the life of a child of God there are no second causes, that even the most unjust and cruel things, as well as all seemingly pointless and undeserved sufferings, have been permitted by God as a glorious opportunity for us to react to them in such a way that our Lord and Savior is able to produce in us, little by little, his own lovely character.
- Hannah Hurnard
Collection: Christian
Image of Gary L. Thomas
A Christian is never dependent on the response of others to grow spiritually. It's our own heart's decisions that matter
- Gary L. Thomas
Collection: Christian
Image of Gary L. Thomas
Christian love must be chased after, aspired to, and practiced.
- Gary L. Thomas
Collection: Christian
Image of Gary L. Thomas
More than we care about their "success," vocation, or financial status, our hearts will be encouraged when our kids are faithful followers of Christ, and our hearts will be distressed when our kids appear to reject the Christian faith. So, the most important thing is transferring our kids' allegiance from us to Christ, raising faithful disciples who seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
- Gary L. Thomas
Collection: Christian
Image of Evelyn Underhill
Faith is not a refuge from reality. It is a demand that we face reality ... The true subject matter of religion is not our own little souls, but the Eternal God and His whole mysterious purpose, and our solemn responsibility to Him.
- Evelyn Underhill
Collection: Christian
Image of Evelyn Underhill
But so many Christians are like deaf people at a concert. They study the programme carefully, believe every statement make in it, speak respectfully of the quality of the music, but only really hear a phrase now and again. So they have no notion at all of the mighty symphony which fills the universe, to which our lives are destined to make their tiny contribution, and which is the self-expression of the Eternal God.
- Evelyn Underhill
Collection: Christian
Image of Evelyn Underhill
Christianity is a religion which concerns us as we are here and now, creatures of body and soul. We do not "follow the footsteps of his most holy life" by the exercise of a trained religious imagination, but by treading the firm, rough earth, up hill and down dale.
- Evelyn Underhill
Collection: Christian
Image of Evelyn Underhill
The Christian is the person who sees every time and every situation, however dreary and repetitive, as God sees it - a fresh creation from his hand, demanding its own response in perhaps a wholly new and creative way. Under God he is free over it. He has won through to a purchase over events; he has risen with Christ.
- Evelyn Underhill
Collection: Christian
Image of Earl Warren
I believe no one can read the history of our country without realizing that the Good Book and the spirit of the Savior have from the beginning been our guiding geniuses.
- Earl Warren
Collection: Christian
Image of Fulton J. Sheen
Today (1950), the hatred of the Moslem countries against the West is becoming hatred against Christianity itself. Although the statesmen have not yet taken it into account, there is still grave danger that the temporal power of Islam may return and, with it, the menace that it may shake off a West which has ceased to be Christian, and affirm itself as a great anti-Christian world Power.
- Fulton J. Sheen
Collection: Christian
Image of Danny Strong
Little Christian Bale. It was one of my favorite movies as a kid, and I re-watched it not too long ago, and my jaw just hit the floor. The whole time I was like, "Who wrote this? This is unbelievable." And then the credits came up at the end and it was Tom Stoppard, my favorite playwright. It's just an amazing piece of writing.
- Danny Strong
Collection: Christian
Image of Lee Strobel
I went to a psychologist friend and said if 500 people claimed to see Jesus after he died, it was just a hallucination. He said hallucinations are an individual event. If 500 people have the same hallucination, that's a bigger miracle than the resurrection.
- Lee Strobel
Collection: Christian
Image of Lee Strobel
In short, I didn't become a Christian because God promised I would have an even happier life than I had as an atheist. He never promised any such thing. Indeed, following him would inevitably bring divine demotions in the eyes of the world. Rather, I became a Christian because the evidence was so compelling that Jesus really is the one-and-only Son of God who proved his divinity by rising from the dead. That meant following him was the most rational and logical step I could possibly take.
- Lee Strobel
Collection: Christian
Image of Lee Strobel
I’ve seen far too many Christians who are more than willing to travel halfway around the world to volunteer for a week in an orphanage, but who cannot bring themselves to take the personal risk of sharing Jesus with the co-worker who sits day after day in the cubicle right next to them.
- Lee Strobel
Collection: Christian