Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 54

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Image of Alexander Schmemann
Every evil screams only one message: 'I am good.'
- Alexander Schmemann
Collection: Christian
Image of Mishka
Searching for a better description of this rotting sadness, I came upon the concept of acedia. In Christian theology, it’s an antecedent to sloth, the least sexy of the seven deadly sins. Thomas Aquinas winnowed it down for me: acedia is sorrow so complete that the flesh prevails completely over the spirit. You don’t just turn your back on the world, you turn your back on God. You don’t care, and you don’t care that you don’t care.
- Mishka
Collection: Christian
Image of John Edgar Park
A living faith is always on trial; we call it faith for that reason. When I read in some alarmist book that the Christian faith is now on trial, or "at the crossroads," my impulse is to answer, Why Not? Does anybody know a time when the Christian faith was not on trial, or when the Christian life was a simple walkover, with neither principalities nor powers to dispute its advance?
- John Edgar Park
Collection: Christian
Image of Ernst Hanfstaengl
Anti-Semitism is not based on strictly religious grounds and is not directed against the Jewish faith as such. However, all German Christians resent and denounce the fact that the Jews have been the chief advocates of atheism. They have influenced the workers' children through the Communist youth organizations, of which they are the leading spirit.
- Ernst Hanfstaengl
Collection: Christian
Image of F. LaGard Smith
Thanks in large measure to the ACLU, the belief that there is a wall of separation between faith and state, not just church and state, is endemic. The exercise of religious faith in the public square is not prohibited; only the federal imposition of a particular faith. Hardly anyone any longer knows the difference.
- F. LaGard Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of F. LaGard Smith
The ACLU is not just religiously neutral, but staunchly anti-religious. Particularly, anti-Christian.
- F. LaGard Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of F. LaGard Smith
If there is anything that the ACLU hates more than censorship, it is any form of public religious expression.
- F. LaGard Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of F. LaGard Smith
The ACLU's various policies regarding religious freedom in public schools are a revealing collection of anti-religious bias.
- F. LaGard Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of F. LaGard Smith
In our generation there is no agreed-upon framework. All issues are up for grabs. Morality no longer has any broad-based theology upon which to rest its case. We are no longer a 'Christian nation,' not even a 'Judeo-Christian culture.'
- F. LaGard Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of Ed Buckner
It is a deplorable fact that many Christians are so accustomed to a certain creed and dogma of their own that they will adhere to it even at the sacrifice of the great moral laws of love and mercy.
- Ed Buckner
Collection: Christian
Image of Ed Buckner
The Chief Justice's ... main point seemed to be that the references to God in the Pledge of Allegiance aren't really religious and therefore are not that important - something I would think would offend Christians who think it should stay because it is religious and does matter. Too many Christians appear to be desperate to shore up their failing confidence in their own religious beliefs by having the government officially endorse those beliefs.
- Ed Buckner
Collection: Christian
Image of Michael Horton
The goal of Christian mission is not success, but faithful witness; not power, but proclamation; not technique, but truth; not method, but message.
- Michael Horton
Collection: Christian
Image of Michael Horton
Christians are driven by God's promises, and directed by God's purposes.
- Michael Horton
Collection: Christian
Image of Michael Horton
The key to maturity is time and community. Discernment and godly wisdom develop in a community that spans generations. The church is called to be this place where the [God's] Spirit uses normal patterns and rhythms of the Christian life in a community, so that we may bear fruit like a well-watered tree. Despite common appearances, the church is the place where God's new creation is coming into existence and being sustained by the Spirit like a great vineyard.
- Michael Horton
Collection: Christian
Image of Rodney "Gipsy" Smith
There are five Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the Christian. Most people will never read the first four.
- Rodney "Gipsy" Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of Isaac Ambrose
O Christian, never be proud of things that are so transient, injurious, and uncertain as the riches of this evil world! But set your heart on the true and durable riches of grace in Christ Jesus.
- Isaac Ambrose
Collection: Christian
Image of Isaac Ambrose
Oh! how should all hearts be taken with this Christ? Christians! turn your eyes upon the Lord: 'Look, and look again unto Jesus.' Why stand ye gazing on the toys of this world, when such a Christ is offered to you in the gospel? Can the world die for you? Can the world reconcile you to the Father? Can the world advance you to the kingdom of heaven? As Christ is all in all, so let him be the full and complete subject of our desire, and hope, and faith, and love, and joy; let him be in your thoughts the first in the morning, and the last at night.
- Isaac Ambrose
Collection: Christian
Image of Savitri Devi
Recalling some of the most spectacular horrors of history - the burning of heretics and witches at the stake, the wholesale massacre of heathens, and other no less repulsive manifestations of Christian civilization in Europe and elsewhere - modern man is filled with pride in the progress accomplished, in one line at least, since the end of the dark ages of religious fanaticism.
- Savitri Devi
Collection: Christian
Image of Dick Armey
America's Christian conservative movement is confronted with this divide: small-government advocates who want to practice their faith independent of heavy-handed government versus big-government sympathizers who want to impose their version of 'righteousness' on others through the hammer of law.... Our movement must avoid the temptations of power and those who would twist the good intentions of Christian voters to support policies that undermine freedom and grow government.
- Dick Armey
Collection: Christian
Image of Graham Stanton
The early Christians' opponents all accepted that Jesus existed, taught, had disciples, worked miracles, and was put to death on a Roman cross. As in our day, debate and disagreement centred largely not on the story but on the significance of Jesus. Today nearly all historians, whether Christians or not, accept that Jesus existed and that the gospels contain plenty of valuable evidence which has to be weighed and assessed critically.
- Graham Stanton
Collection: Christian
Image of Graham Stanton
Today nearly all historians, whether Christians or not, accept that Jesus existed.
- Graham Stanton
Collection: Christian
Image of Graham Stanton
Today nearly all historians, whether Christians or not, accept that Jesus existed and that the Gospels contain plenty of valuable evidence which has to be weighed and assessed critically.
- Graham Stanton
Collection: Christian
Image of Hemant Mehta
Radical Muslims fly planes into buildings. Radical Christians kill abortion doctors. Radical Atheists write books.
- Hemant Mehta
Collection: Christian
Image of Hank Hanegraaff
I think that we're guided by the motto in "essentials unity, non essentials liberty and in all things charity." So if pastors compromise essential Christian doctrine, I think that there is a biblical warrant for naming them.
- Hank Hanegraaff
Collection: Christian
Image of Hank Hanegraaff
Creflo Dollar is compromising, confusing or outright contradicting essential Christian doctrine. Joel Osteen does exactly the same thing. Now, not necessarily the exact same doctrines, but he is compromising, confusing or contradicting essential Christian doctrine. Their view of faith is a force, words are the containers of the force, and through the force of faith, one can create his or her own reality. That's not biblical faith. That's a false faith, or faith that doesn't satisfy and ultimately will lead people into harm's way.
- Hank Hanegraaff
Collection: Christian
Image of Hank Hanegraaff
I think that as Christians we want to think Christianly, and that means that we want what the Bible says as a rule for life and living to impact every aspect of our life. The Bible informs us of such issues and we need to as Christians do what a first century church did and that is realize that we are not living to be politically correct, popular, or prosperous, but we 're living with eternity in mind.
- Hank Hanegraaff
Collection: Christian
Image of Hank Hanegraaff
Christians should ultimately do everything that we do with excellence. There's a story about repairs in the Sistine Chapel ... when some repair work was being done the craftsmen saw that the work on the other side of the plaster, the part not visible to the human eye was done with the same kind of craftsmanship that was done on what was visible and observable. And the explanation for that is that the work that Christians do is not just for human consumption, but it is also for the eyes of God.
- Hank Hanegraaff
Collection: Christian
Image of Hank Hanegraaff
Evolution is the most important battle that Christians have to fight today, a battle we must win by any means, fair or foul!
- Hank Hanegraaff
Collection: Christian
Image of Hank Hanegraaff
Christian Research Institute will continue doing what we do ... making people so familiar with truth that when counterfeits loom on the horizon, they know it instantaneously. So we're a discernment ministry, continually trying to build Christians up so that they can discern between truth and error.
- Hank Hanegraaff
Collection: Christian
Image of Hank Hanegraaff
From arts, to literature, to science, to the founding of Christian institutions, all of that has its roots in a biblical worldview, but when you fail to recognize that it's the systemic reality of the greatest civilization in the history of humanity, you can become apathetic about what you actually now have. We have something that generations of people did not have.
- Hank Hanegraaff
Collection: Christian
Image of Hank Hanegraaff
Christian Research Institute want to remain relevant with respect to the culture's issues and the reason we want to do that is so that people can use the deviations as spring boards or opportunities to share the truth, light, grace and peace that only Jesus Christ can bring to the human heart.
- Hank Hanegraaff
Collection: Christian
Image of Jill Soloway
Sometimes it seems like America is the Christian and Israel is the little Jew they love in this fetishistic way. Like, you're my little sister and I'll kick anyone's ass that messes with you. But when we're alone and no one's looking I'll harass you.
- Jill Soloway
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Dionysius
Those who do not know must be taught, not punished. We do not hit the blind. We lead them by the hand.
- Pope Dionysius
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Dionysius
The fact is that the more we take flight upward [to God], the more our words are confined to the ideas we are capable of forming; so that now as we plunge into that darkness which is beyond intellect, we shall find ourselves not simply running short of words but actually speechless and unknowing.
- Pope Dionysius
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Dionysius
...God does not possess a private knowledge of Himself and a separate knowledge of all the creatures in common. The universal Cause, by knowing Itself, can hardly be ignorant of the things which proceed from It and of which It is the source. This, then, is how God knows all things, not by understanding things, but by understanding Himself.
- Pope Dionysius
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Dionysius
The title 'Righteousness' is given to God because He assigns what is appropriate to all things; he distributes their due proportion, beauty, rank, arrangement, their proper and fitting place and order.
- Pope Dionysius
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Dionysius
Trinity!! Higher than any being, any divinity, any goodness! Guide of Christians in the wisdom of heaven! Lead us up beyond unknowing and light, up to the farthest, highest peak of mystic scripture, where the mysteries of God's Word lie simple, absolute and unchangeable in the brilliant darkness of a hidden silence. Amid the deepest shadow they pour overwhelming light on what is most manifest. Amid the wholly unsensed and unseen they completely fill our sightless minds with treasures beyond all beauty.
- Pope Dionysius
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Dionysius
One can take eternity and time to be predicates of God since, being the Ancient of Days, He is the cause of all time and eternity. Yet He is before time and beyond time and is the source of the variety of time and of the seasons. Or again, He precedes the eternal ages, for He is there before eternity and above eternity, and 'His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom' (Ps. 145:13). Amen.
- Pope Dionysius
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Dionysius
[God] is perfect not only insofar as He is absolute perfection, defining perfection in Himself and from His singular existence and total perfection, but also because He is far beyond being so. He sets a boundary to the boundless and in His total unity He rises above all limitation. He is neither contained nor comprehended by anything. He reaches out to everything and beyond everything and does so with unfailing generosity and unstinted activity.
- Pope Dionysius
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Dionysius
Our Lord Jesus Christ made the merciful shepherding of His sheep the proof of love for Himself (cf. Jn. 21:15-17). He denounces as 'wicked' the servant who refused to pardon the debt of his fellow servant and who did not share in even the smallest way, the immense kindness that was bestowed on himself; that he should suffer the fate which he dealt is plainly shown to be right (cf. Mt. 18:32-33).
- Pope Dionysius
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Dionysius
All angels bring revelations and tidings of their superiors. The first bring word of God who is their inspiration, while the others, according to where they are, tell of those inspired by God... the holiest of the seraphim 'cry out to one another' (Is. 6:3)... this shows that the first ranks pass on to the second what they know of God.
- Pope Dionysius
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Dionysius
I pray we... come to this darkness so far above light! If only we lacked sight and knowledge so as to see, so as to know, unseeing and unknowing, that which lies beyond all vision and knowledge. For this would be really to see and to know: to praise the Transcendent One in a transcending way... We would be like sculptors who set out to carve a statue. They remove every obstacle to the pure view of the hidden image, and simply by the act of clearing aside they show up the beauty which is hidden.
- Pope Dionysius
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Dionysius
We make assertions and denials of what is next to [the Divine Nature], but never of It, for It is both beyond every assertion, being the perfect and unique cause of all things, and, by virtue of Its preeminently simple and absolute nature, free of every limitation, beyond every limitation; it is also beyond every denial.
- Pope Dionysius
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Dionysius
The word of God has provided nine explanatory designations of the heavenly beings... the first group is forever around God and is said to be permanently united with Him ahead of any of the others and with no intermediary. Here there are the most holy 'thrones' and the orders said to possess many eyes and many wings, called in Hebrew the 'cherubim' and 'seraphim'... The second group... is made up of 'authorities,' 'dominions,' and 'powers.' And the third, at the end of the heavenly hierarchies, is the group of 'angels,' 'archangels,' and 'principalities.'
- Pope Dionysius
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Dionysius
'Every good endowment and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights' (Jms. 1:17). But there is something more. Inspired by the Father, each procession of the Light spreads itself generously toward us, and, in its power to unify, it stirs us by lifting us up. It returns us back to the oneness and deifying simplicity of the Father who gathers us in. For, as the sacred Word says, 'from Him and to Him are all things' (Rom. 11:36).
- Pope Dionysius
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Dionysius
The name 'cherubim' means 'fullness of knowledge' or 'outpouring of wisdom'... The name cherubim signifies the power to know and to see God, to receive the greatest gifts of His light, to contemplate the divine splendor in primordial power, to be filled with the gifts that bring wisdom and to share these generously with subordinates as a part of the beneficent outpouring of His wisdom.
- Pope Dionysius
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Dionysius
What has actually to be said about the Cause of everything is this. Since it is the Cause of all beings, we should posit and ascribe to it all the affirmations we make in regard to beings, and, more appropriately, we should negate all these affirmations, since It surpasses all being. Now we should not conclude that the negations are simply the opposites of the affirmations, but rather that the cause of all is considerably prior to this, beyond privations, beyond every denial, beyond every assertion.
- Pope Dionysius
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Dionysius
...if we know God our knowledge of... everything will be brought to perfection, and, in so far as is possible, the infinite, divine and ineffable dwelling place (cf. Jn. 14:2) will be ours to enjoy. For this is what our sainted teacher said in his famous philosophical aphorism: 'Then we shall know as we are known' (I Cor. 13:12), when we mingle our god-formed mind and divine reason to what is properly its own and the image returns to the archetype for which it now longs.
- Pope Dionysius
Collection: Christian
Image of Michael Spencer
It is rare to find an established community of Christians that encourages radical expressions of following Jesus. The natural conservatism of institutions is deeply rooted in the desire to survive, and that desire colors and limits the way they read the Bible and how they see God functioning in the world.
- Michael Spencer
Collection: Christian