Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 46

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 46 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Carol Kent
God created us with an overwhelming desire to soar. Our desire to develop and use every ounce of potential He's placed in us is not egotistical. He designed us to be tremendously productive and "to mount up with wings like eagles," realistically dreaming of what He can do with our potential.
- Carol Kent
Collection: Christian
Image of Carol Kent
Growth takes time. God knows that. I know that. And to my surprise, His abundance is mine in the process - not as a prize at the end.
- Carol Kent
Collection: Christian
Image of Isabella Macdonald Alden
Do not lower the standard or cater to the worldly laxness of the average Christian by making the way in easy. Make sure that everyone who joins fully understands his duties and obligations and is willing, in Christ's strength, to undertake them.
- Isabella Macdonald Alden
Collection: Christian
Image of Rudolf Bultmann
Contemporary Christian proclamation is faced with the question whether, when it demands faith from men and women, it expects them to acknowledge this mythical world picture from the past. If this is impossible, it has to face the question whether the New Testament proclamation has a truth that is independent of the mythical world picture, in which case it would be the task of theology to demythologize the Christian proclamation.
- Rudolf Bultmann
Collection: Christian
Image of Rudolf Bultmann
Christian life is not realized in developing the personality or in shaping human community and somehow changing the world but in turning away from the world and becoming free of it.
- Rudolf Bultmann
Collection: Christian
Image of Mike Bickle
Radical Christianity is not going on a missions trip or a big conference. Radical Christianity is staying steady for decades.
- Mike Bickle
Collection: Christian
Image of Lesslie Newbigin
It is less important to ask a Christian what he or she believes about the Bible than it is to inquire what he or she does with it.
- Lesslie Newbigin
Collection: Christian
Image of Lesslie Newbigin
Do things that will get people asking questions, the answer to which is the Gospel.
- Lesslie Newbigin
Collection: Christian
Image of Lesslie Newbigin
Congregational life wherein each member has his opportunity to contribute to the life of the whole body, those gifts with which the Spirit endows him, is as much of the essence of the Church as are ministry and sacraments.
- Lesslie Newbigin
Collection: Christian
Image of Andy Mineo
Here is the paradox of Christian living. We must give up control of self to gain self control.
- Andy Mineo
Collection: Christian
Image of Philip Berrigan
[ To break the law] would still be an imperative. I guess we do it for both reasons. You try to be a Christian, you try to come from that tradition of the Jewish prophets and then Christ and everything since. That becomes your handbook. "Witness" is the key word. You witness against the injustice, against the atrocity, against the heavy-handedness, and all the rest. We try to make a statement to other people, and we try to say it's your responsibility, too.
- Philip Berrigan
Collection: Christian
Image of Philip Berrigan
We Christians forget (if we ever learned) that attempts to redress real or imagined injustice by violent means are merely another exercise in denial - denial of God and her nonviolence towards us, denial of love of neighbor, denial of laws essential to our being.
- Philip Berrigan
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Birch
(The animal rights movement) should be supported by all Christians. In an ecological universe, every created entity has intrinsic value because all are subjects as well as objects. As we cover more and more of the earth with our factories/ highways/ towns/parking lots, we annihilate more and more plants and animals.
- Charles Birch
Collection: Christian
Image of Mark P. Shea
One Body, Many Blogs is a nifty look at the mission to cyberspace that Christians, obedient to the Spirit, have undertaken! Read it and be inspired!
- Mark P. Shea
Collection: Christian
Image of Kwame Kilpatrick
I know in the Christian church the old ladies use to say "what the devil meant for bad God meant for good." So some of the things that I think they went out and tried to be detrimental to my life saved me in a lot of ways.
- Kwame Kilpatrick
Collection: Christian
Image of Basil Pennington
False self is an identity based on what you have, what you do, and what others think about you. In stark contrast to this is the true self in Christ, which is who we are before God and in God - Christ living in us, as Paul put it to the churches in Galatia
- Basil Pennington
Collection: Christian
Image of Lawrence Giustiniani
There is no prayer or good work so great, so pleasing to God, so useful to us as the Mass.
- Lawrence Giustiniani
Collection: Christian
Image of Frederick William Faber
There are no disappointments to those whose wills are buried in the will of God.
- Frederick William Faber
Collection: Christian
Image of Frederick William Faber
Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament is the queen of all devotions. It is the central devotion of the Church. All others gather round it, and group themselves there as satellites; for others celebrate his mysteries; this is Himself. It is the universal devotion. No one can be without it, in order to be a Christian. How can a man be a Christian who does not worship the living Presence of Christ?
- Frederick William Faber
Collection: Christian
Image of Frederick William Faber
We can exaggerate about many things; but we can never exaggerate our obligation to Jesus, or the compassionate abundance of the love of Jesus to us. All our lives long we might talk of Jesus, and yet we should never come to an end of the sweet things that might be said of Him.
- Frederick William Faber
Collection: Christian
Image of John Vockler
For us in the Pacific, in Asia, in India, and in Africa, Christian unity is not an optional extra. It is an urgent necessity, for our divisions are a real stumbling-block to the proclamation of the Gospel.
- John Vockler
Collection: Christian
Image of Moses Hess
The Christian... imagines the better future of the human species... in the image of heavenly joy... We, on the other hand, will have this heaven on earth.
- Moses Hess
Collection: Christian
Image of Nicky Cruz
We stink more of the world than we stink of sack cloth and ashes. A lot of contemporary churches today would feel more at home in a movie house rather than in a house of prayer, more afraid of holy living than of sinning, know more about money than magnifying Christ in our bodies. It is so compromised that holiness and living a sin-free life is heresy to the modern church. The modern church is, quite simply, just the world with a Christian T-shirt on!
- Nicky Cruz
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas John Barnardo
Character is better than ancestry, and personal conduct is more important than the highest parentage.
- Thomas John Barnardo
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorotheus of Gaza
The more one is united to his neighbor the more he is united to God.
- Dorotheus of Gaza
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorotheus of Gaza
Let us be convinced that nothing can happen to us apart from the providence of God.
- Dorotheus of Gaza
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorotheus of Gaza
By accepting a suspicion against the neighbor, by saying, 'What does it matter if I put in a word about my suspicion? What does it matter if I find out what my brother is saying or what a guest is doing?' the mind begins to forget about its own sins and to talk idly about his neighbor, speaking evil against him, despising him, and from this he falls into the very thing he condemns. Because we become careless about our own faults and do not lament our own death, we lose the power to correct ourselves and we are always at work on our neighbor.
- Dorotheus of Gaza
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorotheus of Gaza
When the devil looks at a man who sincerely desires not to sin, he is not so unintelligent as to suggest to him (as he would to a hardened sinner) that he go and commit fornication or go and steal. He knows we do not want that and he does not set out to tell us something we do not want to hear; but he finds out that little bit of self-will or self-righteousness and through that, with the appearance of well doing, he will do us harm.
- Dorotheus of Gaza
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorotheus of Gaza
If we have true love with sympathy and patient labor, we shall not go about scrutinizing our neighbor's shortcomings.
- Dorotheus of Gaza
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorotheus of Gaza
Who hated sin more than the saints? But they did not hate the sinners at the same time, nor condemn them, nor turn away from them. But they suffered with them, admonished them, comforted them. gave them remedies as sickly members, and did all they could to heal them.
- Dorotheus of Gaza
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorotheus of Gaza
In the measure that we pay attention and take care to carry out what we hear, God will always enlighten us and make us understand His will.
- Dorotheus of Gaza
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorotheus of Gaza
By keeping the Commandments the soul is purified and the mind too is enlightened, and starts to function as nature intended it to. 'The command of the Lord gives light and enlightens the eyes' (Ps. 19:8).
- Dorotheus of Gaza
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorotheus of Gaza
It is God, Who is merciful and grants everyone what he needs, Who is building him up when He gives him more than he needs; in doing so He shows the abundance of His love for men and teaches him to give thanks. When He does not grant him what he needs, He makes him compensate for the thing he needs through the working of the mind and teaches him patience.
- Dorotheus of Gaza
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorotheus of Gaza
No one who lies is linked to God. God is the truth. He says, 'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life' (Jn. 14:6). See how we sort ourselves out and what position we take up through lying ? clearly on the side of the evil one. If, therefore, we want to be saved, we must with all our hearts love the Truth and guard ourselves from every kind of falsehood so that we may not be separated from truth and from life.
- Dorotheus of Gaza
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorotheus of Gaza
'My sheep hear My voice' (Jn. 10:14). This is just another way of saying, 'They obey my words and keep My commandments.' Obeying the commandments the saints draw near to God; the more they draw near to God, the better they know Him.
- Dorotheus of Gaza
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorotheus of Gaza
If one of you sees, sometime, something unedifying and so much as goes on to pass it on and put it into the heart of another brother, in doing so you not only harm yourself but you harm your brother by putting one more little bit of knavery into his heart. Even if that brother has his mind set on prayer or some other noble activity, and the first arrives and furnishes him with something to prate about, he not only impedes what he ought to be doing, but brings a temptation on him. There is nothing graver or more deadly than this doing harm, not only to himself but also to his neighbor.
- Dorotheus of Gaza
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorotheus of Gaza
Self-indulgence takes many forms. A man may be self-indulgent in speech, in touch, in sight. From self-indulgence a man comes to idle speech and worldly talk, to buffoonery and cracking indecent jokes. There is self-indulgence in touching without necessity, making mocking signs with the hands, pushing for a place, snatching up something for oneself, approaching someone else shamelessly. All these things come from not having the fear of God in the soul and from these a man comes little by little to perfect contempt.
- Dorotheus of Gaza
Collection: Christian
Image of Dorotheus of Gaza
In the mercy of God, the little thing done with humility will enable us to be found in the same place as the saints who have labored much and been true servants of God.
- Dorotheus of Gaza
Collection: Christian
Image of Tryon Edwards
A holy life is not an ascetic, or gloomy or solitary life, but a life regulated by divine truth and faithful in Christian duty. It is living above the world while we are still in it.
- Tryon Edwards
Collection: Christian
Image of W. Ian Thomas
The Christian life is the life of the Lord Jesus Christ lived two thousand years ago, lived now by Him in you!
- W. Ian Thomas
Collection: Christian
Image of W. Ian Thomas
There are few things quite so boring as being religious, but there is nothing quite so exciting as being a Christian!
- W. Ian Thomas
Collection: Christian
Image of Stanley J. Grenz
According to the New Testament, God wills that the church be a people who show what God is like.
- Stanley J. Grenz
Collection: Christian
Image of Terry Eagleton
Christian faith, as I understand it, is not primarily a matter of signing on for the proposition that there exists a Supreme Being, but the kind of commitment made manifest by a human being at the end of his tether, foundering in darkness, pain, and bewilderment, who nevertheless remains faithful to the promise of a transformative love.
- Terry Eagleton
Collection: Christian
Image of James Robison
I believe in the importance of unity among those who know Christ, who profess to be "Christians." . . . I believe there is an important spiritual awakening beginning in the hearts of those truly committed to Christ in the Protestant and Catholic communities. Is it possible that Pope Francis may prove to be an answer not only to the prayers of Catholics, but also those known as Protestants?
- James Robison
Collection: Christian
Image of John Corvino
Faithiest resonated with me in many ways-not only because, like Chris, I am a gay former-Christian atheist who still thinks of my religious neighbors as fellow truth-seekers-but also because I deeply appreciated the book's nuanced approach to contentious issues. This is an important contribution to current debates, one which should be read not only for its valuable content but also for its exemplary tone: warm, engaging, optimistic, and humble.
- John Corvino
Collection: Christian
Image of Tobias Crisp
Through Christ's satisfaction for sin, the very nature of afflictions changed with regard to believers. As death, which was, at first, the wages of sin, is now become a bed of rest (Is. 57:2); so afflictions are not the rod of God's anger, but the gentle medicine of a tender father.
- Tobias Crisp
Collection: Christian
Image of Michael Lind
For realists, war is like surgery-a painful and dangerous activity that is sometimes necessary ... A pacifist is like a Christian Scientist who is against surgery even when the alternative is the crippling or death of the patient.
- Michael Lind
Collection: Christian
Image of Adam Hamilton
As I've taught our congregation, within the Christian faith the question of homosexuality is not a question of biblical authority, but biblical interpretation.
- Adam Hamilton
Collection: Christian
Image of Jacob Neusner
But the more insidious enemies of religion recognize but deplore religion's remarkable influence in the world order.
- Jacob Neusner
Collection: Christian