Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 38

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 38 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Patrick Madrid
This world is filled with many vulgar and dishonorable things that will claw and tear at your Christian purity if you allow them to. Don't let them! Seek instead the things of God. He will purify you and free you from your slavery to profane and inconsequential things.
- Patrick Madrid
Collection: Christian
Image of Melanie Phillips
The fact is that there is a profound spiritual hunger in the western world which, for a variety of reasons, its church is no longer able to assuage. So a book which suggests that there is a spiritual significance to the Christian story but that this has been suppressed by the church undoubtedly appeals to those who are anxious to square this circle.
- Melanie Phillips
Collection: Christian
Image of Sandy Smith
Perhaps we don't want to come face to face with the unsurrendered areas of our lives. We like our lives just as they are, even if it is less than God's best.
- Sandy Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of Sandy Smith
As I live in awareness of, growth in, and gratitude for mercy, my life will bring glory to Him
- Sandy Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of Warren Austin
Why can't the Arabs and Jews resolve their disagreements at the conference table like good Christians?
- Warren Austin
Collection: Christian
Image of Warren Austin
It is time the Arabs and the Jews sat down and settled this dispute in the true Christian spirit.
- Warren Austin
Collection: Christian
Image of Warren Austin
I don't know whether Jews can behave like good Christians, but Muslim Arabs certainly cannot.
- Warren Austin
Collection: Christian
Image of Harold Lindsell
Regardless of the day or the hour; whether in seeming good times or bad, the Christian lives in the world for the good of the world and for the sake of the world.
- Harold Lindsell
Collection: Christian
Image of Douglas Groothuis
Without a thorough and deeply rooted understanding of the biblical view of truth as revealed, objective, absolute, universal, eternally engaging, antithetical and exclusive, unified and systematic, and as an end in itself, the Christian response to postmodernism will be muted by the surrounding culture or will make illicit compromises with the truth-impoverished spirit of the age. The good news is that truth is still truth, that it provides a backbone for witness and ministry in postmodern times, and that God's truth will never fail.
- Douglas Groothuis
Collection: Christian
Image of Douglas Groothuis
The doctrine of hell does not stand alone as a kind of ancient Christian horror story. Rather, hell is inseparable from three other interrelated biblical truths: human sin, God's holiness, and the cross of Christ.
- Douglas Groothuis
Collection: Christian
Image of Douglas Groothuis
The statistics reveal a failure of nerve on the part of many Christians. They seem to be simply unable to muster the strength necessary to develop a tenacious commitment to the truthfulness of Scripture.
- Douglas Groothuis
Collection: Christian
Image of Hans Rookmaaker
What is Christian in art does not lie in the theme but in the spirit of it, in its wisdom and the understanding of reality it reflects.
- Hans Rookmaaker
Collection: Christian
Image of Hans Rookmaaker
Jesus didn't come to make us Christian. Jesus came to make us fully human.
- Hans Rookmaaker
Collection: Christian
Image of Hans Rookmaaker
We are at home here. Alienation is unnecessary. Contact with reality at a deep level is part of the Christian's life. He enters into reality, rather than escaping from it. The flight from reality is a mark of Eastern and classical mysticism, not of Christianity.
- Hans Rookmaaker
Collection: Christian
Image of CeCe Winans
Everybody's not going to understand where God has called you to go, but that is not an excuse for you not to go there. Then, when He puts you in certain places, it's a spiritual warfare to stay there.
- CeCe Winans
Collection: Christian
Image of Roger Sherman
You are further to declare that we hold sacred the rights of conscience, and may promise to the whole people, solemnly in our name, the free and undisturbed exercise of their religion. And...that all civil rights and the right to hold office were to be extended to persons of any Christian denomination.
- Roger Sherman
Collection: Christian
Image of Roger Sherman
True Christians are assured that no temptation (or trial) shall happen to them but what they shall be enabled to bear; and that the grace of Christ shall be sufficient for them.
- Roger Sherman
Collection: Christian
Image of Katharine Drexel
Christ wishes the Christian Community to be a body that is perfect because we work together towards a single end, and the higher the motive which actuates this collaboration the higher, no doubt, will be the union. Now the end in question is supremely exalted: the continuous sanctification of the Body for the glory of God and the Lamb that was slain [Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament].
- Katharine Drexel
Collection: Christian
Image of Stephen Colbert
If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it.
- Stephen Colbert
Collection: Christian
Image of Fisher Ames
No man can be a sound lawyer in this land who is not well read in the ethics of Moses and the virtues of Jesus.
- Fisher Ames
Collection: Christian
Image of Alan Green
As a parish priest of the Church Of England I promise to look after everyone in the community, not just those who come to church, not just white people, not just the Christians.
- Alan Green
Collection: Christian
Image of Alan Green
Being a Christian does not mean that there is one way of living a Christian life, people do it differently in different cultures because they have different interpretations, that's how it should be. The disciples had arguments with Jesus! It is about listening to one another, and respecting one another with those differences.
- Alan Green
Collection: Christian
Image of Richard Holbrooke
There is a split between Muslims who want to practice their faith in peace and tolerance with other religions and other people, and these extreme, radical fundamentalists who have shown a total lack of tolerance for people with different views, starting with people who they don't think are good Muslims, and going on to include Christians and Jews.
- Richard Holbrooke
Collection: Christian
Image of Cyprian
May all Christians be found worthy of either the pure white crown of a holy life or the royal red crown of martyrdom.
- Cyprian
Collection: Christian
Image of Cyprian
This supernatural bread and this consecrated chalice are for the health and salvation of mankind.
- Cyprian
Collection: Christian
Image of Francis Grund
The religious habits of the Americans form not only the basis of their private and public morals, but have become so thoroughly interwoven with their whole course of legislation that it would be impossible to change them without affecting the very essence of their government.
- Francis Grund
Collection: Christian
Image of Frank E. Gaebelein
As a Christian, I am responsible for the furniture of my mind.
- Frank E. Gaebelein
Collection: Christian
Image of Frank E. Gaebelein
You will find more saints are interested in antichrist than Christ.
- Frank E. Gaebelein
Collection: Christian
Image of Frank E. Gaebelein
For a Christian to say, "I will not have anything to do with the great and worthy works of artists whose lives were not good" is to fall into the impiety of questioning the wisdom of God in bestowing gifts of grace where He wills.
- Frank E. Gaebelein
Collection: Christian
Image of David Gene Gibbs
How many of you think it is time for American to stop pretending we are not Christian? If there's people in King, North Carolina who don't like that, there's lots of places you can move to.
- David Gene Gibbs
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Simeon
That however advanced any man may 'be-in' age or piety, he is still in danger of falling.
- Charles Simeon
Collection: Christian
Image of Joseph Brant
Do you call yourselves Christians? Does then the religion of Him whom you call your Savior inspire your spirit, and guide your practices? Surely not. It is recorded of him that a bruised reed he never broke. Cease, then, to call yourselves Christians, lest you declare to the world your hypocrisy. Cease, too, to call other nations savage, when you are tenfold more the children of cruelty than they.
- Joseph Brant
Collection: Christian
Image of Larry Klayman
King George III may have been a greedy ‘control freak,’ but at least he was a Christian. The United States is being run by a Muslim bent on furthering an Islamic caliphate who seeks to destroy our spirituality and the body politic of our Judeo-Christian roots.
- Larry Klayman
Collection: Christian
Image of Ralph Cudworth
Christ came not to possess our brains with some cold opinions, that send down a freezing and benumbing influence into our hearts. Christ was a master of the life, not of the school; and he is the best Christian whose heart beats with the purest pulse towards heaven, not he whose head spins the finest cobweb.
- Ralph Cudworth
Collection: Christian
Image of Ralph Cudworth
Christ was vitoe magister, not scholoe; and he is the best Christian whose heart beats with the purest pulse towards heaven; not he whose head spinneth out the finest cobwebs.
- Ralph Cudworth
Collection: Christian
Image of Steve McVey
The underlying foundation of all religion is performance - whether it's a tribal dance around a campfire to satisfy the fire god, or a dead religious activity performed week after week by an evangelical Christian with the intent of impressing his God. It's all religious performance, and God isn't impressed by our performance. What impresses Him is faith.
- Steve McVey
Collection: Christian
Image of Hilary of Poitiers
In this we see the wondrous virtue of the Lord: that the power dwelling in His body should communicate to perishable things the efficacy to heal, and that the divine activity should issue forth even from the hem of His garment. For God is not perceptible by the senses, to be enclosed within a body. The assumption of a body did not limit the nature of His power; but for our redemption His power took upon it the frailty of our body.
- Hilary of Poitiers
Collection: Christian
Image of Howard A Snyder
Romans says the creation was 'subjected to frustration, in hope that it will be liberated from its bondage to decay.' In hope! There is hope for the earth. As Christians, we can and should have hope for the earth, as well as our hope of heaven.
- Howard A Snyder
Collection: Christian
Image of Roland Allen
We must be willing to begin with positive teaching, not with negative prohibitions, and be content to wait and to watch whilst the native Christians slowly recreate their own customs as the Spirit of Christ gradually teaches them.
- Roland Allen
Collection: Christian
Image of Jennifer Morse
At the center of the universe, is a deep abiding love. We are called to be part of it. We Catholics and Christians are not ashamed to believe this. We invite everyone to accept the challenge to live as if we were all loved into existence.
- Jennifer Morse
Collection: Christian
Image of Chris Sligh
Empty me of the selfishness inside, every vain ambition and the poison of my pride, and any foolish thing my heart holds to, Lord empty me of me so I can be filled with you.
- Chris Sligh
Collection: Christian
Image of Ibn Warraq
In Saudi Arabia, among other countries, Muslims are not free to convert to Christianity, and Christians are not free to practice their faith. The Koran is not a rights-respecting document.
- Ibn Warraq
Collection: Christian
Image of Ibn Warraq
I think forgiveness plays a very important part in Western society and it comes from the Judeo Christian heritage.
- Ibn Warraq
Collection: Christian
Image of Ibn Warraq
I have always felt that many Christians, deeply sincere Christians, support the idea of separation of State and Church and the secularist in that sense as well. They believe that religion should be very much a private affair and should not be given special treatment. The State should not fund churches for example.
- Ibn Warraq
Collection: Christian
Image of John Bradford
We must never settle for harmony at the expense of holiness, nor for peace at the expense of principle.
- John Bradford
Collection: Christian
Image of Porphyry
The Gods have proclaimed Christ to have been most pious, but the Christians are a confused and vicious sect.
- Porphyry
Collection: Christian
Image of Don Ed Hardy
We are saddened to hear of the untimely death of Christian Audigier. It is a sad end to a brilliant marketer; his incredible energy and vision brought my artwork to global attention.
- Don Ed Hardy
Collection: Christian
Image of Jeremy Camp
There's not a single fear, thought, feeling or need that's too big or too small for Jesus. He wants you to tell Him what's on your heart.
- Jeremy Camp
Collection: Christian