Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 2

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Image of Christian Coleman
Me being a shorter guy, I am pretty quick out of the blocks and can get up to top speed maybe a little faster than some guys.
- Christian Coleman
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Coleman
My weakness might be that the guys with the longer legs can hold their top speed a little bit longer and might not slow down as fast at the end of the race.
- Christian Coleman
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Coleman
Obviously my strong suit is the 100 so that is what my main focus is on.
- Christian Coleman
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Coleman
My message to fans... I'm running clean.
- Christian Coleman
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Coleman
I just work hard with my God-given talent and abilities.
- Christian Coleman
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Coleman
My whole life I have just ran track and I have just continued and taken it to the next level.
- Christian Coleman
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Coleman
Coming from the south side of Atlanta, Georgia, everyone has a chip on their shoulder. That's how competitive it is. It makes athletes great who come from there.
- Christian Coleman
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Coleman
I've always been a little kid compared to the guys I've competed against in terms of body development. I've always looked a lot younger, so naturally my body got a bit bigger and stronger. I combined that with a good work ethic, good mindset and focus.
- Christian Coleman
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Coleman
A lot of people don't realise how competitive college sprinting is.
- Christian Coleman
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Coleman
I am just a young black man living my dream, people are trying to smear my reputation.
- Christian Coleman
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Coleman
I wouldn't know who Michael Johnson was if he didn't run fast times.
- Christian Coleman
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Coleman
Coming into the offseason, when I'm training, when things get hard, I know there's guys that are across the country, training and trying to be the best in the country and trying to be the best in the world. So that just motivates me to just keep going and keep working.
- Christian Coleman
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
Anytime the premiere sports channel calls you and says they want to do a movie about you, you're going to say, 'Yes.'
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
I don't watch any NBA games today, because it makes me sad: I want to be back out there.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
I don't believe many teams can do it just with one really, really good player. You have to be surrounded with a good cast.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
I used to tell my mother, 'Mom, when they write really flattering things about your son, don't believe it all. And when they write really negative things about your son, don't believe it all.'
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
I realize everyone has the image and perception that I was the worst person.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
You can only be that confident if you know you've done the work.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
My biggest regret in life - well, one of them - is that I wasn't muskie fishing from '92 to '96 when I was not married.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
I'm different now than I was when I was 20 years old.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
When you're being interviewed every day, and you're tired, you can make mistakes and say the wrong things, especially when you're young. When you're young, you don't realize everything, and you're a little naive.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
People mature. They learn. They get better at things. You're different when you're 45 than when you're 25.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
This is something people don't realize about me, but I can laugh - and laugh at myself.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
If you are not a Dukie, and Duke is having a lot of success year after year, you might get tired of it. They might not like your competing personality or competing persona, and if you are not a Dukie, or you don't love Duke or Christian Laettner, then I can understand the hating on me.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
How many people get to say a '30 for 30' is being made about them?
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
I always played my best when I respected my opponent and was a little scared of them because they could beat me. Every game I played in college, that was the case.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
I don't think it's a good M.O. to disrespect your opponents, and maybe that's why the teams that disrespected me and my team lost to us.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
For my entire Duke career, people were gunning for us and hating us and wanting us to lose, so I got used to that right away. Every team is going to give you their best shot. Everyone wants to beat you.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
I made three visits during my senior year of high school to Duke, UNC, and Virginia. If I hadn't gone to Duke, I would have went to Carolina, just like a lot of Carolina players who, had they not gone there, would have went to Duke.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
No one thinks more highly of me than probably myself. I think that's fine.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
It amuses me that just because I'm white and always looked skinny, I'm supposed to be unphysical, soft, not tough.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
Being a physical specimen doesn't mean you're any good at playing inside. Positioning, using your head, the mental stuff - that's my game. That's what makes a good inside player.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
I'm sure I was insensitive. I'm probably still a jerk at times. But my priority as a freshman was to be good in basketball and play a lot. Not to be the nicest person in the world. I was one-track-minded. I still am.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
My problem is being brutally honest. People don't like that.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
When I was 15 years old, the Duke-UNC game looked like the funnest game in the world to be a part of. So I chose to make sure I was a part of it for four years, and when I was at Duke, it exceeded all my expectations.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
Honestly, the Carolina games I played in every year were more intense than the national championship games I played in - they had a better environment.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
When you're at home for Duke-Carolina, you have a crowd of close to 10,000 around you, loving you. That's awesome. But it's also a lot of fun in Chapel Hill, where it's you, your teammates and your coaches, and no one else. I enjoyed the games at Chapel Hill a little more because of that.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
I don't think the world hated Duke basketball before me.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
Everyone says I was real cute as a kid, but from 8 to 19, I was horrible-looking, freaky.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
I'd love to do movies.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
I like Minnesota. I'd be very happy playing there.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
I enjoy being mysterious. I enjoy the notoriety it brings.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
Shaq is such a load. He's so big and strong, but it's possible to play well against him.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
Basketball is more than just strength and power.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
I was how I was in college because I had to be. I played angry. I played hard. I stepped on guys' chests, I hit a game-winner against UConn.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
My senior year was crazy. We were defending champions, we were on national TV just about every weekend, and we were winning. Teams always brought their best when they went up against us, and we always matched it.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
My whole freshman year at Duke, it was drilled into me that nothing was given to you, and you have to earn it, and this is a dog-eat-dog world, and blah blah blah, and blah blah blah. And you buy into it, 100 percent. You end up loving it. That's the way it should be, right?
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
I bought into everything Coach K preached to us. His whole philosophy.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian
Image of Christian Laettner
If you're not a Duke fan, you're not going to like me.
- Christian Laettner
Collection: Christian