Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 103

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 103 provides more christian quotes.

Image of John Stott
When the Christian loses himself, he finds himself, he discovers his true identity.
- John Stott
Collection: Christian
Image of John Stott
The incentive to peacemaking is love, but it degenerates into appeasement whenever justice is ignored. To forgive and to ask for forgiveness are both costly exercises. All authentic Christian peacemaking exhibits the love and justice-and so the pain-of the cross.
- John Stott
Collection: Christian
Image of Swami Vivekananda
To me an Indian is one who has got a Vedantic brain which probes deep and soars high; an Islamic body that is vibrant and valiant; a Buddhistic heart overflowing with compassion and kindness and Christian limbs of service and sacrifice.
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Christian
Image of K.P. Yohannan
Every Christian in America has some minimal responsibility to get involved in helping the poor brethren in the church in other countries.
- K.P. Yohannan
Collection: Christian
Image of K.P. Yohannan
As long as Christian life remains our life we will not understand the Christ of the New Testament. You are not your own.
- K.P. Yohannan
Collection: Christian
Image of Barbra Streisand
What is dangerous about the far right is not that it takes religion seriously - most of us do - but rather that it condemns all other spiritual choices - the Buddhist, the Jew, the Muslim, and many others who consider themselves to be good Christians. The wall of separation between church and state is needed precisely because religion, like art, is too important a part of the human experience to be choked by the hands of censors.
- Barbra Streisand
Collection: Christian
Image of Karin Slaughter
I went to a Christian School, and when I reached a certain age, I wasn't allowed to wear pants to school anymore. There was a big conference about it with my parents about how unladylike it was for me to wear pants ,this was a school where the principal and once of the coaches stood at the front door with a wooden ruler to make sure girls' skirts were an inch below their knee. So, from that day forward, I had to wear skirts, which meant that I couldn't play on the playground like I used to. I really feel like I could've been the next Serena Williams if not for that.
- Karin Slaughter
Collection: Christian
Image of Blaise Pascal
To be mistaken in believing that the Christian religion is true is no great loss to anyone; but how dreadful to be mistaken in believing it to be false!
- Blaise Pascal
Collection: Christian
Image of Amy Carmichael
All life's training is just exactly what is needed for the true Life-work, still out of view but far away from none of us. Don't grudge me the learning of a new lesson.
- Amy Carmichael
Collection: Christian
Image of Amy Carmichael
The only expenditure, and all its outworkings, for which God can be held to be responsible is that which He directs.
- Amy Carmichael
Collection: Christian
Image of Amy Carmichael
It is more important that you should know about the reverses than about the successes of the war. We shall have all eternity to celebrate the victories, but we have only the few hours before sunset in which to win them. We are not winning them as we should, because the fact of the reverses is so little realized, and the needed reinforcements are not forthcoming, as they would be in the position were thoroughly understood...So we have tried to tell you the truth the uninteresting, unromantic truth.
- Amy Carmichael
Collection: Christian
Image of Amy Carmichael
The saddest thing one meets is a nominal Christian. I had not seen it in Japan where missions is younger. The church here is a “field full of wheat and tares.
- Amy Carmichael
Collection: Christian
Image of Amy Carmichael
If Thy dear home be fuller, Lord, For that a little emptier. My house on earth, what rich rewards. That guerdon were.
- Amy Carmichael
Collection: Christian
Image of Amy Carmichael
The mere telling of how a need was met is often like telling of a need, which is asking crookedly instead of straight out. But this much I will say--with every fresh need has come a fresh supply.
- Amy Carmichael
Collection: Christian
Image of Barack Obama
I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian - for me - for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God's in the mix.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Christian
Image of Desmond Tutu
Our Christian faith is actually very subversive of the conventional notion of success - the notion that what invests a person with worth is something extrinsic.
- Desmond Tutu
Collection: Christian
Image of Joyce Meyer
You need to be moving if you want God to show you which way to go.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Christian
Image of Flannery O'Connor
The Catholic writer, in so far as he has the mind of the Church, will feel life from the standpoint of the central Christian mystery; that it has, for all its horror, been found by God to be worth dying for.
- Flannery O'Connor
Collection: Christian
Image of Sinclair B. Ferguson
You cannot open the pages of the New Testament without realizing that one of the things that makes it so 'new,' in every way, is that here men and women call God 'Father.' This conviction, that we can speak of the Master of the universe in such intimate terms, lies at the heart of the Christian faith.
- Sinclair B. Ferguson
Collection: Christian
Image of Sinclair B. Ferguson
The determining factor of my existence is no longer my past.
- Sinclair B. Ferguson
Collection: Christian
Image of Sinclair B. Ferguson
Anyone who comes to grips with the issues raised in The Marrow of Modern Divinity will almost certainly grow by leaps and bounds in understanding three things: the grace of God, the Christian life, and the very nature of the gospel itself.
- Sinclair B. Ferguson
Collection: Christian
Image of Sinclair B. Ferguson
Thoughts for Young Men abounds in reliable counsel and says - with a rare combination of seriousness and graciousness - the very things we need to hear. Young men, for whom it was written, will find it invaluable; but all Christians, men or women, young or old, can read it with lasting benefit. It deserves to be widely read and circulated, and will do spiritual good to every reader.
- Sinclair B. Ferguson
Collection: Christian
Image of Jerry Bridges
How then can we deal with our tendency toward worldliness? It is not by determining that we will not be worldly, but by committing ourselves to becoming more godly.
- Jerry Bridges
Collection: Christian
Image of Harry S. Truman
The United States, which would live on Christian principles with all of the peoples of the world, cannot omit a fair deal for its own Indian citizens.
- Harry S. Truman
Collection: Christian
Image of Stefan Zweig
(Brazil:) I've never beheld such a paradise. The people are enchanting and--a mercy on this earth of ours--this is the only placewhere there isn't any race question. Negroes and whites and Indians, three-quarters, oneeighth, the wonderful Mulatto and Creole women, Jews and Christians, all dwell together in a peace that passes describing. The Jewish immigrants are in seventh heaven; all of them have jobs and feel at home.
- Stefan Zweig
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope John Paul II
The sickness of a family member, friend or neighbor is a call to Christians to demonstrate true compassion, that gentle and persevering sharing in another's pain.
- Pope John Paul II
Collection: Christian
Image of Francis Schaeffer
Our trusting the Lord does not mean that there are not times of tears. I think it is a mistake as Christians to act as though trusting the Lord and tears are not compatible.
- Francis Schaeffer
Collection: Christian
Image of Francis Schaeffer
Modern man has no real "value" for the ocean. All he has is the most crass form of egoist, pragmatic value for it. He treats it as a "thing" in the worst possible sense, to exploit it for the "good" of man. The man who believes things are there only by chance cannot give things a real value. But for the Christian the value of a thing is not in itself autonomously, but because God made it.
- Francis Schaeffer
Collection: Christian
Image of Francis Schaeffer
Ours is a post-Christian world in which Christianity, not only in the number of Christians but in cultural emphasis and cultural result, is no longer the consensus or ethos of our society.
- Francis Schaeffer
Collection: Christian
Image of Francis Schaeffer
Certainly every Christian ought to be praying and working to nullify the abominable abortion law. But as we work and pray, we should have in mind not only this important issue as though it stood alone. Rather, we should be struggling and praying that this whole other total entity "(this godless) worldview" can be rolled back with all its results across all of life.
- Francis Schaeffer
Collection: Christian
Image of Francis Schaeffer
What we, the Christian community, have to do is to refuse men the right to ravish our land, just as we refuse them the right to ravish our women; to insist that somebody accepts a little less profit by not exploiting nature.
- Francis Schaeffer
Collection: Christian
Image of Francis Schaeffer
It is not enough for the Church to be engaged with the State in healing social ills, though this is important at times. But when the world can turn around and see a group of God's people exhibiting substantial healing in the area of human relationships in their present life, then the world will take notice. Each group of Christians is, as it were, a pilot plant, showing that something can be done in the present situation, if only we begin in the right way.
- Francis Schaeffer
Collection: Christian
Image of Francis Schaeffer
A compassionate open home is part of Christian responsibility, and should be practiced up to the level of capacity.
- Francis Schaeffer
Collection: Christian
Image of Francis Schaeffer
In God's world the individual counts. Therefore, Christian art should deal with the individual.
- Francis Schaeffer
Collection: Christian
Image of Francis Schaeffer
Today the separation of church and state in America is used to silence the church. When Christians speak out on issues, the hue and cry from the humanist state and media is that Christians, an all religions, are prohibited from speaking since there is a separation of church and state.
- Francis Schaeffer
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Brooks
Every thing that a man leans upon but God, will be a dart that will certainly pierce his heart through and through. He who leans only upon Christ, lives the highest, choicest, safest, and sweetest life.
- Thomas Brooks
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Brooks
If God were not my friend, Satan would not be so much my enemy.
- Thomas Brooks
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Brooks
Christ is to be answerable for all those that are given to Him, at the last day, and therefore we need not doubt but that He will certainly employ all the power of His Godhead to secure and save all those that He must be accountable for. Christ's charge and care of these that are given to Him, extends even to the very day of their resurrection, that He may not so much as lose their dust, but gather it together again, and raise it up in glory to be a proof of His fidelity; for, saith He, "I shall lose nothing, but raise it up again at the last day."
- Thomas Brooks
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Brooks
A Christian will part with anything rather than his hope; he knows that hope will keep the heart both from aching and breaking, from fainting and sinking; he knows that hope is a beam of God, a spark of glory, and that nothing shall extinguish it till the soul be filled with glory.
- Thomas Brooks
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Brooks
Carnal reason is an enemy to faith: it is ever crossing and contradicting it. It will never be well with thee, Christian, so long as thou art swayed by carnal reason, and you rely more upon thy five senses, than upon the four Evangelists. As the body lives by breathing, so the soul lives by believing.
- Thomas Brooks
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Brooks
If any man should ask me what is the first, second, and third part of being a Christian, I must answer 'Action!'
- Thomas Brooks
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Brooks
Weak Christians are afraid of the shadow of the cross.
- Thomas Brooks
Collection: Christian
Image of N. T. Wright
Good Christian liturgy is friendship in action, love taking thought, the covenant relationship between God and his people not simply discovered and celebrated like the sudden meeting of friends, exciting and worthwhile though that is, but thought through and relished, planned and prepared -- an ultimately better way for the relationship to grow and at the same time a way of demonstrating what the relationship is all about.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Christian
Image of N. T. Wright
From my student days I found him a compelling and fascinating, though often puzzling, figure. It's a lifelong fascination now and I don't expect that to stop! His vision of God, God's faithfulness, God's purposes and so on is so much bigger and richer than almost any subsequent Christian thinker has ever managed. In addition, I have always loved ancient history, especially the history of the early Roman empire, and of course Paul fits right into that.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Christian
Image of N. T. Wright
The Christian is prepared to say, 'I don't like the sound of this, ... but if this is what it really means, I'm going to have to pray for grace and strength to get that into my heart and be shaped by it.'
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Christian
Image of N. T. Wright
Christians living in a democracy should always vote if they can. If they cannot in conscience bring themselves to vote for any of the candidates on offer (in the UK quite often there are several candidates for a parliamentary seat) they might consider deliberately spoiling the ballot paper as a sad protest which still says 'but I believe in being involved'.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Christian
Image of Rick Warren
When pressure builds up, don't panic. Pray! Prayer is a tremendous stress reliever. It can be your safety valve.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Christian
Image of Rick Warren
God teaches us to love by putting some unlovely people around us.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Christian
Image of Rick Warren
The secret of endurance is to remember that your pain is temporary but your reward will be eternal.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Christian