Top brie Quotes Collection - Page 2

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Image of Brie Larson
I think seeing the love between a mother and child is something we can all really relate to. You can remember it from your own childhood perspective.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
We had very few things. I had a couple pairs of jeans, a couple shirts. And same with my mom and sister. I think my sister had, like, two toys. We were living off of instant noodles.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
More and more, my life is going in a direction that is not universal; there's only a very small group of people who understand.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
Each step of the way I'm learning. When I leave an interview, I learn whether I feel, 'Oh, that was nice,' or that made me feel like a little piece of me was taken. It's a line that is always on the edge of being crossed, and once you cross it, what's next?
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
My life is scheduled to the minute. I used to be notoriously hard to get a hold of. But now, it would be irresponsible for me to say, 'I'm not checking my phone.'
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I found I could perform in front of 200 people, but I would still feel nervous having a one-on-one conversation.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I was not a child star. I was more like a young auditioner.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
The constant is always mythologies and the very first stories that we have. All of the movies that last, that you return to, the movies that struck you as a kid and continue to open up to you 10 years later and 10 years after that - those are the movies I want to make. Those things are eternal.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
When what you do is play characters every day, all day, I wasn't really interested in playing a pop star on the weekends.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I'm kind of a morbid person. I'm very optimistic, but I also feel like I'm going to die at any moment. I feel very much aware of my mortality. I'm here, and then I'm not.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I feel very much aware of my mortality. I'm here, and then I'm not. It's the same thing with everything else: the movie comes out, and then it's gone. Everything is changing all the time, and I'm not going to stress out and spend my entire time chasing something that ultimately doesn't exist.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I didn't want to just watch a woman who was getting it right all the time. We're not perfect.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
There are so many opportunities to learn things online, like between Coursera and Khan Academy and Duolingo. There are these awesome websites that are kind of these little personal Aristotles. There are times when I'm preparing for a role of some kind, and then I'll focus on a certain subject.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
It's really hard to see yourself and to recognize that you are a human being like everybody else. You just think everybody's judging you.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
A lot of stuff I was reading in mythology was about how women used to be taught to be wild. The wild woman was an essence that existed in the world. We're still coming back from many years of us being chiseled out to be identical and quiet.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
The same myths are told in every culture, and they might swap out details, but it's still the same story. It's the same story, but with a different face.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
Everything is changing all the time, and I'm not going to stress out and spend my entire time chasing something that ultimately doesn't exist.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I know that I'm an actor and I guess I could kind of put on an act, but it takes so much more time to be someone you are not. I feel so much better just being comfortable with myself and hopefully girls will accept that.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I think it starts to feel really redundant when you start to do something the same way over and over again. I don't think it's good to become so dependent on a certain writing process.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I'm learning with the older that I get that some feelings are just universal and that I'm not the only one who hates their hair or their life at times.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
In the past I've been very into the falling part, very into the swimming in the dark, deep emotional water. 'Rampart' I really went into it and it took me three times as long to get out of that depression as it did to just do the scenes. I had to learn to give it my all and then go home and laugh.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I was 3 when I told my mom that I knew what my dharma was and that I wanted to be an actor.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I'm so used to swimming with the piranhas. And they're really not that bad.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I didn't go to prom - I was homeschooled.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
Singing is an incredible expression and something that is important to me, but where I feel comfortable with how much I reveal about myself is acting. I enjoy the characters, the costumes, the wigs and just being a chameleon.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I was the type of person that would show a PowerPoint presentation about why I should do something versus crying and screaming over it.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
Sometimes I laugh with my parents, and sometimes I yell at them, and both are therapeutic.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
Whenever you want something that you're not going to get, suddenly the whiney 3-year-old comes out in you.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I think more things are becoming socially acceptable. I think that just by having more media, whether that's TV or Internet, we're able to see more things.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I know how to have a conversation, but I've never done improv. I've never taken improv classes.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I wasn't interested in going to the school dances. I wasn't interested in going to the football games. What I wanted was to be in my room painting my walls and doing weird stuff. That's what I wanted and I got to do what I wanted, so that, to me, is my high school experience.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
It's very scary to allow the world to see you.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I don't take roles that are 'just another role.' I'm interested in learning more about myself and about humanity. So it should change you by the time it's done.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I can be whoever I want. I can feel however I want.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I remembered moving from Sacramento to Los Angeles with my mum when I was seven and my sister was three or four.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I don't really have any people in my life who aren't gypsies.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
There isn't anyone in my life who is going to get upset about how much travelling I have to do or whether or not I'm available for drinks that night.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I'm just a person. I'm not anything!
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I'm competitive with myself.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
The hardest pill for me to swallow has been receiving recognition, getting dressed up, going to events. That's the part that has always terrified me. You can see dozens of photos where I have zero hair and makeup and I'm wearing my own jeans and T-shirt, because I was not that interested in that side of it.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
As I have had to meet different challenges, I realize I am coming into myself, and whatever I'm wearing is another chance for me to explore a new version of myself.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I love storytelling.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
I find that the projects I enjoy signing up to at the moment are with a director who's interested in the script - isn't completely sure what the movie is and isn't concerned about it. He's just interested in going on the journey and discovering it.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
For the most part, I've stayed as far away as possible from high school movies. I just don't find them to be that relatable to everybody? They become like this: 'Look at that period of time. Isn't that interesting?'
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
As much as I love acting, I just want to be a healthy person.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
When it comes to Nintendo products, I gotta go with the new stuff.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
The idea of singing and dancing throughout my life and finding that bliss is something I wanted to express and explore within myself and hopefully spread that idea to other people.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
We lived in just a studio apartment with just a room and a bed that came out of the wall, and my mom couldn't afford even a Happy Meal. We ate Top Ramen. I had no toys, and I had, like, two shirts, a pair of jeans, and that was it. But I had my mom to myself, and I remember it being the coolest period of time. I loved it. I really loved it.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie
Image of Brie Larson
For me, 'Room' is an opportunity to relive an aspect of my childhood that I hadn't put a ton of thought into.
- Brie Larson
Collection: Brie