Top Apollo Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Apollo quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Gene Kranz
I don't care what anything was designed to do, I care about what it can do.
- Gene Kranz
Collection: Apollo
Image of Jim Lovell
Err Houston, we've had a problem. [pause] We've had a main B bus undervolt.
- Jim Lovell
Collection: Apollo
Image of Pat Condell
Q: Prove God doesn’t exist. A: That’s a tough one. Show me how it’s done by proving Zeus and Apollo don’t exist, and I’ll use your method.
- Pat Condell
Collection: Apollo
Image of Wally Schirra
A little levity is appropriate in a dangerous trade.
- Wally Schirra
Collection: Apollo
Image of Wally Schirra
He who commands an Apollo flight will not command a second one
- Wally Schirra
Collection: Apollo
Image of Charles Duke
I'm proud to be an American, I'll tell you. What a program and what a place and what an experience.
- Charles Duke
Collection: Apollo
Image of Sevyn Streeter
I did Showtime at the Apollo when I was 10, and it was the first time that Id ever performed on TV, and it felt great.
- Sevyn Streeter
Collection: Apollo
Image of Don Alias
If they [the crowd at The Apollo Theater] don't like you, they will let you know. When you didn't have any talent, they would let you know about it -- and not kindly. There'd be things like "Get off the stage!" and certain expletives we won't say here. It was a rough audience.
- Don Alias
Collection: Apollo
Image of Rick Riordan
Apollo?” I guessed… He put a finger to his lips. “I’m incognito. Call me Fred.” A god named Fred?
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Apollo
Image of Jonathan Swift
Apollo was held the god of physic and sender of disease. Both were originally the same trade, and still continue.
- Jonathan Swift
Collection: Apollo
Image of Paul Newman
So you wound up with Apollo/If he's sometimes hard to swallow/Use this.
- Paul Newman
Collection: Apollo
Image of Marcus Tullius Cicero
Apollo, sacred guard of earth's true core, Whence first came frenzied, wild prophetic word.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
Collection: Apollo
Image of Neil Armstrong
Hey, we missed the whole thing.
- Neil Armstrong
Collection: Apollo
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Sometimes we don’t realize how destructive our creations are until it’s too late. And sometimes those creations we make turn on us and seek only to kill us even though we loved and succored them. (Apollo)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Apollo