Top Angel Quotes Collection - Page 6

Discover a curated collection of Angel quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 6 provides more Angel quotes.

Image of Genevieve
The footprints of an Angel in your life are Love.
- Genevieve
Collection: Angel
Image of Hal Duncan
With undead armies, psychotic angels and exploding airships, Scar Night is a gripping, ripping yarn which rattles along at a great pace. Tether all that to the knock-out image at the heart of the novel-Deepgate, a Gothic city built on a network of chains over a great abyss-and you have urban fantasy at its best.
- Hal Duncan
Collection: Angel
Image of Jack Gilbert
Are the angels of her bed the angels who come near me alone in mine? Are the green trees in her window the color is see in ripe plums? If she always sees backward and upside down without knowing it what chance do we have? I am haunted by the feeling that she is saying melting lords of death, avalanches, rivers and moments of passing through, And I am replying, "Yes, yes. Shoes and pudding.
- Jack Gilbert
Collection: Angel
Image of Anton Newcombe
You could say that the Hell's Angels have a bad reputation, then you talk to a biker, and he's trying to join it. It just depends upon who you're talking to about reputation.
- Anton Newcombe
Collection: Angel
Image of Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi
Any Name of God in any language is worthy of respect but the original Name of God in the Semitic language is Allah. This (Semitic) is the language of the celestial entities. It is by this Name that the angels call upon God and it is attached to the Title of every Prophet.
- Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi
Collection: Angel
Image of Tony Yayo
I pray to the angels that worship the devil.
- Tony Yayo
Collection: Angel
Image of Willa Holland
Apparently the average man sees woman alternatelyas an inferior being and as an angel.
- Willa Holland
Collection: Angel
Image of Charlie W Shedd
What is an angel? The two words that come closest to a true biblical answer are "manifestation" and "servant".
- Charlie W Shedd
Collection: Angel
Image of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Earth has one angel less and heaven one more, since yesterday.
- Nathaniel Hawthorne
Collection: Angel
Image of Terry Taylor
The angels are Divine messengers of light who offer us guidance... Our willingness to receive Divine guidance is what positions us at the right time and place for a message.
- Terry Taylor
Collection: Angel
Image of Terry Taylor
Keep in mind that angels do not belong to any one religion; they go beyond a single religion. The angels represent the Divine energy of God.
- Terry Taylor
Collection: Angel
Image of Terry Taylor
When you recognize the angels, you have come to know God in your own way.
- Terry Taylor
Collection: Angel
Image of Philip Guston
I go to the studio everyday because one day I may go and the Angel will be there. What if I don't go and the Angel comes?
- Philip Guston
Collection: Angel
Image of Fynn
The diffrense from a person and an angel is easy. Most of an angel is in the inside and most of a person is on the outside.
- Fynn
Collection: Angel
Image of Luis Munoz Marin
We must live like angels and produce like the devil!
- Luis Munoz Marin
Collection: Angel
Image of Anthony Horowitz
Statues lined the stairs and stood, dotted across the roof. But they had been brutalized by time and the weather. Some were missing arms. Many had no faces. Once they had been saints and angels. Two hundred years standing in London had turned them into cripples.
- Anthony Horowitz
Collection: Angel
Image of Isaiah
Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you, when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.
- Isaiah
Collection: Angel
Image of Magdalena Neuner
The brunette phase just came about because I was fed up with this Blonde Angel Image. The rebel in me demanded a new color.
- Magdalena Neuner
Collection: Angel
Image of Helen Van Slyke
Even angels must find their wings too heavy sometimes.
- Helen Van Slyke
Collection: Angel
Image of Suetonius
Suetonius, in holding up a mirror to those Caesars of diverting legend, reflects not only them but ourselves: half-tamed creatures, whose great moral task is to hold in balance the angel and the monster within - for we are both, and to ignore this duality is to invite disaster.
- Suetonius
Collection: Angel
Image of Curtis Sliwa
What we do best is we target the young men and women who are on the fringe. They could go either way. Maybe they have been in trouble before, but not serious trouble. ... We cherry-pick them and circumvent them away from the gang members and drug dealers ... (and encourage) them to hang out with us and become a Guardian Angel.
- Curtis Sliwa
Collection: Angel
Image of Sophy Burnham
We all have angels guiding us...They look after us. They heal us, touch us, comfort us with invisible warm hands...What will bring their help? Asking. Giving thanks.
- Sophy Burnham
Collection: Angel
Image of Johann Georg Hamann
If only I was as eloquent as Demosthenes, I would have to do no more than repeat a single word three times. Reason is language - Logos; I gnaw on this marrowbone and will gnaw myself to death over it. It is still always dark over these depths for me: I am still always awaiting an apocalyptic angel with a key to this abyss.
- Johann Georg Hamann
Collection: Angel
Image of Francis of Assisi
The world is a great stage on which God displays his many wonders.
- Francis of Assisi
Collection: Angel
Image of Matthew Henry
We should take heed of pride; it is a sin that turned angels into devils.
- Matthew Henry
Collection: Angel
Image of Marietta Holley
I have brought him [my son] up to think that purity and virtue are both masculine and femanine gender, and that God's angels are not necessarily all she ones.
- Marietta Holley
Collection: Angel
Image of Anna Cora Mowatt
Mme. Deluzy has said that indifference is a woman's guardian angel,--a remark not only applicable in France, but all over the world.
- Anna Cora Mowatt
Collection: Angel
Image of Nichkhun
I'm a human, too. I'm not an angel. I'm a devil.
- Nichkhun
Collection: Angel
Image of Kris Wu
You are all angels, you guys know that right?
- Kris Wu
Collection: Angel
Image of Roger Housden
When you die, God and the Angels will hold you accountable for all the pleasures you were allowed in life that you denied yourself.
- Roger Housden
Collection: Angel
Image of Margaret Neylon
Today is a day for celebration, no matter what your religion or your culture. Learn to celebrate today: celebrate the fact that you are alive, that you are breathing, that you have friends, family, angels and spirit guides in your life.
- Margaret Neylon
Collection: Angel
Image of Margaret Neylon
Angels have a sense of humor...The angels wants us to enjoy life. Have a good laugh at yourself every now and again for taking life seriously. Then take time to laugh with the angels!
- Margaret Neylon
Collection: Angel
Image of Margaret Neylon
Angels are 'beings of light' and therefore travel at the speed of light.
- Margaret Neylon
Collection: Angel
Image of Patricia King
A "portal" is an opening (door, window, or opening). A heavenly portal or a glory portal is a heavenly opening through which God's goodness manifests. I have seen a portal in a vision and it was a circular opening where a column of light poured down into the earth. There were angels ascending and descending.
- Patricia King
Collection: Angel
Image of Joan Anderson
We can all be angels to one another. We can choose to obey the still small stirring within, the little whisper that says, 'Go. Ask. Reach out. Be an answer to someone's plea. You have a part to play. Have faith.' We can decide to risk that He is indeed there, watching, caring, cherishing us as we love and accept love. The world will be a better place for it. And wherever they are, the angels will dance.
- Joan Anderson
Collection: Angel
Image of Joan Anderson
When people think of angels, they think flowing robes and halos. But in the Bible, they also look like ordinary people. Why not today?
- Joan Anderson
Collection: Angel
Image of Samuel Johnson
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing - it only hastens fools to rush in where angels fear to tread.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Angel
Image of Suzanne Giesemann
You don't automatically sprout angel wings when you get to the other side - you grow them here.
- Suzanne Giesemann
Collection: Angel
Image of Katie Ashley
As a self-respecting dude, I'd never believed in fairy tales, but in that moment, I did. I'd found my angel to live happily-ever-after with.
- Katie Ashley
Collection: Angel
Image of H. C. Moolenburgh
True experiences of angels always lead to a greater unity.
- H. C. Moolenburgh
Collection: Angel
Image of Nikos Kazantzakis
The more devils we have within us, the more chance we have to form angels.
- Nikos Kazantzakis
Collection: Angel
Image of John Flansburgh
To a lot of people, angels are a matter of faith.
- John Flansburgh
Collection: Angel
Image of Gary Kinnaman
Guardian angels are perhaps the most popular kind, probably because we all know how fragile life can be. We desperately need protection from unexpected circumstances and unseen dangers. Just the thought of good angels hovering around us gives people a feeling of safety!
- Gary Kinnaman
Collection: Angel
Image of Gary Kinnaman
How do you know if an angel has crossed your path? Sometimes you don't, because angels often appear as coincidences. That is, they seem like chance events, but they are really part of God's carefully orchestrated plan for your life.
- Gary Kinnaman
Collection: Angel
Image of Gary Kinnaman
Angels play a very active role in the purposes of God and the affairs of men, but do not control human events or violate the free will of human beings.
- Gary Kinnaman
Collection: Angel
Image of Gary Kinnaman
Have you ever considered that, just perhaps, the reason you have gotten as far as you have is because of the invisible work of anonymous Angels?
- Gary Kinnaman
Collection: Angel
Image of St. Jerome
So valuable to heaven is the dignity of the human soul that every member of the human race has a guardian angel from the moment the person begins to be.
- St. Jerome
Collection: Angel
Image of James Earl Jones
In our resolve to build a better world... we seek to summon what Abraham Lincoln called the better angels of our nature.
- James Earl Jones
Collection: Angel