Top Air Quotes Collection - Page 7

Discover a curated collection of Air quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 7 provides more Air quotes.

Image of Amanda Lindhout
In my version of paradise, the air was always cold and the rivers ran with candy.
- Amanda Lindhout
Collection: Air
Image of Louis Jourdan
A truly feminine woman should always retain a little air of mystery.
- Louis Jourdan
Collection: Air
Image of Piet Pieterszoon Hein
Whenever you're called on to make up your mind, and you're hampered by not having any, the best way to solve the dilemma, you'll find, is simply by spinning a penny. No not so that chance shall decide the affair while you're passively standing there moping; but the moment the penny is up in the air, you suddenly know what you're hoping
- Piet Pieterszoon Hein
Collection: Air
Image of Vonette Bright
God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So to confess is to breathe in and to ask God to forgive me of my sins. And as we breathe out we breathe out the impure air and breathe in the pure air. I would say the pure air is knowing that God has forgiven us of our sins.
- Vonette Bright
Collection: Air
Image of Sheila Nevins
I'm an instant responder. Somebody told me I'm a living Twitter. I'm quick to respond and quick to fill air.
- Sheila Nevins
Collection: Air
Image of Benjamin Butler
Might the peasant expect the Almighty to stay the thunder storm, which clears the air of a nation from pestilence, lest the lightning bold should in its flash kill his cow?
- Benjamin Butler
Collection: Air
Image of Errollyn Wallen
Music begins and ends in the air - it's got to be shared.
- Errollyn Wallen
Collection: Air
Image of Erastus Snow
Preach the gospel to all the world! It is [as] free to all mankind as the air we breathe.
- Erastus Snow
Collection: Air
Image of Donnie Simpson
I've always had control of what I played on the air. I have always had very open ears.
- Donnie Simpson
Collection: Air
Image of Brad Leithauser
I read not so long ago about the construction of a large telescope in Chile's Atacama Desert, where rainfall can average a millimetre a year and the air is fifty times as dry as the air in Death Valley. Needless to say, skies over the Atacama are pristine. The pilgrim astronomer ventures to the earth's ravaged reaches in order to peer more keenly at other worlds, and I suppose the novelist is up to something similar.
- Brad Leithauser
Collection: Air
Image of Klaus Topfer
It is important to recognize that behind the razzmatazz of consumerism, we all remain dependent on basic natural resources - land, air, water and biodiversity - for every product and service. There can be no free lunch on the environment.
- Klaus Topfer
Collection: Air
Image of Jane Horrocks
Having someone else to blame when there is a rude smell in the air.
- Jane Horrocks
Collection: Air
Image of Harry Lennix
There may have been great scripts, and perfect actors to fill the roles, but those pilot projects could be stopped at an earlier point. Now, damn near anything can get on the air, but who can get people to watch? There are a lot more choices, even if you get on the air.
- Harry Lennix
Collection: Air
Image of Bret Harte
The delicate thought, that cannot find expression, For ruder speech too fair, That, like thy petals, trembles in possession, And scatters on the air.
- Bret Harte
Collection: Air
Image of Eddie Mair
The population of the United Kingdom has, for the first time, reached sixty million. If they stood on each other's shoulders they would reach perhaps twenty feet in the air before toppling over.
- Eddie Mair
Collection: Air
Image of Suzy Becker
Forget about speech problems just saying the words "brain surgery" sucks the air out of a room.
- Suzy Becker
Collection: Air
Image of Alfred Austin
Though my verse but roam the air And murmur in the trees, You may discern a purpose there, As in music of the bees.
- Alfred Austin
Collection: Air
Image of Gerard Manley Hopkins
I say that we are wound With mercy round and round As if with air.
- Gerard Manley Hopkins
Collection: Air
Image of Maynard Owen Williams
When Luis Marden dropped in by air from Säo Paulo, he demanded gauchos.
- Maynard Owen Williams
Collection: Air
Image of Antonio Cromartie
The two biggest things to understand when you're tracking the ball as a defensive back is your position on the field and understanding that once the ball is in the air you become the receiver. Too many young defensive backs worry about the receiver catching it or what the receiver is doing instead of focusing on what they should be doing. Just go out and make the play yourself, don't worry about him. Know where the ball is and attack it. Put yourself in position to bat it or catch it and make the play.
- Antonio Cromartie
Collection: Air
Image of Biloine W. Young
From the air the Mexican landscape looks as if it had been stirred with a giant spoon.
- Biloine W. Young
Collection: Air
Image of Margaret Case Harriman
We were good reformers, but we weren't good enough. We elected a candidate and then, busy with our own affairs, we left him hanging in mid-air. Reformers are such part-time pillars of society!
- Margaret Case Harriman
Collection: Air
Image of Eugen Drewermann
In all cultures, it is the task of a religion to close the field of contingency ...and to set up havens of the absolute where it is possible to be led from acting to listening, from having to being, from planning to hoping, from judging to forgiving from the finite into the infinite. A society in which such open spaces of eternity do not exist or are only insufficiently developed dies of itself due to lack of air to breathe.
- Eugen Drewermann
Collection: Air
Image of Milla Jovovich
I love the training, learning the stunts, doing them. I love feeling that power - doing things you could never actually do in life - like flying and doing backflips in the air!
- Milla Jovovich
Collection: Air
Image of Short Dawg
My music is just fresh. Everybody say it's a breath of fresh air because it's not like the normal Houston sound you would hear. I am from Houston and I use that same slang and I carry myself the same way as a Houstonian and I'm a Houston dude born and raised, but the music is a lil bit different due to the things I've seen and the things I've learned and put that into my music.
- Short Dawg
Collection: Air
Image of Tatsumi Hijikata
The dance of darkness must spout blood into the air, in the name of the experience of evil
- Tatsumi Hijikata
Collection: Air
Image of Graham Joyce
The mist hung in the air like a prancing unicorn.
- Graham Joyce
Collection: Air
Image of Tony Wagner
Today knowledge is free. It's like air, it's like water... There's no competitive advantage to knowing more than the person next to you. The world doesn't care what you know. What the world cares about is what you can do with what you know.
- Tony Wagner
Collection: Air
Image of Graciela Chichilnisky
To survive, humans need food, water, and air. Yet biodiversity, the Earth's bodies of water, and the planet's atmosphere are all under threat.
- Graciela Chichilnisky
Collection: Air
Image of Paul Horn
In the age of mediocrity and clones, John Stowell's uniqueness and originality are a breath of fresh air. I love playing with him.
- Paul Horn
Collection: Air
Image of Nicholas Payton
Tis better to hit an air ball, than to force a note that don't wanna come out.
- Nicholas Payton
Collection: Air
Image of Kurt Fuller
I don't know: Why aren't people fascinated by air traffic controllers?
- Kurt Fuller
Collection: Air
Image of Bruce Molsky
There are things about how a note sounds on a violin that are really analogous to the human voice - you have a frequency and the air, and then you have a timbre which really is overtones - and making those things work together is one thing. The other thing is mechanical: If you can use your hands and arms to create sound on a fiddle, then learning to sing with it is like adding a third body part. And it's all training.
- Bruce Molsky
Collection: Air
Image of Vivian Schiller
My definition of fake news is a content-like object that is a story, an article, a video, a tweet that has been fabricated, completely invented out of thin air, intentionally for the purpose of misleading.
- Vivian Schiller
Collection: Air
Image of Anne Bosworth Greene
November at its best - with a sort of delightful menace in the air.
- Anne Bosworth Greene
Collection: Air
Image of Shane McConkey
There is nothing better in life than sliding down snow before flying through the air.
- Shane McConkey
Collection: Air
Image of Victor Hugo
If you don't build castles in the air you won't build anything on the ground.
- Victor Hugo
Collection: Air
Image of Robbie Amell
It's better to leave them wanting more than to be the show where people are like, "Oh, that's still on the air?"
- Robbie Amell
Collection: Air
Image of Timothy Leary
TURN ON. to contact the ancient energies and wisdoms that are built into your nervous system. They provide unspeakable pleasure and revelation. TUNE IN. to harness and communicate these new perspectives in a harmonious dance with the external world. DROP OUT. detach yourself from the tribal game. current models of social adjustement - mechanized, computerized, socialized, intellectualized, televised, sanforized - make no sense to the new LSD generation who see clearly that American society is becoming an air-conditioned anthill.
- Timothy Leary
Collection: Air
Image of Ishmael Butler
Without sounding cliché, music is like air. It provides for me. I don't necessarily look for what I can get out of it. It's a compulsion. I've always gotten out of it everything.
- Ishmael Butler
Collection: Air
Image of Paul Gambaccini
The BBC said I could stay on air until I was named. Well, I was named within the week. So I made no broadcasts after I'd been arrested, and the BBC stopped paying me at precisely the time when I needed the money most.
- Paul Gambaccini
Collection: Air
Image of Kris Dunn
I've always hated the big United Way drive at work. Not because of the United Way. Great organization. Because of the smell of solicitation in the air, and because we are usually in the middle of it.
- Kris Dunn
Collection: Air
Image of Mikhail Lermontov
Anyone who has chanced like me to roam through desolate mountains and studied at length their fantastic shapes and drunk the invigorating air of their valleys can understand why I wish to describe and depict these magic scenes for others.
- Mikhail Lermontov
Collection: Air
Image of Roger Chamberlain
It is better to be well deserving without praise than to live by the air of undeserved commendation.
- Roger Chamberlain
Collection: Air
Image of Billy Lawrence
In a landscape where a 2.8 [demo rating] keeps you on the air, you can maintain that just by treating your fans with respect.
- Billy Lawrence
Collection: Air
Image of Myka 9
The secret to freestyling is working on the creation of thought and it being expressed from your cerebral cortex, to the air in your lungs, to your larynx, pharynx, to your tongue to form a word via whatever consonants and vowels you're working with as well as having a sense of style, cadence, and rhythm.
- Myka 9
Collection: Air
Image of Robert James Thomson
Motors that are vulnerable to shorting out because of snow ingestion should have snow filters installed over air intakes, and spare motors should be ready to replace any failed motors.
- Robert James Thomson
Collection: Air
Image of Hans von Storch
Nowadays it's those hedonistic wastrels who pollute the air so that they can look at some pretty fish in the South Seas. It would be better if we only ever rode bikes. Oh, there's always someone wagging a finger in disapproval.
- Hans von Storch
Collection: Air
Image of Charles R. Morris
Credit is the air that financial markets breathe, and when the air is poisoned, there's no place to hide.
- Charles R. Morris
Collection: Air