Top adrian Quotes Collection

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Image of Adrian Dunbar
But it needs to be understood that alcoholism is a disease not a lifestyle choice.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
There are Behan experts in international universities, but we seem to have forgotten him here in Ireland. He was an extraordinarily gifted writer. His poetry alone is outstanding.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
People sometimes forget that alcohol is a chemical. It can change how you think. It was making me into a glass-half-empty person.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
I love going back to Northern Ireland.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
Belfast is great.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
I have to learn sometimes 25 pages at a time. The takes can last 20 minutes - we do big, long takes. You always hope that you get a couple of days in between so you can learn the next one because you can't keep everything in your head at the one time.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
Actors are like race horses. They like to run - they don't like to be hanging about.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
I think the scripts for 'Line of Duty' and 'Blood' are both asking the audience to get involved in speculating as to what is going to happen next, or what should be happening next.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
'Line of Duty' does seem to be a bit old school as in people are happy to watch it, talk about it, wait for the next episode, and get back on it.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
It seems to me that after the second world war, Beckett finally realized he had something to write about.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
Portadown was the most marginalized of all the Nationalist communities in the North. Suddenly we were living in a town where, if you were Catholic, you literally couldn't walk up the street without getting into some kind of conflict.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
We lived in this ghetto during the worst excesses of the Seventies. When the tartan gangs came to wreck our estate, we had to defend it. We were barricaded in with diggers and earth-movers. It wasn't a case of joining the Republican cause, or the IRA - we were fighting for our very existence.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
The list of unlikely sex symbols is pretty long if you look online.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
The first time I stepped on stage in the local theatre I knew what I needed to do - I knew I had found the right place to be.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
I used to feel sorry for some of the guys who were in 'EastEnders,' who had done something terrible to somebody, and people were shouting at them in the street. I'd think: 'God, I'd hate it if that happened to me.'
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
I have never been in an ongoing series before and after series two I realized the writer has absolute control of your life.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
I would like to work with my mate Gary Oldman again. I think Gary would be an interesting person to bring into 'Line Of Duty.'
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
Belfast has many advantages for the filmmakers, one of which is the existence of an airport right in the middle of the city.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
When they see you on the street, I was at the bottom of Highgate West Hill the other day and the police came down the hill with blue lights and screeched to a halt and went, 'Oi, 'Line Of Duty!'
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
There was a big thing in the Behan family of achieving and wanting to be something special. There was a big drive in the family, even though it was poor and working class, to do something important, to contribute something to Irish culture. He certainly achieved that in a spectacular way.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
Of course, that is true of a lot of people, whether they drink or not - celebrities or actors have an image they've created, and an image people like of them.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
A lot of the time in Ireland we put people into boxes and that's it.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
There's no doubt that New York held its temptations for any writer - it still does.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
There are so many police series that we all end up playing a cop of one hue or another eventually.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
I do like the dark, gritty psychological thrillers, but sometimes we need a little respite from that.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
We pay millions of pounds to separate Catholic and Protestant children, and even more millions on attempting to bring them together as adults. You can't make someone fear another person if they shared a desk for seven years.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
Kurt Vonnegut talks about how we know there is another family out there and when we find it we get this almost instinctive sense of belonging. And that is how I felt in Enniskillen in 1977 when I realized there were these people of all ages, whatever their religion, from different backgrounds, who were bound together by a love of plays and acting.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
But the older I get, the more I like my father and understand him. I was the first-born and he was very proud of me but he never was able to tell me that.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
My mother never once asked me to stay at home, because she knew acting was something I really wanted to do. She was great.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
Any mother watching her son achieve his dreams shares that success at some level.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
We need ongoing indigenous products, like 'Blood,' to sell on the international market.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
The problem is that in Ireland everybody thinks you have to have a 'take' on something. But if you have a 'take' on something then that's a spoof.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
I think sometimes we do miss what a fabulous playwright Brian Friel is.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
My father was a foreman on building sites and he was really good at getting a day's work out of fellas. And he did it without being a tyrant. He was a good guy.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
It would help a lot of directors if they tried a little bit of acting, so they can understand what the process is about. It certainly wouldn't do them any harm.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
I know a lot of actors who have said to me, 'who'd have thought you could put a two-shot on screen for twenty minutes and people would be absolutely locked in, how does that work?' Well it does work, when the story is great and you've got these fabulous twists and turns - so those are my favorite bits!
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
There were two drama societies in Enniskillen when I was growing up, St. Michaels and the Enniskillen Amateur Dramatic Society, and I had the pleasure of working with them both.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
One of the things that's wonderful about having a festival in a small town like Enniskillen is that we don't have lots of purpose-built venues so we have to be creative about where we place events.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
I trained to be a theatre actor, I love the live gig, the transference between an audience and a performer.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Dunbar
Beckett was the most thorough of playwrights. He tells you what to do and if you've any humility at all, you'll take his advice.
- Adrian Dunbar
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Lewis
Darts should definitely be in the Olympic Games. Can you tell me any difference between archery and darts or shooting and darts? It's a very similar concept and both of those are in the Olympic Games. And don't forget that darts is also a hugely popular sport.
- Adrian Lewis
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Lewis
I know people say that we are a load of beer drinkers but we are far more professional these days. These critics should come and have a go at playing darts if they think it is so easy.
- Adrian Lewis
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Lewis
We don't spend our lives at dartboards in the pub - we are at home practising.
- Adrian Lewis
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Lewis
I was very proud after winning the World Championship the first time, so to win it three times, and consecutively, would be great.
- Adrian Lewis
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Lewis
I'm just trying keep focused and believe in myself, that's been my game plan.
- Adrian Lewis
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Lewis
If I'm on my game it doesn't really matter about anybody else.
- Adrian Lewis
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Lewis
When you first start playing, that's your aim obviously, to win the world title.
- Adrian Lewis
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Lewis
I've got respect for everybody I play but I don't fear anybody. Nobody causes me sleepless nights.
- Adrian Lewis
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Lewis
When I am playing my game, I fear nobody.
- Adrian Lewis
Collection: Adrian
Image of Adrian Lewis
To tell you the truth I thought I was going to be in the building trade, I worked in a builders' merchants in Stoke.
- Adrian Lewis
Collection: Adrian