Zephyr Teachout

Image of Zephyr Teachout
In some states, the attorney general is appointed, but in New York state it's an independently elected position. The New York attorney general has an obligation to the people first, to her conscience and to the rule of law, not to the governor, and not to the legislature.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Corruption is when people in public office use that public office for private or selfish ends. This is one of the most central debates in the last 40 years in law, what is corruption.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Corruption requires looking into someone's soul and making judgments about their intent.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
One of the things that is so important, critical I think, in reading not just the founders but thousands of years as you put it, that discussion about corruption, is that you can't talk about the problem of corruption without talking about human nature.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
So the job of building structures, building a constitutional structure, is not just to punish those who behave badly but actually to protect people from their own temptations.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
It's one of those secrets that not a lot of politicians realize: The Internet is not a 10th-tier policy issue. It's not an add-on policy. It's something that affects everybody's life.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
The Internet is an important organizing tool. But the goal of a campaign isn't to use the Internet for organizing; the goal is always to win, and to change policy and politics.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
New York has really thrived both upstate and downstate when there are tens of thousands of small businesses all representing their different creative impulses.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
I think a lot of campaigns mis-learned the lessons of Obama 2008. They overly focused on the particular tools, and less so on the fact that the Internet enables a kind of culture of trust to be translated into real power.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Collective decisions about health care and education are best answered on a local level.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
A government should not become too big to fulfill one of its most basic functions: representation.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
The science doesn't prove Common Core's effective. So I guess what I mean is science is an essential part of any decision-making process, and so is public involvement. And in the long-term, you lose legitimacy and power if you don't directly engage with the public.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
I hope the true public servants learn from this that they should not be afraid and they will get incredible grass-roots support if they call out corruption.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Every politician should go and spend time and visit prisons and jails. Because if you are choosing to exercise this kind of power over another person's life, there's a role for that, but you have to know the kind of power you are exercising.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
At a policy level, we can support protecting and serving as opposed to militarization or disproportionate response. Step one is making sure we don't militarize and actually call for a review of military equipment in New York police forces.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Creating systems where people feel like they're being punished for things they didn't do wrong breaks all kinds of trust and makes people feel like they're not being treated with dignity.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
I joke about it being a millstone, but it never hurts to have a name that sticks out.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
One of the things I care about a lot is public financing in elections.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
It is an honor to join 'The Nation's esteemed editorial board.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
My family lives in Vermont. I'm a law professor and I spend summers researching and writing in Vermont.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Everybody's always going to have some self-interest. When it passes a certain point, that's when it become corruption.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
It's always a fun game to go back and guess what long-past people would think.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Every constitutional standard is engaged in difficult but important line-drawing.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Anti-corruption is a core constitutional value. It always has been.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
As attorney general, I would work with my colleagues in other states to launch a major antitrust investigation to look into the ways in which Facebook and Google are wielding and may be abusing their duopoly powers.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
The work of being a citizen is hard and annoying, but it can pay off.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
I am not Pollyannaish about the depths of the challenges we face.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Facebook and Google are essentially an advertising duopoly, and we have almost no idea how their algorithms work.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
The corruption that hides in plain sight is the real threat to our democracy.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Politicians are expected to spend half their time talking to funders and to keep them happy. Given this context, it's not hard to see how a bribery charge can feel like a technical argument instead of a moral one.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
We need to ban outside income for elected officials. Transparency alone is not enough; it doesn't solve the problem of creating outside dependencies.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Women are routinely demeaned, dismissed, discouraged and assaulted. Too many women's careers are stymied or ended because of harassment and abuse. In politics, where I have worked much of my adult life, this behavior is rampant.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Voters have a responsibility to make a judgment with whatever facts are available on Election Day.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
My first job out of law school was representing people on death row in North Carolina, where I often saw the impact of hasty prosecutions.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
I represented a man on death row whose lawyers had spent all of eight hours looking into his claim of innocence. I met men whose lawyers had never looked into their backgrounds.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Mom and pop shops paying taxes while Amazon got billions just to come to town didn't seem right, and, post-FoxxConn, people are less likely to fall for the promised jobs numbers.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Amazon's outsized power is looking less and less like smart business and more and more like oppressive politics - one company bullying us all.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Amazon's capitulation to those opposed to their expansion in New York City is an epic moment for people power over an enormous corporate bully.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Google has established a pattern of lobbying and threatening to acquire power. It has reached a dangerous point common to many monarchs: The moment where it no longer wants to allow dissent.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
It is time to call out Google for what it is: a monopolist in search, video, maps and browser, and a thin-skinned tyrant when it comes to ideas.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Normally, politicians lie because they want to persuade us of the truth of what they are saying. A candidate for Congress will claim that he earned a medal of honor when he did not, so that we will love and revere him.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
We fought a revolution to free ourselves from arbitrary power and the whims of a monarch.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
At their best, new media are chaotic. The new technologies disrupt political pomp and glamour and engage people in an unpolished and unpredictable give-and-take. They also give citizens access to a surprising depth of raw information.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
The Internet doesn't just enable cool avatars and the shorter form. It also allows the deeper form: cross-linked blog posts, extensive research, simultaneous screens and raw debate footage that anyone can scan online, at any time.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
I propose a full day of live one-on-one debates on unannounced issues, with no aides to help or reply. Each candidate would be paired with another candidate for seven 60-minute sessions.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
An intuitive part of the American ethos is a kind of protectiveness of the public's fear. We have to remember how unique that is. As scandal-ridden as we may be, we start with a basic expectation that it's not your job in public service to use it to help your friend.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
Quid pro quo has an interesting history. It's originally a contract law term, not a criminal bribery term.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
It's said that history inevitably marches toward democracy, but it only leaves the possibility of democracy, and the constant threat that it would be eroded by big money.
- Zephyr Teachout
Image of Zephyr Teachout
When I was in college in the late 80s-early 90s, there was a sense that history was on a straight path toward democracy everywhere. Well, that's not true. It was also not true that there's a single era of oligarchy, because we showed we could do something about it.
- Zephyr Teachout