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I'm a little girl; no one wants to beat up on me.
- Zendaya
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I've never had a body issue; I've never had a self-confidence issue, and there's been very few times in my life where I've felt down about the way I look or the way I feel.
- Zendaya
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If I'm going to portray one of my idols and someone I feel... so strongly about, it has to be done right, and it has to be done 120 percent.
- Zendaya
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Braids are not new. Black women have been wearing braids for a very long time.
- Zendaya
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I love Channing Tatum!
- Zendaya
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I can't do chapped lips. If your lips are jacked up, Aquaphor is always a good go-to.
- Zendaya
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People always want to doubt you.
- Zendaya
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I hate when books are written from the wrong perspective; when they're written by adults for tweenagers. Like, do you truly remember what it's like to be 12? No, not really.
- Zendaya
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I would say that 'Shake It Up' was a chance for me to do two things I really love: acting and dancing.
- Zendaya
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Janelle Monae, she has her own style, and it's specifically hers.
- Zendaya
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Find something that makes you happy and go for it.
- Zendaya
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If there's any definition to being perfect, you're perfect at being yourself.
- Zendaya
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It's important to raise your voice in things you feel passionate about and things that you know about. Don't raise your voice just to raise your voice if you have nothing behind it and don't know what you're talking about.
- Zendaya
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If you're from Oakland, and you're not a Raiders fan, then you're not from Oakland.
- Zendaya
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Remember that we are all human beings trying to do what we love to do.
- Zendaya
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Why limit yourself? I feel like I can do anything.
- Zendaya
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There is no such thing as ugly.
- Zendaya
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I've had a lot of voices tell me what I should be making. Personally, I would much rather live and die by my own hand. If my stuff sucks, then at least I made it suck. I didn't allow some person, some old dude in a suit, to make it suck for me.
- Zendaya
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A good hair day is when my curls are popping. Sometimes my curls and waves, they like to go a little wild sometimes. They have a mind of their own. But some days, they just fall right into place.
- Zendaya
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I'm a Virgo, and I know what I like.
- Zendaya
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I think when you're young, you're a lot more open-minded, and sometimes you're a lot more perceptive about what's going on in the world.
- Zendaya
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The greatest of the greats wouldn't be the greatest of the greats if they didn't try stuff, you know what I mean?
- Zendaya
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I was actually supposed to be a basketball player, not an actress. My parents had me playing basketball on competitive teams when I was in kindergarten. Even though my heart belongs to the arts, I'm a tomboy at heart, too.
- Zendaya
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I haven't always been confident enough to rock different styles because I used to be really shy.
- Zendaya
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My generation, we really have to step up to the plate and vote. Tweeting is great - people say, 'Oh, I don't want this or that' - but at the end of the day, tweeting isn't a ballot. Just saying that you don't like someone on Twitter is not going to turn a state blue or red. You have to vote.
- Zendaya
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I think, more than anything else, my dog's death has made me grow up. I find myself thinking about the world in a more serious way.
- Zendaya
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I love playing with makeup. Makeup has become a thing where it's an art form. It's not a thing where you use it because you need to feel beautiful or because you don't like the way you look.
- Zendaya
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I did kindergarten twice because I was so shy.
- Zendaya
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Sticking with your vision and what you believe in is so, so important.
- Zendaya
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I secretly want to shave my head.
- Zendaya
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I've always been honest with my fans, and I want to keep that up because I feel they can see through the fakeness.
- Zendaya
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When I first started out in the industry, I was 12 or whatever, and I wanted to be on something so bad, and I didn't know what I was going to be on. At the time, I was in school, and I was working on drama and theatrical stuff, so I never thought that I'd end up going to comedy.
- Zendaya
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Pretty is so boring now. There are so many different definitions of 'pretty.' It's so much broader than before. The old pretty is boring - nobody cares anymore.
- Zendaya
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Why trip off some random person in Idaho that doesn't feel my vibe? Like, no thank you. Stay in your life; I'll stay in mine.
- Zendaya
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There were a lot of times people would do my makeup, and it would be awful, and I would be orange. Nothing matched. So then you learn how to do your own makeup. I watched a lot of YouTube videos when I was little and taught myself.
- Zendaya
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I love my fashion, so I gotta have my outfits.
- Zendaya
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Top knots are the easiest thing to create.
- Zendaya
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To all the parents out there, thank you for allowing me to be a role model for your children. I really, really do not take that for granted.
- Zendaya
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I love singing and would love to record an album at some point.
- Zendaya
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I love simplicity.
- Zendaya
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I don't think it is important to be a role model, because if you are a role model, you are pretending to be someone else.
- Zendaya
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I'm a chocolate addict.
- Zendaya
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I shampoo every other day and only do the roots. I can't shampoo all the way down to the end, because it will dry my hair out. I use a mask multiple times a week to restore moisture.
- Zendaya
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I want to make affordable shoes of quality that are very fashion forward, chic, and that I'm going to wear.
- Zendaya
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I have parents and family who will never allow me not to be grounded. If I thought for a second that I could possibly lift off the ground, I have a thousand people who will grab my ankles.
- Zendaya
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X Out has helped me keep up my confidence, and I know it can help anyone who would rather have fun than worry about blemishes. If you want clear, seriously good-looking skin, X Out is for you.
- Zendaya
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My grown man crush is Morris Chestnut. He's just timeless!
- Zendaya
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I was born an auntie. I have an older niece and nephew and many younger nieces and nephews.
- Zendaya
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You'd be surprised how self-conscious a lot of women are. That's something I've witnessed firsthand.
- Zendaya