
Image of Xzibit
Instead of trying to police the entertainment industry we should strongly suggest that parents take a stronger role in what their kids get into.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
Censorship is a touchy subject, all the way around.
- Xzibit
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Restless' was cool. I wish I had more time to put it together.
- Xzibit
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Black people don't really see ghosts or aliens.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
My music is the foundation of everything that I do, and my fans make it possible for me to keep recording.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
I wish other people could be happy in what they do. The world would be a better place.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
I love the music, I love who I am. So that is the driving force to make everything else work.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
You only grow old when you stop playing.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
The car culture is part of living in Detroit.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
It's impossible to have a personal life when you're constantly travelling.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
For me, hip-hop's not about the bling.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
Every day I get up is a high point.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
Fame doesn't come overnight.
- Xzibit
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My first car I bought for $400 and it was a Subaru and it was shaped like a door wedge and it was confiscated by the police.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
I got the U2 iPod.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
I have a very good support team and system behind me, and I have people who really understand the vision I have for stepping into the future.
- Xzibit
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I'm old fashioned. I like the CD.
- Xzibit
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These people dissing Dr. Dre, they need to get off their cell phones for about a week and come back to reality. They have no idea. Do what he did and then talk to me.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
As a creative, you want to see things elevate, not digress.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
If you know hip-hop, you're going to love and appreciate 'Napalm.'
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
We all get our breaks and our taste of entertainment in different ways.
- Xzibit
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Dada has always been competitive and respected and I'm excited to design and promote a shoe that represents both of us so well.
- Xzibit
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I work with the best.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
I'm in a unique position in that my career in music is not over and I have other television things and ventures I can get into. So, it's like I can be very selective when it comes to movie roles.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
I'm not feeding my kid off movie roles so it's easy for me to say 'no' to things but it's important for me to have this presence and I know it's easy to stereotype and pigeonhole certain people that come from a certain genre but I can do more than a lot of people expect.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
Well, my father was a marine so you know how that is.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
Music is my heart.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
I would never be a buffoon or an imbecile or a coon. I'm a strong brother that understands what I mean to this society, where I fit in this society, and how I can change this society.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
I do things that I feel in my heart. I do things that I feel are right.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
What I miss is a time when hip-hop music had integrity; there was some kind of message. Not in all the music, because it's not for that, but there was at least something that got through that had some content that was sensible and positive, not just hooky junk-food rap.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
There was a time when I was making a lot of money and moving very fast. I didn't like who I was. I could tell by the company I was keeping.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
It's one thing to be bitter about something, but it's another thing to recognise the growth and the change that you made.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
If you go into the wild, you don't try to tickle the grizzly bears.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
When you chop down a tree you can look at the rings and see what the tree's been through. That's what you can do when you listen to my records.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
My fans deserve all the attention I can give them, but my son deserves his father.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
Jail sucks all the way around.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
Don't ally yourself with people who don't help you succeed.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
I definitely have the love for music.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
There's so many other things that I can do with my time besides just worry about what the next man is doing, ya feel me?
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
I don't even know what 'keep it real' means. I mean, where you live doesn't make you real, you know what I'm saying? I take care of my family, my friends and I live in a nice house and whatnot but you never forget where you came from.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
I don't have to, like, try to come out with pop music because I feel that that's gonna make me sell a lot more. I mean, I make the music I love to make and that's it.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
I like big engines and cars with power.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
It never gets old seeing somebody do something positive for somebody else.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
I just do my thing regardless of whoever I'm with: Eminem, Dr. Dre, Snoop, whoever.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
I'm energetic.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
It seems like once you get on any kind of mass media's bad side, you are like free-range chicken. It's like open season on you.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
I'm just trying to put my feet into different characters and not play the stereotypical type thing, to let me grow as an actor.
- Xzibit
Image of Xzibit
People need to have the courage to be themselves.
- Xzibit