Wanderlei Silva

Image of Wanderlei Silva
The emotion that I have going into the Octagon and from the crowd is unbelievable. It's priceless.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
Sometimes I put my heart in front of my technique.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I'm so happy to have my first main event in the UFC.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
People love my style because I'm so aggressive.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
UFC have the best fighters.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
You need to respect the body. We're not 22, 23 years old. I'm 35.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
Everybody has a savage instinct.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
Sonnen always appeared as the nice guy, consoling his fighters, while my scenes were all of me with ugly face. It was biased.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I don't use PEDs or steroids, I have never used it and I've never had any problems in that area.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I'm so glad we have jobs after fighting. A lot of important fighters before would stop fighting and have nothing left. Today, you can fight and make money in a normal life.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
The probability I knock out Chael Sonnen is very big. Man, everybody knows his game. He is never going to take me down and I'm going to break his nose with my knee.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
We are not like machines; we can't train as fast after years but I feel really happy and I want to give fans a good fight. When I can't do that anymore, I'll stop.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
My next step is give opportunities so that guys can train. I watch here in Brazil and we've lost a lot of talent just because guys don't have a membership to the gym. I want to make free gyms in the community.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
If you open one little gym that has some mats and one bag, you can save lives.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I have my own money. I don't need to make too much more money where I'm at in my life.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I live in Las Vegas and I like my money, but I don't gamble, but I said to my wife I want to put a $100,000 on Shogun.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
No gloves cut a bit more, but that's not a problem if you don't fear blood.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
The UFC isn't this whole glamor everybody thinks. They don't pay you right.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
Almost every single one of my fights was the fight of the night and the public was always interested in watching me compete.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
It's sad when a MMA fighter talks to an NFL or NBA player about how much money they make. That's embarrassing. You tell them how much you make and they laugh.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I want the MMA fighter to make as much money as the NBA and NFL players. We are as professional as they are, we are on the TV too, but we don't get paid like they do.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I am retired, I don't fight anymore, I lost the desire.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I've had more than 200 stitches, only in the area of the eyes.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I am available to work together with the commission to create clear laws that give the athletes the proper respect. The athletes deserve more respect.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I have some issues that I don't know if they will become issues. I have some things in my head, I forget things. I can't turn my head a lot or my brain crashes. I have back and wrist pain.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
The promotions put fighters against each other, and they don't want to pay anything to them. If you refuse to fight, the promoter shows up - and sometimes he wants to show off more than the fighters. This is a shame.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
The athlete needs money to prepare for a fight and to perform well. How are you going to prepare well if you have to have another job to make money?
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
It's a dangerous sport, you can get really hurt. God helped me, protected me so I wouldn't have any damage, any serious injury.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
We have to understand that all geniuses have a crazy side to them.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I'll never doubt Anderson Silva.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
The promoter of an event can't take sides. He can't give better conditions to one fighter over the other. Everyone has to be treated with quality.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
In Bellator, one guy that I would love to fight is Kimbo. And I'm not going to the ground. I want to fight in his area.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
The truth is that I want to fight in the old Pride rules, I want to kick guys in the face on the ground. With that rule, I think I can fight with anyone.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
With the way things are going now in the UFC, you have to be ready to fight anytime they call you. During war times, you have to keep your guns always clean.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I want Sonnen to feel ashamed of how bad he'll be beaten by me.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I'm not that type of guy that only accepts a fight when a guy is coming off a win.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I have other plans, other businesses. I have things to do. But I love to fight. I love this sport.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
Who sees Wanderlei Silva today, with all the marketing, with a good gym and getting paid well to fight, they don't know the difficulties I went through. I went through a lot of hardships in my life.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
In this profession, you hurt the body a little. It's normal. Part of the job.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I'll fight in both divisions, 185 and 205. I feel good. That's a choice for the boss, where Dana wants me to fight. It's no problem.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I don't have any superstitions, because I am a Christian.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
If you don't want to sweat, stay on the couch.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
Shogun is the most talented guy I've ever seen.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I fixed my nose, and now I'm breathing better, snoring less.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I was in a lecture about concussions and of the 10 symptoms the guy mentioned, I had eight. The symptoms would be, for example, mood swings, getting angry very fast, forgetting some things, having difficulty sleeping.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
If you have a young student, don't let him take too many punches to the head. There's the right moment to do a hard training, but it can't be every day. A good coach takes care of your student.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
If I could leave a tip for the young guys, it would be don't hit yourselves every day.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I'm against steroids. Steroids are bad.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
I'm against all types of drugs and steroids, but the athlete has the right to have a private life. He has to be clean on the day of the competition. Out of competition, that's his life.
- Wanderlei Silva
Image of Wanderlei Silva
People have to be more careful in traffic. It's hard to ride bikes in Curitiba.
- Wanderlei Silva