Vo Nguyen Giap

Image of Vo Nguyen Giap
Do not fear the enemy, for they can take only your life. Fear the media far more, for they will destroy your honour.
- Vo Nguyen Giap
Collection: Media
Image of Vo Nguyen Giap
Confuse the enemy. Keep him in the dark on your intentions. Sometimes what seems a victory isn't really a victory and sometimes a defeat isn't really a defeat. Whether in attacking, counterattacking, or defensive tactics, the idea of attacking should remain central, to always keep the initiative.
- Vo Nguyen Giap
Collection: Dark
Image of Vo Nguyen Giap
Any forces that would impose their will on other nations will certainly face defeat.
- Vo Nguyen Giap
Collection: Peace
Image of Vo Nguyen Giap
My fighting gospel is T.E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom. I am never without it.
- Vo Nguyen Giap
Collection: Fighting