Vivek Murthy

Image of Vivek Murthy
I have long believed that there are fundamentally two forces or emotions that drive our decisions - love and fear. Love has its many manifestations: compassion, gratitude, kindness, and joy. Fear often manifests in cynicism, anger, jealousy, and anxiety. I worry that many of our communities are being driven by fear.
- Vivek Murthy
Collection: Jealousy
Image of Vivek Murthy
If you use that time where you're alone in ways that bring you joy and peace, then that solitude can have a really positive effect on your life.
- Vivek Murthy
Collection: Alone
Image of Vivek Murthy
We know that chronic loneliness has consequences. It certainly depresses our mood. And in terms of our health, people who struggle with loneliness also have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, dementia, depression, and anxiety. Loneliness is also associated with a shorter lifespan.
- Vivek Murthy
Collection: Health
Image of Vivek Murthy
Science tells us more and more now that there is a strong connection between emotional well-being and health outcomes, and that you can proactively cultivate emotional well-being through relatively simple practices like sleep, social connection and meditation.
- Vivek Murthy
Collection: Science
Image of Vivek Murthy
Empathy has the power to bring together people who would otherwise never meet. It has the power to teach us and to reach us in moments of isolation when we think nobody understands.
- Vivek Murthy
Collection: Power
Image of Vivek Murthy
Loneliness is different than isolation and solitude. Loneliness is a subjective feeling where the connections we need are greater than the connections we have. In the gap, we experience loneliness. It's distinct from the objective state of isolation, which is determined by the number of people around you.
- Vivek Murthy
Collection: Experience
Image of Vivek Murthy
I think of emotional well-being as a resource within each of us that allows us to do more and to perform better. That doesn't mean just the absence of mental illness. It's the presence of positive emotions that allows us to be resilient in the face of adversity.
- Vivek Murthy
Collection: Positive
Image of Vivek Murthy
The amount of sleep you get has an impact, not just on how you feel the next day, but it has an impact on your long-term health as well.
- Vivek Murthy
Collection: Health
Image of Vivek Murthy
If you're very introverted, you prefer to spend much of your time alone, and when you do connect, you'd rather get together with one or two close friends than face a crowd.
- Vivek Murthy
Collection: Alone
Image of Vivek Murthy
Empathy is choosing to see ourselves in another despite our differences. It's recognizing that the same humanity - the same desire for meaning, fulfillment and security - exists in each of us, even if it's expressed uniquely.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
While loneliness has the potential to kill, connection has even more potential to heal.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
Emotional well-being is more than the absence of a mental illness. It's that resource within each of us which allows us to reach ever closer to our full potential, and which also enables us to be resilient in the face of adversity.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
Giving and receiving kindness are easy ways to feel good and to help others feel good too. People, organizations, and societies thrive when they are grounded in a culture of kindness.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
Unlike many other illnesses, what I find profoundly empowering about addressing loneliness is that the ultimate solution to loneliness lies in each of us. We can be the medicine that each other needs. We can be the solution other people crave. We are all doctors and we are all healers.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
It turns out that our ability to connect with other people is driven by our ability to connect deeply with ourselves. And that can be just a few minutes sitting on your porch feeling the breeze against your face. That can be a few moments spent in meditation or in prayer or remembering three things you're grateful for.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
Part of the reason people don't talk about their loneliness is that they feel they will be judged for it.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
Loneliness can become a downward spiral.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
We have to recognize that we can help increase happiness of other people by reaching out, and building connections. People have done that for me in my life. There have been many times that my family and friends have reached out to help support me and contributed to my emotional wellbeing, and ultimately to my health.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
Addiction is a chronic disease of the brain and it's one that we have to treat the way we would any other chronic illness: with skill, with compassion and with urgency.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
Kindness is more than a virtue. It is a source of strength.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
As prevalent as loneliness is, many people don't recognize that people that they know may very well be suffering from loneliness. It's important for many reasons, one of which is that it has a profound impact on health.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
I want to work with faith-based leaders to address the negative attitudes that are still too often associated with mental illness, attitudes that hold people back from getting the help that they need.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
We can't underestimate the power that we have as individuals to provide the support that people need to provide that transition from a place of pain to a place of possibility.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
In the short term if I feel loneliness, it's like any other biological signals. It's like hunger or thirst. It's alerting me that something that's critical for my survival is missing.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
I do not intend to use the Surgeon General's Office as a bully pulpit for gun control.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
We forget some of the oldest medicines we have are love and compassion, and they can be deployed by everyone.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
Well, the responsibility of the surgeon general is to make sure that the public has access to science and access to it in a way that is understandable and that is applicable to their everyday lives.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
I am a big basketball fan. I have been watching basketball ever since I was a young boy.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
I firmly believe that everybody in America needs a safe place to walk or to wheelchair roll.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
My father grew up quite poor actually in a small farming village in South India. His grandfather was a farmer, his father was a farmer, and he was expected to be a farmer as well - his life took a different path.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
When I began my tenure as surgeon general, I did not intend to focus on emotional well-being.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
When I was training in medicine for example, there was a culture in medicine that strong people didn't need sleep, that the less you slept, the more you just powered through a tough call not on no sleep, the stronger you were. That is not helpful to have a culture that supports healthy practices like that.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
One of the things that happens in our regular lives is that when we're in moments of pain or feeling alone, we may hesitate to reach out to others because we may think - they're not going through the same experiences I am.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
I have come to believe that America is a promise we have made to one another.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
I grew up in Miami, Florida and the Miami Heat were my favourite team growing up. In fact, the franchise started when I was here in high school, I believe. My favourite player, growing up at that time on the Miami Heat, was Rony Seikaly but in the years since, Dwyane Wade, also an icon for the Miami Heat, has become my favourite player.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
What defines loneliness is our internal comfort level.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
I trained in internal medicine, and I expected most of my time would be spent on diabetes or heart disease or cancer. What I didn't expect was that so many people I saw would be struggling with loneliness.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
I'm calling for a cultural change in how we think about addiction. For far too long people have thought about addiction as a character flaw or a moral failing.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
When you help someone else, not only do they benefit, but you reaffirm to yourself that you have something of value to give them, and you help to strengthen and nurture a bond with an individual that you're helping.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
Climate change poses a serious, immediate and global threat to health.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
I think that if we want to create a healthier country, we need to empower more people to make changes in their lives. But we also have to empower them to help change their environment.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
We live in a society where individual effort and progress is valued, and that's absolutely correct and is as it should be. But we also are interdependent creatures. We can't succeed solely on our own.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
When it comes to creating emotional wellbeing, we are only going to achieve this, I believe, if we help each other in that effort. Part of that is reaching out and building social connections in people who may not always have the social connections or the support that they need.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
We don't just want to eradicate illness. We want people to achieve their full potential.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
We can work on sharpening our prescribing practices, working with clinicians to ensure we're treating pain safely and effectively.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
It turns out the most powerful way we can turn the tide on chronic disease is something we have been doing for millennia: That is walking.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
For far too many people, the stigma around addiction prevents them from stepping forward for help.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
Gun violence is a problem that this country should be addressing.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
Whenever you have large numbers of people who are dying for preventable reasons, that constitutes a public health issue.
- Vivek Murthy
Image of Vivek Murthy
In fact, people with mental illness are more likely to be the victims of violence rather than anything else. So it's important that we not stereotype folks with mental illness.
- Vivek Murthy