Violet Chachki

Image of Violet Chachki
I've always really loved cinematography and glamorous old Hollywood movies and they go hand in hand.
- Violet Chachki
Image of Violet Chachki
I've always wanted to put my drag character in film because you can have total control over what you're projecting, what image you're portraying.
- Violet Chachki
Image of Violet Chachki
I had always watched HGTV with my mom when I was very young, we would cuddle and watch interior design shows. I think those TV shows are what made me start thinking about aesthetics in a critical way. I think I could always tell when a person or an item was different or expensive or well designed and that was always exciting to me to see.
- Violet Chachki
Image of Violet Chachki
I've always been inspired by Thierry Mugler and John Galliano.
- Violet Chachki
Image of Violet Chachki
There's so many different identities out there and I think they all deserve some visibility.
- Violet Chachki
Image of Violet Chachki
Showing variety in representation in casting is super important, it gives minorities a platform and I think it definitely creates a safe space for conversation and progress.
- Violet Chachki
Image of Violet Chachki
I mean, casting gender non-conforming people in campaigns and editorials and on covers of magazines is a risk for any business because there's going to be controversy, but I think they need to take the risk and believe they're moving in the right direction.
- Violet Chachki
Image of Violet Chachki
It's not my thing to dance in my living room on a livestream, so I'm really having to figure out ways to elevate the digital world and bring it to the level that I've held my drag at for so long.
- Violet Chachki
Image of Violet Chachki
It feels like a lot of times when I'm watching people perform, they're just going through the motions and checking boxes. Costume - good, hair - good, make-up - good, death drop - good; it's like they're just going through a checklist of what makes a 'good performance' but it's not entertaining, it's very disposable.
- Violet Chachki