Vincent McNabb

Image of Vincent McNabb
As you are not yet married, and as marriage is the fundamental state of life as well as the unity of the commonwealth, make up your mind whether you are called to this state. If you make up your mind to marry, do not marry merely a good wife: marry a good mother to your children.
- Vincent McNabb
Collection: Marriage
Image of Vincent McNabb
Hope is some extraordinary spiritual grace that God gives us to control our fears, not to oust them.
- Vincent McNabb
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Vincent McNabb
We cannot go alone to God. We belong to His Mystical Body, the Church; by even our most secret sins, if they be grievous, we have injured the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ and must ask forgiveness of His Mystical Body, too.
- Vincent McNabb
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of Vincent McNabb
How different would this country be if few were engaged in making money and many in making things.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
Sometimes it is a great joy just to listen to someone we love talking.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
Quit Babylon for love of the Babylonians.And do not seek ease or security you can obtain by using Babylon. What will it avail you to cease living in Babylon if you do not also cease living on Babylon?
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
What is superfluous to your poor estate, distribute. This is distributive charity: a virtue so sacred that crimes against it are the forerunner of inevitable doom.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
We shall seek first to tell the truth rather than to study the subtle art of adjusting it to the circumstances of time and person.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
We shall not hold the dangerous axiom that 'truth is the best policy,' because policy is but a means to an end; and truth is an end, not a means.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
Of a truth, there is an inward, formless, inarticulate, almost unconscious, prayer, the very breath of love, whereby the soul is knit fast to the God whom it has tracked, amidst the tangled underwood of human life, to his covert on the eternal hills.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
The forms of thought, into which we throw our timid views of God, are but symbols of truths greater than our thoughts. Yet we may not set them aside as worthless, for they are the rungs on which we dwellers in the cave climb to the full view of the Truth, as he is.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
That mystic clasp of love lies not on the threshold but at the end of spiritual life, and can be reached for the most part only after much spiritual exercising, many denials, self-denials, watchings, and, it may be, the Cross of pain and disillusionment.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
One of the essential and most valid objections against the act of faith is that it is irrational, inasmuch as it offends against the syllogistic rule that the conclusion of an argument shall contain nothing more than the premises.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
Though many men would be content to follow Christ by taking up their cross, few would be willing to follow Him by denying their reason.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
It is no more irrational for the mind to take the word of the Eternal Word than for the eye to use light and for the ear to welcome sound.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
The deductive reasons for a course of action usually follow rather than precede the course of action. Thought follows life.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
St. Thomas is right. The essential prayer is the prayer of petition.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
Certain gifts God makes to the human soul without its asking or desiring; but there are other gifts which the grown-up soul, with the use of reason, can only have by its desire.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
Ordinary Catholics are praying when they do not think they are. They are praying when they offer implicitly all they are doing to God.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
It is somewhat surprising that collections of the 'hundred best books,' which usually begin with the Bible and generally include Marcus Aurelius, should give no place to the Acts of the General Councils, though mere literary works have done little beyond filling vacant hours, and these Acts have renewed the face of the earth.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
Perhaps no General Council has been more naturally fitted than the Vatican Council to produce a masterpiece of religious thought and literature. No assembly of men since the time of Christ has ever been so representative of Christian and national thought.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
Marriage is an indissoluble state of life wherein a man and a woman agree to give each other power over their bodies for the begetting, birth, and upbringing of offspring.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
As the wedded pair have given each other power over their bodies, it would be a grave sin for one to refuse either altogether or for a considerable time the fulfilment of the marriage debt.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
Most humbly, my beloved Saviour, I bow myself before thee. I am a worm and no man. I alone deserve to suffer. I alone shrink from suffering. I was with thee in thy days of joy, singing 'Hosanna,' and I wished to make thee King. Now, in thine hour of suffering, I am far from thee.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
The Virgin Birth is possible if there is a God. An Omnipotent Being who can do all things and yet cannot do some things is hardly worth our attack or defence.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
No sin, especially no great sin, is just a harm done to the individual who commits it. I believe myself that the future of the human race is bound up with that idea. The soul that is conscious of a grievous sin is conscious of a great harm done to the community - to someone else. That common hurt should now be forgiven.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
Dear children in Jesus Christ, prayer is absolutely necessary.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
Our dear Lord said we should pray always. Everything we are doing should be either a prayer in itself or can be made into a prayer. Any action that is not in itself wrong can be done in union with God and His divine will.
- Vincent McNabb
Image of Vincent McNabb
Beauty is the radiance of truth, and the frangrance of goodness.
- Vincent McNabb
Collection: Dream
Image of Vincent McNabb
There are no short cuts to Heaven, only the ordinary way of ordinary things.
- Vincent McNabb
Collection: Patience
Image of Vincent McNabb
Buy boots you can walk in. Walk in them. Even if you lessen the income of the General Omnibus Company, or your family doctor; you will discover the human foot. On discovering it, your joy will be as great as if you had invented it. But this joy is the greatest, because no human invention even of Mr. Ford or Mr. Marconi is within a mile of a foot.
- Vincent McNabb
Collection: Doctors
Image of Vincent McNabb
What great delight it is to see the ones we love and then to have speech with them.
- Vincent McNabb
Collection: Delight