Victor Hugo

Image of Victor Hugo
The ox suffers, the cart complains.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
It is from books that wise people derive consolation in the troubles of life.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
When a man is out of sight, it is not too long before he is out of mind.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Never laugh at those who suffer; suffer sometimes those who laugh.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
The omnipotence of evil has never resulted in anything but fruitless efforts. Our thoughts always escape from whoever tries to smother them.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Curiosity is one of the forms of feminine bravery.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Reaction - a boat which is going against the current but which does not prevent the river from flowing on.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
The brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over we realize this: that the human race has been roughly handled, but that it has advanced.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
What Shakespeare was able to do in English he would certainly not have done in French.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Strange to say, the luminous world is the invisible world; the luminous world is that which we do not see. Our eyes of flesh see only night.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Mankind is not a circle with a single center but an ellipse with two focal points of which facts are one and ideas the other.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
The word is the Verb, and the Verb is God.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
My tastes are aristocratic, my actions democratic.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
To think of shadows is a serious thing.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
It is the end. But of what? The end of France? No. The end of kings? Yes.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
To think is of itself to be useful; it is always and in all cases a striving toward God.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
A noble soul and real poetic talent are almost always inseparable.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Close by the Rights of Man, at the least set beside them, are the Rights of the Spirit.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
No one ever keeps a secret so well as a child.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Love that is not jealous is neither true nor pure.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Many great actions are committed in small struggles.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
One of the hardest tasks is to extract continually from one's soul an almost inexhaustible ill will.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Taste is the common sense of genius.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
A creditor is worse than a slave-owner; for the master owns only your person, but a creditor owns your dignity, and can command it.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
The last resort of kings, the cannonball. The last resort of the people, the paving stone.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Idleness is the heaviest of all oppressions.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Prayer is an august avowal of ignorance.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Despotism is a long crime.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
When a man understands the art of seeing, he can trace the spirit of an age and the features of a king even in the knocker on a door.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Genius: the superhuman in man.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Do not let it be your aim to be something, but to be someone.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Indigestion is charged by God with enforcing morality on the stomach.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
There is no such thing as a little country. The greatness of a people is no more determined by their numbers than the greatness of a man is by his height.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Civil war? What does that mean? Is there any foreign war? Isn't every war fought between men, between brothers?
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
It is most pleasant to commit a just action which is disagreeable to someone whom one does not like.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Almost all our desires, when examined, contain something too shameful to reveal.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Men like me are impossible until the day when they become necessary.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
To be perfectly happy it does not suffice to possess happiness, it is necessary to have deserved it.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Smallness in a great man seems smaller by its disproportion with all the rest.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Sublime upon sublime scarcely presents a contrast, and we need a little rest from everything, even the beautiful.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
The ideal and the beautiful are identical; the ideal corresponds to the idea, and beauty to form; hence idea and substance are cognate.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
As a means of contrast with the sublime, the grotesque is, in our view, the richest source that nature can offer.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
Everything being a constant carnival, there is no carnival left.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
By putting forward the hands of the clock you shall not advance the hour.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
We say that slavery has vanished from European civilization, but this is not true. Slavery still exists, but now it applies only to women and its name is prostitution.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
The little people must be sacred to the big ones, and it is from the rights of the weak that the duty of the strong is comprised.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
It is by suffering that human beings become angels.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time as come.
- Victor Hugo
Image of Victor Hugo
There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky; there is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the soul.
- Victor Hugo