Venus Williams

Image of Venus Williams
The first rounds of a tournament are always tricky because playing tennis takes a lot out of you.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
You win with your feet. It looks easy, and it's not.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
The most challenging thing is people do see me as a tennis player, but I've had a lot of opportunities because I am a tennis player. And I don't mind that.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
After almost 30 years of playing this sport, I've learned something. I've learned that, no matter what happens, or happened... or where you are, or where you've been... at the end of the day: tennis is tennis. It's always, always tennis. And there's nothing better.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I spent my whole life playing sports and training and pushing myself to the limits.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
When you get told that you have a disease, it's like: 'Really? Nah, it's all right. I don't believe that. It must be something else, I'm just making an excuse, let me push harder.'
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I don't come to tournaments to make friends, to go to parties, to hold conversations. I come to be the best, and I'm not mean and cruel and dirty.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
If you look at me, I'm very tall but I'm not huge or muscular. I tend to be slim and you know, I actually can lose weight quicker than I can gain it.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
As far as everyone else's opinion, I mean, if I would have thought that everyone was right, I probably wouldn't have left Compton, so I don't get too caught up on what the next person thinks.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I think I've been fortunate to be at the top of the game and in the media for years, and a lot of times, people want to be your friend when you're on the top. You know, there have been times when I've been injured and I never got a phone call. So that's the way it is.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
Grand Slam losses are hard. I treat myself after losses though, I usually go to McDonald's and I have a hamburger and you know, something. Because you know, you just need to be nice to yourself sometimes after the loss.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
Losses have propelled me to even bigger places, so I understand the importance of losing. You can never get complacent because a loss is always around the corner. It's in any game that you're in - a business game or whatever - you can't get complacent.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
For years I felt that I didn't have enough stamina and then, four years ago, I felt like I was not getting enough air but I was diagnosed with exercise-induced asthma. The medicine for asthma never worked.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
Right now, I'm at the top of the world in my game so my focus isn't on when I'm going to end. My focus is on playing the best tennis that I can, and there is no end to that.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
It's what I've trained for, from the first sketch to the fabric. Making dresses that are different from the usual style, and a lot of fun to wear.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
My dresses are designed to win, so going through it, I think about, what do I want to represent? So, definitely, Vera Wang has been an inspiration for me.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
'Oh and Oh' is a tennis term... It's a nice way of saying you took your opponent to pieces.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I'm only seeing tennis balls these days. And maybe the occasional fashion sketch.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
Since I started playing at the Olympics in 2000, I have always wanted to do a dress based on Wonder Woman. It should be interesting to wear. And hopefully, it will get me a gold medal.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I say accessorize, accessorize, accessorize. If you don't accessorize, someone else will.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I'm not a trend person. I don't want to look to my right and see somebody in the same thing.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I don't carry a purse when I fly because I have my Hello Kitty carry-on. I'm the biggest adult supporter.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I wear a lot of tight dresses, so I'm like, 'I need to do my sit-ups!'
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
Serena and I have done some great career planning, and we're playing really at the peak of our tennis right now. I think tennis has been a sport where people play this insane schedule from 14 years old, so of course at 26, it's over. We've really paced ourselves.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
No TV, no acting for me. I'm kind of a more behind-the-scenes kind of woman even though what I do is very public. I'm really low-key and I don't need to be the center of attention.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
If I don't wear something I feel confident in, I don't play as well.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
My goal is always the same: to keep the other player from ever scoring a point. That doesn't always happen, but that's what I try for.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
Everything is tennis for me, it's my career and it's entertainment, but it's also a business.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
A lot of times when you play... you get this adrenalin that blocks pain.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
Rain is good for me. I feel like I achieve clarity actually when it rains. The longer I have to sit and wait, the clearer my game becomes to me.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I knew my destiny was to be in the winner's circle. There were times along the way where I didn't make it there. But I felt my destiny was definitely to win big titles, win lots of titles.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I guess some kids around me had to grow up quickly, had all those problems. But I wasn't one of those kids, or around those kids, not at all.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I know it's not the most important thing for me to win the most Grand Slams and be remembered in this world. I certainly don't have to win little tournaments here, there and everywhere, I don't have to win at all. Although I do want to.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
If I didn't play tennis I don't know where I'd be.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I guess tennis is my main art, but fashion is definitely very close.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I just try to stay positive and focused on the tennis, not let anything get to me, like crazy questions. But I'm tough, let me tell you, tough as nails.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
The thing is, it's not good anyway for eight-year-olds to be out there playing tennis tournaments so soon in their lives. But when I did get to play in a tournament, when I was nine, I was overjoyed.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I'm always on the court with my dad.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I contribute my best in my sport and I also have a ton of respect for myself and my family.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
You have to stay on top and learn from mistakes.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I think nowadays it's so easy as an athlete to become a statistic whether or not you lose everything or having trouble or whatever it may be.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
My motto has always been that you can't say, 'Oh, it won't happen to me.' You have to say, 'That can happen to me.' So always be aware that things can happen.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
Like anyone else, I enjoy my days off.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
It's such an honor to do this job because I love it. And I get to work outside, and what can beat that?
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
The first time you win, nobody picks you; the last time you win, nobody picks you. You've just got to pick yourself.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
If I have to work hard or think hard or just copy somebody else that's doing it better - whatever it takes, I'm going to find that solution. That's the drive that keeps me going.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I think there's a connection with what you wear. If you don't feel good about what you're wearing, you aren't going to feel confident, and you aren't going to be able to concentrate.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
If I don't go to the gym for a week, I just get thinner and thinner.
- Venus Williams
Image of Venus Williams
I don't snack a lot, because I didn't grow up snacking.
- Venus Williams