Ulrika Jonsson

Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but I also know that funny outlasts pretty any day of the week.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Beauty
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Parenting is a rollercoaster of baloney with no instruction manual. We just have to do our best.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Parenting
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
As a relentless romantic, the prospect of being a 'lonely heart' has always had shameful undertones of desperation and hopelessness, and it's society's way of making you feel a failure.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Failure
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
If an unfit person pushes themself for a quick fitness fix they could end up with a broken ankle, or I knew it could reignite my chronic back problem.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Fitness
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
But a lot more women in their 50s are taking greater freedoms and having more independence. I rail against this whole thing that we should go quietly, become invisible and just disappear.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Independence
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
The behaviour of the child more often than not comes down to the parenting. And before you ask, no, I didn't get it all right. One thing I did get right, I believe, is to make my children understand that the world did not revolve around them at all times.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Collection: Parenting
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
In the good old days when there was no social media and no mobile phones, when you were forced to actually physically meet someone and you often mixed in the same social groups, there was a sense of accountability about things.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Like many, I struggled with exams. That was a great source of frustration as I felt I was only ever being assessed on my performance on a single day.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
When your love life is in the hands of algorithms alone, you're heading down a one-way street. And sometimes that's a street sorely lacking in reality, substance or even genuine connection.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
My early childhood was notable by an absence of proper meals and highly processed food.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Conformity is for followers, not leaders.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
We are an island nation and yet, in the 43 years I have lived in England, I believe I've only heard two Public Service Announcements regarding drowning and the dangers of water.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
To be quite frank, people shouldn't have to resort to going without heating, putting foil on the backs of their radiators, fleece on their windows or eating cold beans because they can't afford to use the microwave.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Coming from Sweden, I've always grown up with images of older women around me.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I tend to live my life for me. Because I was unfaithful in my first marriage, that doesn't reflect particularly well, whereas I'm pretty sure if I'd been a man, it would have been passed over.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I had to learn during lockdown that kids make a mess and I have to stand by. And that was tough.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I worked for Andy Coulson and he was very clear... that obviously if a story was to come up about me, he had a duty to run it, but he would speak to me about it first.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
The press has always done terrible things to me.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
By my fourth pregnancy I'd send somebody else to get a pregnancy test because I daren't be seen going into Boots for one.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
My experience of the press has always been one of fear. They make me nervous and scared.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I'm a hedonist and a spontaneous person who believes in love. While it would feel strange getting married again, I can't ever rule it out for the future.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
If I'm too lively, too crazy for someone, then you're not my guy.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I'm old school and had trained to be a presenter, but suddenly everyone on social media thought they could perform that role too. There were also so many commercial TV channels and more trashy shows. Although I love watching them, I didn't want to be part of them.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
As my 50th loomed, I had this feeling that if I didn't go on ;MasterChef' now, I probably never would. After a break of many years from TV, it seemed like the right time and place to dip back into it.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I wanted to show there's more to Swedish food than Ikea meatballs.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I'm trying to find a way to love my body. It's a bit wrinkly but that's how it is. In terrible lighting it can look alright.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
What I know so far: I'm a lioness of boundless proportions. I am fierce; I am loyal. Passion courses through my veins; fire scorches my heart and imagination canters like a wild horse through my buoyant, tangled mind.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I love with reckless abandon and ardour at times when caution and circumspection might be the order of the day.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Everyone was having fun in their 20s and 30s. I wasn't. I had a career. I married at 23. Had first child at 27. For me life was about family and career.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I was always previously looking for The One. I am not any more. I don't need anyone. I am really happy in my own company.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I hated my girls' love of princesses, ballet and all things pink and glittery. I didn't want it foisted on them at such a tender age.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I love a masculine man. That's just me. It doesn't ever have to be at the expense of him being in touch with his feminine side.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Apart from anything else, in the most genuinely self-deprecating way, I find it very hard to watch myself on screen, whatever you might think.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Misogyny is still very much alive and kicking in the world of football.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I've never in my life fought over a man.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I have people I don't particularly want around me over Christmas, family with whom relationships have been volatile, unreliable or painful.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
If you go on a reality show in the vain hope you might be viewed as something other than who people believe you are, you will come unstuck.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
A couple of years into filming 'Gladiators', I became pregnant with my first child, and as someone who'd had maternity coursing through her veins since she was young, I threw myself head-first into all things motherhood.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Many women are great at having a separate life that runs alongside motherhood because they've smartly worked out that they need to hold on to their identity as a woman, a friend, a colleague and a professional in order that they don't lose themselves.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I have always been very low down on the list of priorities in the world of family and domesticity.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Plenty of successful women started either as an unrecognised grafter or as a bit of decoration to the side of the screen.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I have been known to catastrophise some things when life's not going as I'd hoped or planned.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Norland nannies teach 'emotion coaching' which enables the child to talk through difficult emotions or events, and instructs them to find different ways of dealing with them.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Life gets busy and we choose the path of least resistance when it comes to bringing up our children.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Women have been programmed to criticise their own bodies because we should have the shape that society, and in particular men, want.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I have to actively stop myself from calling bits of myself 'fat' whenever I see something wobble because, fundamentally, I know that it isn't.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I think we may have overlooked men's negative feelings about their bodies because judgment of women has historically always been so much harsher.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
I've grown increasingly bored and frustrated with stars and creatives making their political thoughts and beliefs known at showbiz gatherings and award ceremonies.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
If kids aren't allowed to experience monotony and tedium, it's unlikely they will value the times they are entertained.
- Ulrika Jonsson
Image of Ulrika Jonsson
Living as we do in an over-stimulative world where kids are brought up on an all-you-can-eat buffet of technological gadgets, screens and electronic games, it's really important they have a break from that and tap into their imagination.
- Ulrika Jonsson